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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOK SALE OR EXCHANGE- A farm oí 100 acres in Lima, good building and tiniber; 11K0 40 acres in Lodi, good building wel watered. Will sell or exebange tor suitablehouse and lot in city. Apply or addrees Wm. Osiu8, Box 1551, Ann Arbor. 56-58 TO LOAN - 800 on real estáte security. Address W., care of Argus. PÜHSALEOH BENT- A new room house ■ witb agood bain, good well, two good cisterns, one andone-balf lotsof land. Terms easy Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbor. FOK SALE.- 80 acres on Chubb St. in acre or flve acre lots or all together. Long time, email payment, 6per cent interest. Jus. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mlch. FA KM TO KENT- Containing about 20 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good; fences and barns. Water in lmrns. Cali on A. il. Clark, 47 8. División kt., Ann Arbor, or A. F Clark Saline, Mich. PIANO TUNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whltnej be in ihe city soon. Orders left at theAuous office will receive hls attention. WANTED - A MAN In every section at oneer to sell staple goods to dealers; no ped dling; experieuce unneceBsary; bestelde line. Ï76.00a month. Salary and expenses orlarle coii)niiB8ion made. Addrees, with 2 centstamp for spaled particulars, Clifton Soapan3 Manufacturing Company, Cincinnbtl, Ohlo. HOUE TO RENT-Suitable for roomers and boardere. As fine a locatiou as there is in this city. Inquire at 47 S. División. A SOBER, induBtrious man and his son, 1S yearsof age, desire work. Can sfivothc test of references. Inquire at 108 W. Huroo Btreet. 55-58 FOR SALE CHEAP- A good Steam Boiler for heatinjr about a nin'.room house. Apply to Mrs. Riehmond,60 E. Huron St. or J. F. Scbub, 31 S. Main St. 57-6U P OR SALE OR EXCHANGE-A farm of 100 ' acres in Lima; good building and timber. A leo 40 acres in Lodi; good buildings, well watered. Will sell or exchange for suitable house and lot in city. Apply to or address Wm. Oeius, Box 1551, Ann Arbor. 59-61 TEA CLUB ORDERS. We will present either a 100 Piece Enolish Dinner Set, or a 12 Piecb Knoi.ish BEDROOM Set, to ladies getting up a club. We guaraatee our Teas ond BaKing Powder to give ontire satisfaction. This is an excellent opportunity for ladies to obtain a beautiful Dinner Set or Bedroom 8et f ree. We ma Ice this offer to introíluce our Teas nml Baking Powder to the readers of this paper. For l'ull particulars, write or cali on A. BBBS 'H, [mporter of Teas, 6IH Summit Sf., Toledo, O. References, all Toledo.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News