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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. Fr'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE- A farm of 100 acres in Lima, good building and tiniber; also 40 acres in Lodi, good buildhiv-. i II watered. Will sell orexcbange for suitable house and lot in city. Apply or address Wm. Osius. Box 1551, Ann Arbor. 68-68 TO LOAN - SSOO on rea) estáte security. Address W., care of Argus. FORSALEOR RENT-A new 8-room house wil ba good barn, good well, tw o good ei terns, one and one-nalf lotsof land. Terms easy. Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. i.'tf. FOK SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St. in acre or flve acre lots or all together. Long time. sinall payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. MeDouald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mioh. - h'ARM TO KENT- Containing about 200 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fe ïocs and barns. Water in barns. Cali on A M. Clark, 47 S. División st., Ann Arbor, or A.F Clark Saline, Micn. PIANO TUN1NG.- A. D. llrown, the well kuown piano toner with C J.Whitney. will be i ii the city soon. Orders lelt at the Alto us ofhce will receive his attnrion. WANTED- A MAN in every seetion at once to sellstaplegoods to dealers; no ped i rtlini;; experience unnecessary; best side lint'. $75.00 a month. Salary and expenses or large commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for sealed particulars, Clifton Soapand Manufacturinir Company, Ciucinnati, Ohio. HOUSE TO KENT- Suitabie for roomers and boarders. ís flno ' tocHtRm as thereis in this city. Inqutre ut 47 S. División. A SOBER, industiious man Küd his son, 18 í. years of ase, delire work. Can givethe best of referenees. Intuiré at lOBW.Huron Street. 55-58 FÜR SALE CHEAP- A good team Boiler for heatinjf about a niu .loom bouse. Apply to Mrs. Richmoud, 60 E. Huron St. orJ. F. Sctiuh, 31 S. MainSt. 5ï-6o TEA CLUB ORDERS. We will present either a 100 Pikce Enolish Dinner Set, or a lü Piece Enolish Bedkoom 5ET, to ladies gettine up a club. We guaranteeourTeas ond Ba King Ponder to give entire satisfaction. Tliis is an excellent opportunity for hidtes to obtain a beautiful Dinner 3et or Bedroom Set f ree. We make this offer :o introduce our Teas and Baking Powder to :he readers of this paper. For full partieuars, write or cali on A. BEESCH, Importer of Feas, 613 Summit Sf., Toledo, O. Refereníes, all Toledo. MWant Money? or a Home? Wan Work? or a Farm? Want to open a store in a growing town? Want -_. _ to raise live stock? Want to know how to buy improved farms in a Vil i Wel1 Bettle(1 reirion without pay[ UU ingcash? Particulars and publicatioDs sent free by F. I. WHIT NEY, St. Paul, Minn.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News