They Go To Boston
Ann Arbor Commandery, No. 13, K. '., leaves by special train next Thursay noon to attcsd the trieuiial conave of the Grand Conimandery of Kuights Templar of the United States, inch is to be held at Boston, August j to 30. The inembers of the local ommaudery have been niaking great reparations f or the pilgriinage and conemplate one of the pleasantest ones yet made by thein. As a commandery and ■ith a representativo number of their ïembers present. Aun Arbor Commanery has attended the triennial coniaves held at St. Louis in 1886, at Vashington in 1889, and at Denver in 892, and these pligrimages weie so enoyable to all those who partioipated in ïem that none of those who went then will miss the pilgrimage to Boston if bey can help it. A number of the membeis of the commaudery will be accompanied by their wives and daughters and some fif teen or wenty friends of the inembersjwho do ot belong to the order, will also go on ie trip with the kuights. The comruittee having in charge the rrangemont for the trip and the euertainment while there have perfected 11 the details and provided for a pleasnt and enjoyable trip throughont. The ity of Aun Arbor and auother new ïotel car belonging toWilliam Mershon, f Saginaw have been engaged and will e occupied by the Ypsilanti cjntingeut f the commaudery, who will inake a leasure trip after the close of the conlave. Besides these two cars the coinnittee has chartored' two elegant Wager sleepers for the use of the balance f the party. All these cars are filled with the exception of about half a dozen erths and these will be filled before the jarty leaves. The four palace cars and a baggage car will compose the special train that will leave the T. and A. A. depot on Thursday next at noon on the ontward trip. The route chosen is one of the best scenic routes in this country. The commaDdery leaviug at 12 o'clock uoon by the Aun Arbor road takes the Graad Trunk for Port Huron, passes through the long tunnel and Canada reaches Kingston about three o'clock Friday morning. Here the choice of two routes is given to Montreal - those desiring takiug a maguiflcent steamer and enjoying a day's ride down the beauitful St. Lawrence, "shoot" the Lachine Rapids and arrive at Montreal about six o'clock in the eveuing, while those who do not desire the boat ride will continue with the rain aud arrfve at Montreal before noon. The train will depart about nidnight for Quebec aud Saturday will c spent in this historie town. At sevij o'clock Saturday eveniug the train vi] 1 agaiu be boarded and will arrive n the White Mouutains abont daylight ou Suuday giviug the party a chance to iew the wonderful scenery of this part of the trip wheu it is at its best. A top of a couple of hours will be made it Gorham, N. H. , at the base of the mouutains after which the trip will be coutimied, the train arriving at Portand, Me., between ten aud eleven o'clock. Here a stay of about three ïours will be made to enable the visiors to take in the sights, after which ;hey will go to the finest summer resort on the eutire coast, Old Orchard Beach, kle. A rest will be made here all Suuday afternoon and uight giviug everybody a chance to take a dip in "Old Oceau. " At seven o'clock Honday momiug the jonrney will be continued, the an-ival in Boston being scheduled tor ten o'clock. Arrangements have been made all along the route for stops for meals, but the party will uot be at the mercy of anybody for something to eat. The Ypsilauti contingent will take all of their meals in their cars, two cooks and several waiters acconipauying them. The committee bas made arrangemeuts for serving hot cott'ee and tea en route, and those who sart out with a well fllled lunch basket, a cup and a teaspoon will be able to get along pretty well and be able to put in the stops at sight seeing. Thomas Taylor and Al Shetterly accompany the party to look after the baggage and care for the wants of the party. At Boston au elegant house, 701-703 Massdchusetts avenue, has been secured and headquarters will be established there immediately on the arrival of the party. The houses wlil provide sleeping apartments comfortably for a hundred persons, and breakfast will be served in the house. For headquarters room the commandery has two large suites of parlors on the lower floors, and here open house will be kept for the members aud their friends. On "Wednesday eveniug a reception will be given for which invitations are now being sent out to different commanderies that will be there. Below is given a list of the ïneinbers and their friends who wiil accompany the coinniaudery on the trip, besides whieh several members will leave later in the week and meet the party at Boston. A. C. Nichols and wife, L. C. Goodrich and wife, W. W. Watts and wife, W. B. Sruith aud wife. O. M. Martin and wife, E. H. Eberbaeh aud wife, L. H. Clement and wife, Elrner E. Beal and wife, N. D. Gates and wife, Fred H. Belser and wife, Miss Emma Hayley and Mrs. Davis, John R. Miner, Charles E. Hiscock, Al. Shetterly, John H. Cutting, Pusey W. Moore, Dr. J.W. Morton, George H. Blum, E. V. Hangsterfer, Ross Grauger, Eagene Koch, Heriaau F. Miller, I. B. Bent, Thomas Taylor, and J. F. Hoelzle of Aun Arbor ; W. H. Sweet and wife, P. W. Carpenter and wife, Mrs. S. J. Ellenwood, George W. Albans and wife, F. W. Glau field and wife, James Bemis and wife, M. M. Read and wife, S. A. Rogera and wife, Lydia Campaign, Tracy L. Towner and mother, Matie Hubbell, C. L. Stevens, wife and daughter, D. E. Wilbur and wife, Fred Lamb and wife, W. L. Kishler, J. D. Colvan, W. L. Pack, and Charles E. Samson, of Ypsilanti ; Martin Cremer, of Ithaoa, N. Y , H. S. Holmes and wife, Dr. George W. Palnier of Chelsea ; A. F. Freernan and wife, Joseph Goodyear, of Manchester; Dr. Harry A. Nichols, Saline; John Cook, Urania; W. H. Whitmarsh, wife aud daughter, of Milau ; Rev. M. H. Bartram, of Dearboru ; Charles Lamb, of Charlotte ; James L. Stone, Rushvillo, Ind. ; Wallace G. Palmer, Detroit ; Frank M. Lausing, O. L. Davis and Dr. W. J. Mills, Howell.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
John H. Cutting