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Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, cOrTÏ OP Washtenaw. Tüo nnderMghwl hmnií Vtii appointed by the Probnte i "mn lor Mtid u.,nty, Coumiissiouers to receive, exuuiiu ,tnd adji'st all cla'niB .'nd demaiids oi all persons ugulnsi ilie eatatv ol Agur Taylor, lte ol nW Uoiiury, deceased, hereby give notice !hai 4x raonths hom dau'aie allowed, by order oi siid Probate ( inrt, fov'veditors to prsaenl iheir claims againt he est'Hf of said deoeased and that they wil] nuv :it th' hue residencc oisaul deceased ititlie town-liip of Dexter, in said connty, on the lfitu dav ol' Oclober and on the 16th dV of Januarynext, nt ten o'clnuk A. M. of etich ol aaici day.-, to receive, exuuiine aud adjust said claimt. Dated July 16, IS95. GEORGF. ALLEY, GOPTLIEU ANDRESS, CoiniuisMoners. Mortgrage Sale. IVíHEKEA? DEPAULT HAS BEEN MADE in the paymeul of the money secured ly ;i mortgngc tlated the l:tth dny of &.ngust, in the year 18BÍ, ezeonted by .Tohu Hpeare of North Hartland, Niágara Oounty, State of New York, a farmer and anmarrled, of the nrsl part, to Seth G. Eowley and Georgre W Eddy of Midclieport, in 8ai"l county, of the Becond part, wnlch said mortirage w;isi re. cnrdi'd in the office of the Kegisler of J)tcds of the County of Washtenaw. in Hber 74 of D ; on pige 109,00 the Ifitli dny of AuffUSt, 1892, at 8 o'olock a. in. And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said mortgagre is the snm of nine hundred and oneand twentyone huodredthe dollars (ÍB01 20 of principal and Interest, and iliefurtl . iMiniof twenty-llve dollars au nttorney cc . agreeable to the Btatute m such case and piovided, and whicli i the wliole claimed to be due and unpaid ou said moitpage, and nosuit or proceedlDg Qaving l" i n Instltuted at law to recover the debt aow remaining eeured by said mortgage or :i ii v nart thereof , whereby the power of U' ntalned In said mortjrage has beconie operatire, Now, t licicfore, notice is hereby given, that by vlrtue Of the said power of sale, and in pursuanqe of thestatutein such caso made and proTided, tlic said mortgaire will be foreelosed by a sale of said premises therein descrlbed at public auction to the hifrhest bidder, at the west front door of thecourt house in the city of Ann Arbor. in eald countyof Washtenaw, (that beinft the place of holding the circuit court for eaid couuty,) on the 2Ttli day of August, A. T. 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, which said premises are describid in said mortKage as follows, to-wit: All theestate, riL'ht tltle, and interest of the -.nul Bpears (it belng the on e-half thereoi subjeci to thellfe estáte of Hannah Boycci of in and to all that tract or parcel of land, sitúate in the Township of Superior, Countyof Washtenaw and state of Michigan, deserfbed as FoIIowb: ('oniinenciug at the Southwest corner of Sec. 31 in Townshipof Superior, running theuce north aloug the west boundary line of Sec. 31,elgh1 cliains and flfty links; thence north twenty-tnree degrees and íorty minutes east 'forty-four ohalns; thence north fifty-six and one-fourth degreeg, east cwenty-three Ohalns and flfty links to the north and soutb quarter line to a staketrom which a ivhite oak. 2 lnohes in diameter, stands north fourteen degrees, east flfty-four links and a white oak, ÜU iuches iu diameter, stands norlh twenty-one aud one-half desree-, enst tirenty-tbree links; tbence soutb forty aegrees, east sixty chains and sixty links to a quarter Btake on the south line of thesection : thenee west two degrees. south alongthe soutli line of the township aforesaid. thlrty-eight chains and flftysix links to the place of bezinning, contaiiiing-one hundred aud sixty-one acres of land, more or less, exceptiujr and reserrintr a strip of land twenty-one roda wlde along the w-hole lensrth of the east side of said land. Dated this 31st day of May, A. D.. 1895: SETfT G EOWLEY, GEORGE W. EDDY, LEHiiAif Bros., Mortgagees. Attorueys for Mortfrageea. ! Mortgage Sale. [ I J tEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE TX THE , conditions of a eertal n mortgage made . , by Malvina Rooney, oí the city of Aun A-bor, i County ol Washtenaw, and State of Michigan and duted March 4th, A. l. 1892, and iv.-orded , intheofflceof tbe Reg-Isterof Deeds. for the ' County ot Washtenaw and State of Michigan, [ on tlie lourtli day of March, A. I). 1892 in Libei- 78 of Mortgnges, na puse 56, on whioh : mortgage theiv Is claimed to be dne a1 tlie dtiteof this r.otiee the sum of one luinrlred dollar, and au Attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars proWdedfor in eald mortgage, and no suitor proceedinBa at law havlng been instltuted to recover tlie moneys secured by eaid mongayo. or any part thereoi Now, therefore, by Tirtue of the power of snle contalned Ín salo mortiiage and tlie statute in such case made and provlded,. notlcejs hereby giren thatou Saturday, the fourteenth day oí September, A. I). 1895, at íiine o'clock in the forenoon, l shall sel) at public auction, to the highest Irtdder, at the south front door of the Court Hotige, in the City of Aun Arbor, (tbat beiujr tlie place wbere the Circuit Court for Waabtenaw County is bolden), the premises desorlbtd In n id niortguge, or 6o mueh thereof as may be aecesSary to pay llie amount due on faid mortgage, wltn Beven per cent. interest, and all legal oosts, log-ether with an attorney e fee of twen'y-üve dollars, covenanted for therein, the premises beins desoribed 'in said mortgage as all tbatoertaln pleoe m-Jparcel of land situatèd aiid ifi tiio City of Ann Arbor and Countyof Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and deecribed ns tollows. to-wit: I5evrinuin.2 at the sontherly side of the street or higbway. formerly knowo as the Dixboro roal and now tntown as Broadway, in tlie fifth ward of said city of Ann Arbor, at a point in the center of a creek, commonly known as Travpr's creek, sixty llni;.-, esterly aloug said road or street froin the mosi nortbwesterly corner of lot nuniber cijfht in Traver's second addition tothevillage(DOwcity)of Ann Arborj j thenci' easterly aloug said Dixboro road (uow I known as Uroadwayi one ohain and flftyh've links: thence soutli thirty-ono degrees east, one chaln and seventy-five links; thence south forty degrees and ten minutes west, twenty-three linke to the center of said creek; tbence northwesterly along the center of said creek to the place of beginning, contalning thirteen hundr dths of an acre of land, more or less. being a part of the land conveyed by Lewis Khoades to Ma! lonia Hooney, December twentieth A. D. 1890. This morí gage is intended to convey thirtytwo fee e in wldth on Hroadway, irom the southw eeterly side of the above described proper ty. THE HÜRON VAI.LEY BUILDING AND SAVINGS ASSOCIA'UON, Mortaaree. By Thomas D. Keahney, Attorney. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 21, 1895. I EWIS' 98 % LYE L wnisD axs puruus ■P (PATXKTID) ■ ■HA mvle. Unllke other Lye. lt belni ■n U a Baf powdor ud packwl la c5 M N w wl th retnoTïblo lid, tlie oootnt ' H M are üways ready for uae. Win ' gB make the bt perfume] íiard 8oo m In 20 minutos irlUiimt bolllnv. B It la tbe beat for cloansing waM ■I pipi, Ulslnfcctlnff slnks, cloeet. wutung bottlw, iialntu, trees, etc M PENHA. SALT M'FG CO. ■■I tím. Acte,, PiiU., Fa, 1RÜGK AND STOBAGE. C. E. GODFKEY. Residence and Office, 4S FourthAve., North Tclephone 8a.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News