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Dr. Miles' Nerve Piasters for Bheumatlsm. Every woman needs Dr. Miles' Pain Pilis. I EWIS' 98 LYE ■L. L POTOIEID AOT FISrUUD ti The strongeiit and pnrett Lya ■ ha mie. Unliko other Lye, lt belng ■A U a One powder and packed la a can ■■è wlth removable 11(1, the contenta 5 B" are always ready for use. W1Q tnake the bet perfuniod Hard Soap rH In 20 minutos wltliout bolllnar. Jl ■ t ik (be best (orcleanslug wasta BB iiIiwb, dlslufrctlug Blnks, elonetat ■ B wailünf! bottles, pailita, troce, etc. FENHA. SALT H'F'O CO. ■BCSbS treu. AgW„ flülft., I'S. ,. TRtJCK AND STORAGE. C. E. GODFREY. I Residence and Office, 4S FourthjAve., North Telepbone 82. Estáte ot Adelaide Anthony. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County ot Washtenaw, ss. At a session oí the Probate ('01111 tor the County of Washti naw, holden at the Probate Offloe in tKe cityof AnnArbor, on Uonday, tbe 12th day of August, in theyeai one thoutand eijrht hupdred and ninety-nve. int, .1. wlUard, Judge of Probate. Int he matter of the estáte of Adelaide A 11 - thony, deceaeed. Warren Kimble, the admlnlstrator of said estáte, come-, íuto courtand represente that he is qow piepared tb render bis final ccount suco admlnistrator. Thereupon il la ordered that Tüesday, the third day of September next, at 10 o'clock iu the foi'onoon, i' assigned for examlDÍng and illnwiiiL' snch account, and that the helrsat lawoi sald deceased, and all otbei persons lnd in 9aidesta1 1, are reqtilred to appear ata sessionof Bald Court, then to be lmlden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann ; bor. iu said Coimty. and show cause, ü any tbere be.why the sald account should not be allo wed: And it is further ordered that said Admlnlstrator nve notice to tlie persons lnterested In said estáte, of the pendency of sald account, and the hearing I of, by causiner 8 copyoi this order tobe Llehed in the Ann ftrbor Argus. a tiewspaper prlnted and elrculatlng in said counu-, two ! sive weeks pvevioiis to said day of hearintr. J. WILLAHD (iABHTTT, [A true eopy.] Judire 01 Probate. William G. Öoty. Probate Keirister. Notice of Draln Letting. NOTICE IS HEKEBY G1VEX, That I, Daniel W. Barrv. ('imn'y Draln Commlssioner of the County of Washtenaw. Stal e ol Michigan, will, on the 26th day of August, A. D. 1895, at the lower ënd of Draln, in sai d I BÜlp of Augusta, at ten o'clock in the . noonof that day, proeeed to recelve i)id3 for the cleaninf; out of a certaio draln known and designated as '-West Bram-U of the Bi Marsh Dram." located and establtehed ia the Bald Township of Augusta, una desoribed as follows, to wit : Commenoing at tbe lower end, where sald Draiu empties into the Big' Marsh Draln on the Asa M. estáte, in the s.w.quarter of the n. e. quaitev of Sec. 14, lollon'in the line ot said Diatn in a northwesterly direction to tbe upper end, whioh i? on the west side of tbe Blghwaj-, on East Monroe road, on tbe s. e. quarter of the n. e. quarter of Sec. 10. Bald job will be let by sections. The secÊion ai the outlet of theDrain will be Iet flrst, and the lemaintng eectiona ín tlieir order up . in aocordanee wlth the diagrai on til e with the other papers pertalning to said Drain, in the office of the Drain Commissloner, to whloh reference may be had by all partjes lnterested, and bids wiil be made and reeelved aocordingly. Ctontracts will bemadi with the loci regponslble bidder g-ivlnjtndequate securlty tor the performance of 1 he work, In a sum tbeu and tbere to be nxed by me reservintr to myself the ripht to reject any and all bid-. TUe dale the eoinpletiou of suoh contract and the torms of payment tberefor, sha 11 be announeed at tbe time and place of letting. tfotia lè further twreby gtveih That at the time and place ol Bald letting, or at uoh other time tiud place tbereafter to whieb I, the Drain Commissioner iforesaid, may adjourn the same the asseasments tor beneflts and landscomprlsed wlthln the "West Brancb of the Big Marsh Draiu Special Assessmeut District," will be subject to review. The followinsris a descriptlon of thé vera 1 tracts or pareéis of land constituting: the Special Assessruent District of said Dram, viz : S. half of n. w. quarter, Sec. U; e. quarterof n. w. quarter of n. w. imarter. Sec. 14; w. halt n e quarter of n. w. quarter, Sec. II : s . ' acres of n. w. quarttr of 11. w. quarter, Sec. U; e half s. e. guarter. See. 10; w.haliofs.w. quarter, Sec. 11; w. half e. e. quarter, bec. 10: 6 aeres ol south part of e. half of n. e. quarter, Sec. 10; 47 acres of n. part Of w. half of n. w. quarter. Sec. 11: one acre of the w. part of n. e. quarter of a. e. quarter, See. 10: 8 rods square, s. part n. e. quarter of u. e. quarter. Sec. IU: s. part ol w. hall" of n.W. quarti one acre n. e. oorner of n. e, quarter 01 n. e. quarter. See. 10; quarter acre ot n. w. corner of w. half of n. w quarter, Sec 11; one and one-quarter of w. part ot w. halt ol n. w, quarter, Sec. 11 ; sïn acres of n. part ol n:e. quarter of n.!e. quarter, Sec. 10; B. w. quarter of .n. e. quarter. Sec. 14: e. halfol n. e. nuarter, Sec. 15; iX acres n. pan ol w. half of 11. e. quarter. Sec. 15. Allin the Townshjp of Augusta. Also the Township of Augusta atDaateSthisSixtbDda?iofAtrst,AAi.r.ir1895. Oouuty Drain Commissioner of tbe County of Washtenaw. Estáte of Emily L. Dancer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of At a scssion of the Probate Court for the county oí WaBhtensw, holden at I lic probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the lóth dny of July, iu the year one Uiousand eiKht huuch-ed and ninety-tmPresent, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge ot Probate. Iu matter of the estáte of Knüly L. Dancer. decessi'il. . Walter H. Dancer, the nUministrator of said estáte, comes into court. and represents that he s now prepared to render bis final account as süoh Thereupon i't is'ordered, that Tuesday, the 13th dav of Augast next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned forexaminingandallowineMich account, and tbat the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a susoion ot' said court "then to be holden at the 'róbate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, in -aid county, and show cause, if any there be, why thesnid actouut should not be nllowed . And it is turther ordered thatsaidadoiiniütratorgive noticetothe pursons interested insaidestate.oftherjendency of said ac. count and the thereot, by causing a copy oí this order to be pnblishud in the As Arbor Aröus, a neuspaper printed aud ciroulatiuc in said county. three gnocesetre weck? previous to 9aÍddayOfhearÍT WILLARD BABBITT, A truecopy.) .ludgeof Probnte, "VV!jLiAf, . Poty. Probate KeeiKter,


Ann Arbor Argus
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