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He Was Murdered

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Poor Frank Clancy, who died at the Washtenaw county house on Tuesday morning of last week, surrouuded only by strangers, unknown and unrecognized in a city where his mother and brother lived, where he had other relatives and many acquaintances, with no one to take enough interest in him to summon medical assistance, was undonbtedly foully murdered. It was only by chance that his fate ever became known or that his death was ever chronicled, even as that of au unknown. It was only by chance that the Argus first learned of his death last week, and it was not until after his body had been sent to the University that the jail officials became aware of his death, an Argus reporter conveying theni that information. The Argus was the first newspaper to put the facts together and to suggest that there had been foul play in the case. The facts of the case, as laid before its readers last week were so pitiful that public sympathy, quiok to be aroused, was greatly touched. A coroner's jury was empaneled by Coroner Ball and an official investigation of the death was started Friday. Mystery followed mystery, but the wholo case seems now to be in a fair way to be cleared up. It will be reniembered, as told last week, that Frank Clancy was picked up the streets of Toledo, Sunday.August 4, and taken to the station house in a dazed conditiou. The nest morning he was taken tothe"Anri Arbor" depot inaa patrol wagon and put on board the cars, with a ticket for Ann Arbor. Here he was arrestad for being intoxicated, and taken to the jail. It was at once deterrnined that he was not drank. According to Sheriff Judson he put his hands on his stomach and they thought soincthing was the mat er, with that. However the jail physician was not summoned but the superintendent of the poor was and poor Clancy was hustled into his carriage aud taken at once to the county house, which he reached at half past five o'clock Mouday afternoou. No particular attentiou was paid to him here, as he was at first put down as intoxicated simply because he staggered. He laid on a bench a little while and then he was taken down to the men's sitting room. By this time it was discovered that there was uo liqnor about him and he was put to bed. He died at a qaarter past eight o'clock the next inoming. less thau fifteen honrs af ter he reached the county house. During his stay there he was continu ally ruuttering. Keeper Shanklaud says the only thing he could tmderstand was to rnake out once that he -wan eed. a drink of water which was given him, but that he was evideutly trying to teil soinething. The attendant who put him to bed also bears witness to the faot that Olancy evidently tried to teil something, bufc could make out nothing except once he thonght he said Paw Paw and once or twice he thought he heard the word Boyle or Doyle. When Keeper Shankland went to see him the nexfc morning he saw he was dying and shortly after this he was dead. The body was held the statutory j twenty-four hours.washed byone of the attendants and at nine o'clock Wednesday was taken to the University and handed over to the "tender rnercies" of gruesome old "Doe" Naegle to be prepared for purposes of dissection. The attendant who washed the body noticed nothing suspicious about it, though he was not looking for anything. There was a recent bruise or cut on the right shotilder. The county physician, who had not seen Claucy.made out adeath certifícate for the University, certifying that he had died of paresis. Through some error the wrong date of death is given in this certifícate. The aathorities all the way through treated the matter as one of every day occurrence. No inquest was ordered,no post rnortem was called. It was suffloient that an unknown mau, though evidently nota tramp, had died. No one knew how and no one cared. Among the receipts fouud in Clancy's bag was one from Paw Paw. The officials did have tne humanity to write to Paw Paw toknow if there was a Frank Clancy there. The Paw Paw man telegrai bed Mrs. Margaret Clancy, of William street, that her sou was lying dead at the county house. The officers began to wake np. A searoh was made at the University for the body. William Hasenack,who seems to be a sort of confidential agent for Mrs. Clancy, and who was well acquainted with Frank Clancy, was shown three bodies. He said that neither of thein was Clancy. Old Naegle was sure that a certain one of thern carne from the Washtenaw county house. He knew by the tag. This Hasenack said was not Clancy but he thought it was John Stevens, Clancy's wife's brother. Mrs. Clancy on being shown the body.denied that it was the body of her son Coroner Ball empánele! a jury consisting of E. K. Freuauff, P. J. Lehtnan, Fred Huhn, William Eldert, J. B. Ball aud S. W. Beakes. They viewid the body which was at once turned over 10 Drs. Darling and Bourn for a post mortern examination. The seal of seorecy now settled down over the officers and doctors mouths by the orders of Sheriff Judson and Coroner Ball. The mother and all the fainily were requested not to talk to reporters. But the reporters were continually up with the offlcers in discoveries and the case was heralded throughout the breadth of the land. The satchel, papers and clothes accompanying the body were positively recognized by Mrs. Ulancy, Hasenack aud otliers as the property of Frank Clancy. John Stevens was supposed to have left Kalamazoo with Claucy to search for Clanoy's erring wife. The mystery was how he should turn up in Aun Arbor with Claucy's clothes and satchel. And then where was Claucy? Suspicious at once rested on Clancy's wife and her paraniour, Pat Boyle, a Kalamazoo flreman, with whom Mrs. Olancy had recently eloped and who were supposed to be in Toledo. The doctors weut on and made the exaininatlon on the supposed Stevens' body and found every organ in the nian's body badly diseased. Meantime the newspapers were working on the case. They discovered that John Stevens was a boy of about twenty years of age, and the Kalamazoo dispatches asserted that the body which had been identiñed as that of Stevens could not be his. Coroner Ball had seen the man at the jail before he was taken to the county house and knew that the man who went to the county house possessed a mustasche. The identified body had none. He found that the mustasche had not been removed at the University and then went down to the county house where they told him that the body taken to the University had a ruustache. It was also found that three bodies had been injected at the Uuiversity at the same time, the other two coming from the Detroit house of correctiou. A description was obtaiued from the Detroit house of correction of the bodies sent and the body on which the post. mortem had been held was very accurately described as that of a Texas desperado named Hudgins, who carried several bullets iu his body, tho loeation of these wounds being accurately stated. Ball and the offlcers then wout tv the Auatomieal Láboratory again and out of the large vat in which the deud bodies are kept, they quickly Irew the body of Frank Claucy. This body was at once recoguized by, the ofñeers as that f the man who had been so unceremouiously shipped from the jail to the county house. Mrs. Clancy was once more summoned to the gfueaome preciucts, where tnc bodos are kept. As soon as she saw the body sbe cried, "It's Frank! It's my poor bny. Oh, my God, it's my poor Prankf' The birth marks previonsly described by her were all fouud. The body was also positively identifled by rrilliaBn Hasenack, William Veruon, Williám Clancy and ethers. The mistake was due to carelessuess or iuteutiou of Gregor Naegle, the aged custodian ot tüe bodies.wnonas a íniserly care for the bodies and who is charged with tryiug to defeat identification. William Hasenack, who had rocognized the body of Hudgins for that of Stevens, claims tbat he was shown three bodies, tnat of Hudgins, a negro aud au old man, bnt that the Claucy body was not among the three that he saw. The body of Frank Clancy was f ound ou Monday, and Mouday afternoon the same jury that was sworn in on the body of Hudgius reassembled and were again sworn in over the body of Clancy. The officers had been searchiug for Boyle and Mrs. Clancy all the time in Toledo without success. All the daily papers were full of the affair, but still nothing was ueard f rom Stevens, Mrs. Clancy or Boyle. Drs. Darling, Bourns and Hale made a post mortem examination of the remains, but under striet orders of Sheriff Judson were not allowed to divulge the resnlt until Wednesday night. Sheriif Judson, however, told all about it, in Toledo Wednesday morning. Frank Clancy was sandbagged in Toledo, where he was picked up on the streets in a dazed condition Suuday, August 4. The doctors examinatiou developed three clots ot blood at the base of the brain. The blood in these clots, they determined, could only have been poured out during life. The skull was not fracturad and the doctors determined that a blow had evidently been struck with a sandbag or sorne other heavy but yielding substance at the back of the head. The scène of aotion was now transfer red to Toledo, where on Wednesday morning Patrick Boyle was arrested His discovery was a neat little bit o work on the part of a reporter of the Kalamazoo Telegraph, after the pólice had been unable to find trace tif him in Toledo. To give our readers a clear under standing of the case it may be well a this point to go back and state who the parties whose names have been mentiou ed are and their relation to each other Frank Clancy was a roofer by trad and lived in Kalamazoo. He had bee left considerable property by his father which he had gone through.some claim through his wife's help. He worked a Continued on Page Four. HE WAS MURDERED. (Continued f rom page kis trade now :md tlieu as he fouud Work, but laad very liraited rneans. He is the sou of Mrs. Margaret Clancy, of Williain Street, in this city. Seven years ago he married Edith Stevens, of White Pigeou. They lived in Paw Paw, St. Joseph, Kalamazoo and White Pigeon. Three children were born to them. Frank Ulancy was arrested a year ugo on the coraplaint of his wife for non support, and the neighbois siding in with her, he was sent to jail for thirty days. Mrs. Clancy claimed that he drank heavily and when drank had frequently abused her most severely On the other haud William Vernon who knew Clancy well and is a most reputable witness, says that Clancy was not a hard drinker, but was an invetérate cigarette fiend. Hasenack and others deny Mrs. Clancy's story about his being an habitual d drunkard. Mrs. Edith Clancy was a dressmaker by trade and an excellent one, too. She is the daugbter of Dr. Stevens, who died many years ago at White Pigeon. Oíd residents of White Pigeon iaform the Argus that while they never knew anything against the Stevens girls, they were always at the depots when the trains went through to talk to the trainmen. The Clancys have not lived together for some time. Several weeks ago Patrick Boyle, a Kalamazoo fireman, left his wife and went to Toledo, putting up at the Empire hotel under the name of James Dillon, and engaging board for his wife and child, whorn he said would soon join hiin. Shortly after this Mrs. Edith Clancy and two of her children turned up in Toledo and joined J Boyle, where Mrs. Clancy passed off for his wife. Here shortly afterwards they were joined by John Stevens, a brother of Mrs. Clancy, who had lived with her for some years. About two I weeks ago Stevens took his sister and her children and went to Windsor, Canada. This date is not definitely fixed, but is the dte given by Boyle as the time of their leaving. In Windsor Mrs. Clancy went by the name of Mrs. Kennedy and stated that her husband would soon join her. Acoording to Shriff Judson, Boyle who in Windsor passed for Kennedy, arrived in Windsor from Toledo Sunday morning, August 4, and returned that night to Toledo. This was the Sunday that Clancy was picked up on the streets of Toledo in a dazed nonditinn. Boyle.after his arrest, denied passing under au asstimed name and that he had seen Mrs. Clancy in Toledo. He finally owned up and told her wherebouts. He claims to have left for Detroit at five o'clock on the Saturday inorning in question. Had he before leaving seen Clanoy? The tronble with Boyle is that he has told too rnany stories to the officers that did not hang togetner. He at flrst asserted that he left Toledo Saturday evening, but he was seen on the street early Snnday morning, and he tfcen acknowledged that fact. It was during the twelve hours during which he at first claimed to be absent from . Toledo that in all probability Clancy was slugged. Sheriff Judson went froin Toledo to Windsor and found Mrs. Edith Clancy. Mrs. Clancy had been shown the papers and been accuscd by the landlady of being Mrs. Frank Clancy but stroiigly denied it. She had kept up her denial until Wednesday when before the sheriff arrived she acknowledged to a reporter that she was Mrs. Clancy and told a pitiful story of her life. She succeeded in inaking quite au impression on the sheriff, who does not believe that she is implicated in her husband's death. ■ John Stevens has also been' seen in Windsor and denies having seen Caney since he left Kalamazoo. It seems that neither Stevens ñor Mrs. Clancy was in Toledo at the time that Clancy was there.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News