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A daughter was bom to Jacob Biscüoff last Thursday. A Lemble has opened a meat raarket at 6 South Brown street. Rev. Dr. Cobern delivered the sermón bef ore the Bay View assembly Sunday morning. Jay White was fined $2 and $4.70 costs in Justice Pond's ooutt Saturday for being drnnk. Catherine Reyer has sold her farm near Kalamazoo to Jay Pray ; transfer through Bach & Butler agency. Henry Altmeyer, of this city, and Mrs. Anna Klassen were married by Justice Gibson last Thursday evening. The rate of taxation for the lateral sewer iu district No. 4, the Huron street district, will be $16] 66 on $1,000 viihiation. . An agent for Funk&Wagnall's great Standard dictionary is canvassing the city. There are alreadyj a number of copies owned here. Theodore Reyer has bought Joseph Pray's property in Lincoln avenue, and will greatly improve the saine. Transfer through Bach & Butler agency. William Hasneck, a Kalamazoo man, was arrested Tuesday for nssaulting GeorgeHazelwood aud was flned $3. 94 costs by Justice Gibson. He paid. Mrs. Martindale, of Hillsdale, has leased rooms over J. T. ffacobs' store and will open a milligery business. She' has also leased a houïè on Ingalls strëet aud wili move here. Mrs. Phylinda Marsh, wife of James Marsh, of Scio, died Monday at the advanced age of eighty-fotir years. The funeral will be held this morning from the family residence. Col. H. S. Dean will be one ,of the representatives of the Twenty-Second Michigan Infantry at the dediciition of the Michigan monuments at Chicka- mauga, September 18. Mrs. Anna J. Dale died at her home on Beakes street Priday night, of con surnption, aged forty-eight years. The funeral was held at the Second Baptist church Sunday afternon. Two "onths, of respectable anteeedents, but short of cash, were brought before Justice Pond Friday, charged with boarding a train in motion and fined $2 and $4.70 costs each. Bennett French will be tried before Justice Gibson next Wednesflay on the charge of malicionsly destroying fifteen chickens belonging to .Göorge' James He pleads not guilty. A. W. Gasser has been appointed superintendent of Gabriel's carriage works in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Gasser and his family leave for Cleveland in about a week. Ann Arbor loses a fine workm-Nn and a good citizen who has many friends here. Louis Rhode bas had bad luuk with one, of the houses moved on his property on West Washington street. In placing it on the foundation walls on Monday one of the jacks slipped and the rear of the house oame down pushing out the foundation walls. Martin Vogel was brought before Justice Pond Tuesday on complaint of Marshal Petrson, charged with keeping his saloon open last Sunday. The marshal says he will make it hot for saloon keepers who sell to minors or persons to whom they have been notified not to sell. Jacob Reichert, of Scio, president of the Germán Farmers' Mutual fire insurance company, says that the wheat he threshed turned out much better than he expected. His oat erop was the best he has ever harvested. His corn and potatces are looking fine. He thinks the farmers should not complain but be conten ted. The many friends in the city of Ander - son Hopkins, Ph. D., assistant in the general library, were surprised and gratified to learn that he had received the deserved promotion to a similar position in the great Creror scien tifie library in Chicago, at a salary of $2,000, or a little more than twice what he received here. Mr. Hopkins is devoted to library work and will make his mark in bis ch osen field. Thomas Eagle will start n notion store on Fourth avenue. B. B. Thompson has sold his lot on Mary street to Dj. J. L. Rose. The poor expenses inourred in Ann Arbor during July were $123.59. There were 53 members of the Light Infantry that started for camp Tuesday. Geddes avenue near Oxford street will be graded at au expense not to exceed 150. Secretary Mills, of the fair association has already secnred $200 worth of special premiums. Mrs. George Moore has just moved into her new resideuce just completed on Miller avenue. Dr. Dell wants to build a sinall ring in Feloh park so that children can ride his Shetland ponies. A new water main is being put in on West Huron street extending from Seventh street to O. T. Edmund's house. Regular morning services will be resumed at the Presbyterian church next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Gelston preaching. The Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor officers made an even number of arrests last month, just an even fourteen for each city. The way to sell your farm is to put Jan ad. in the want column of the Argus. Only 25 cents for three weeks' insertion. A. P. Ferguson shipped nine carts to India during July. He has just received an order for two carts from New Zealand A number of young ladies of the best families of Ann Arbor have formed a bloomer club and are expected soon to blooin out in a body. The ladies of the Presbyterian church hold a sewing society and inissionary tea at the residence of Mrs. Irland, on Washtenaw avenue, this afternoon. ij The street car line wishes to inake another loop in its line, the additional line it desires to build being ou Kingsley street from Detroit to State and State street from Kingsley to the Central depot. Marshal Peterson reported to the council Monday night fourteen arrests dtfring July, of which three were drunk six violating city ordinances; two, assanlt and battery; two, larceny, and one insane. The Wol verme cycle club will give a ten mile race in September. The following have been appointed a committee on arrangements.: Ed. Staebler, A. L. Smith, F. Muehlig.jHarvey Stofflet and Henry Owen. John Webb, óf Lynden, lost a barn Saturday by fire which was probably Started by sparks from a threshing macïhrie. The barn was insrtreiï for $200 and its contents for $300 in thé Mutual tnsurance company. ; ; Pipe for the new water main1 has been laid along Miller avenue fropwGott to Brook street' and up to the Mhccabee' addition. This will give Minerville tnuch better fire protection. The Young People's Society of Bethlehem church will give an excursión to Detroit on Wednesday, August 21. Fare Eor the round trip ninety cents.i 'Chil iren under twelve, fifty cents. Let Sverybody come and bring their basketsj The excursión is for the benefit of thé new church. Early next Tuesday morniner the Y. M. C. A. boys start across country to Whitmore Lake with boats, blankets, tents and altogether a complete camping outfit. This is a new veuture, but it already promises to be highly successful. Anyone who wishes to join this party may obtain particulars at the Y. M. C. . rooms. Marshal Peterson arrested Andrew Neff, of Scio, Sjatnrday for cruelty to animáis Neff dame to town with two oompanions, hie horse bleeding copiously at the nostrils and very weak and famished. Under the marshal's directions the horse was shot. Neff will have his examination before Justice Pond next Friday. While C. L. Pray, delivery clerk for Dean & Co., was riding a bicycle in Detroit last Saturday, he collided with a farmer's wagon and was thrown under a passing electric car. His right leg was splintered above the ankle and his head and arm badly bruised. It is not yet positively known if the doctors oan save the leg. Prof. Mark W. Harrington, formerly the director of the Detroit observatory of the University of Michigan, and recently at the head -of the weather bureau in Washington, has been offered the presidency -of the University of the State of Washington, Prof. Harrington has many friends in Ann Arbor who wish him success. George Wetter was tried before Justice Pond Monday on tbe charge of the larceny of a shovel and piek. Tbe defense, conducted by C. H. Kline, was that the shovel and piek were taken with no iutention of stealing tbem, but simply to annoy the workmen to whom they belonged. The jury acquitted Wettei of larceny. Mrs. Prof. Trueblood gave a dramatic rendering of Silas Marner, Tuesday evening, before a good audience of summer school studentsandothers in Room 24, main hall of the University. Mrs. Trueblood is an able impersonator and handled the wide range of the character painting of George Eliot's master piece in a way that brougnt most hearty applause from her listeners. August Dupsloff was kicked by his horse Sunday, and his upper lip split. A new front to Schuraaeber's hardware store is in prooess of construction. Zion ohurch held a very interesting Suuday school picnic at Reief Park yesterday. A new roof has been put on the house of Mrs. Edward Treadwell, on Huron street. James J. Parshall thinks the late Crawford peaches this year will be large and fine. Warren E. Pierce, of Ypsilanti, has received a pension and Daniel Pierce an increase. A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McAll aster, Saturday evening. James N. Martin, lit '94, law '96, has been appointed ju&tice of the peace in Chicago. The lateral sewer on North Main street caved in yesterday, but no one was hurt. Otseningo lodge visited Charles H. Major last evening and helped him celébrate his birthday. If you want to rent your rooms use the Argus want column. Ad. inserted three weeks for 25c, Ex-Supervisor Amos Corey, of the flfth ward, had a bad iall over a chair in the dark Tuesday night. Rev. John Bigham, instructor in philosophy in the University, filis the pulpit of the M. E. church Sunday. The high school department of the Epworth league give a social in the M. E. churoh parlors this evening. Wanted - Every man, woman and child to have cards printed at the Argus office. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Cari Worden has been appointed surgeon of an Ishpeming mine, aud leaves for his new position August 15. The ladies of St. Thomas church give a lawn social next Thursday evening on the school lawn. A fine programme is being prepareü. Mail Carriers Nos. 5 and 10, W. F. Armstrong and Karl Kern, are taking their vacation. As members of the Light Infantry they1 are spending it at Island JJake. The J. T. Jacobs ciotiiing company are temporarily oceupying the old Randall store, en Huron street. Their rooms on Main street are under repairs. If Fred MoGinnis had taken Piosecuting Attorney Randall's advice and skipped the town he would not be spending ten days in jaii. Fred thought he would take one more drunk and go, but the officers nabbed him. The Aun Arbör light infantry left here Tuedsay for Island Lake, where over forty oompanies are in camp frorn all parts of the state. Brigadier General Hawley, of Bay City, is in command. ' No one need get excited over the rumor of a prospective change in the location of the postoffice to another private building. The next move CJncle Sam makes here will be into a government building. The Argo milis have lowered their pond about three feet to pave the break water for a short distance above the dam. The stench from the poüd makes the snrrounding inhabitants hope for a speedy completion of the work. A young man little more than a boy was picked up at Milan last Saturday and brought to jail here. He gives his name as Walter Rogers. He is iusaue on the subject of railroads and imitates the cars, making all the noises an engine makes. He will be taken to Pontiac. Mr. Clark has cut out 163 peach strees from his orchard ou Observatory street, and says he expects to remove two hnndred more. He has been exhibiting some of the peaches from these trees to the fruit dealers of the city, so that they inay avoid purchasing the diseased fruit. At the annual meeting of the grand lodge D. O. H. in Lansing, Eugene Oesterlin, of tbis city, was re-elected treasurer. The society has a state nierubersihp of 562, a gain of 172 in the year. It has a balance in the treasury of $1 , 794 and dnring the past year ouly $988 was paid out to beneficiaries. John C. Walz, the popular teller of the State Savings bank, was married Wednesday evening to Miss Regina M. Lang, also of this city, Rev. Max Hein officiating. A banquet was served after the ceremonies. The presents were numerous and costly. The happy couple will reside in their new house on West Huron street. Mrs. Anna Weitbrecht died yesterday afternoon at the home of her son-inlaw, Gottlob Staebler in Dixboro. She was eighty-nine years old last April. She had ten children, of whom two survive her, a son, Jacob Weitbrecht, of Howell, and a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Staebler. The funeral will be held at the house at 10 a. m. Saturday. The horse of Mrs. William Canwell. of Chtibb street, died Monday of eating too many apples. It had been turned ont in the orchard. W. G. Dietsrle has moved into his new store, Nos. 6 aud 8 East Liberty street. The carpenters are not yet out of the building, bnt iu about two weeks i the store rooms will be conipleted and stocked with a new purchase of furniture which Mr. Dieterle is now buyiiig in Grand Rapids and Chicago. The building is neatly constructed and is a praiseworthy addition to the business houses of Ann Arbor. Prof. J. Fred Schaeberle, of Linden Hall Moravian Young Ladies seminary, at Lititz, Pa., who with his faniily have been the gnests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schaeberle, of South Second street, left on Monday for Chicagoj Mrs. Schaeberle and children joined him there on Wednesday, when they left for Los Angeles, Cal. , their future home. Mr. Schaeberle has been a successful teacher. He has not yet decded what business he will enter into, but he believes that an entire change of climate will be beneficial to his health. Fred Collum, bartender in Polhemus' salojn, died of abscess of the brain fifteeu minutes before midnight, Tnesday. He had been under Dr. Kapp's care since Sunday during all of the time being delirious. Tuesday morning a discharge from the ear led the doctor to beleive that an abscess of the brain was the canse of the trouble. Tuesday evening Dr. Kapp, assisted by Drs Darling and Coe, removed the skull bones above the abscess and found a large quantity of puss. Relief carne too late, however, and the patiënt died shortly afterwards. The funeral was held yesterday at the residence of his brother, Add Collum. Rev. Lawrence Cole conducted the services. The remains were taken to Lake Ridge. The deceased was aged thirtyseven years. two monf-.hs and twentyseven days. He leaves a wife and a j nine year old daughter. Prof. George Kñigbt, son of J. W. i Knight, spent Friday night in the city last week, on his return from Wequetonsiug, where he is spending the summer with his family. Mr. Knight left on tbc Ann Arbor road for Columbus, Ohio, where he filis the chair of political economy in the Ohio state imiversity. After-filling a ten days' engagement of special lectures he will again go north to fiaish his vacation. He is a strong international bmietalist aud doesiiotbelieve jn the free coinage of silver 16 to 1. This, he says, simply nieans scaling down debts flfty per cent. A large majority of the workingmen in Columbus six months ago favored free silver, now not one in five. Tney have realized the inevitable rule that wages are the last to go up in response to a rise in prices of goods, and the flrst to drop when there is a decline. The workingmen must pay an increased price for their necessities long before they receive any benefit. The Beethoven quartette sings at the picnic given by St. Patrck's church, Brighton, on August 15. The following programme will be reuiered : "Three Doughty Men," comic, bass solo, by H. C. Meuth, with quartette accompaniment ; tenor solo, selected, August Koch ; "See the Rivers Flowing, ' ' quartette ; bass solo, selected , J. A. Kelly, with quartette ; "MillWheel, old Germán air, quartette ; tenor solo, selected, Frank Ryan, with quartette. i The Beethoven quartette is composed ! of August Koch, first tenor and manaI ger ; Frank Ryau, second tenor ; Jas. A. Kelly, first bass; Henry C. Meuth, second bass; F. C. Whightman, musical director; Miss Ella Meuth, pianist, i Excursión rates have been secured I direct to Brighton and return for half fare. You should leave yonr name with Frank Ryan, at Burchfield's, East Huron street. A special car will be given the pleasure seekers if a sufficient uumber indicate their willingness to I attend. Rev. Fr. Hennessy will prove himself an exellent host.