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Commissioners' Notice. iJTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTV OP J Wasbtenaw. The undersfgned haying been ppoinled by the Probate Court for Mid County, tommissioners to receive, examine and adjest ,11 claims s.nd demanfls of all persons ugainst the state of Aguí Taylor, late of sflid County, leceased, hereby give notice that six months from laie are allowed, by order ot Bald Probate Court, br Creditors to present their claims against the 't;de of said deceased, and thatthey win meet at he hite residence of said deceased in the township if Dexter, in said county, on the lfith dny ot' Octoer and on the 16th d of January next, at ten i'olock A. M. of each of said days, to receive, 'xnmine and adjust said clainia. Dated Jiily lö, 1895. GEORGE ALLEY, GOTTLIEU ANDRESS, CommisMoners. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS DEFAÜLT HAS BEEN MADE iu the paymeni ol the money seeured by i mortgage dated the th day ol' Auirust, In ;he year 1S9J, exeeuted by John Spears of ïiorth Hartland, Niágara Coimty, State of Vew York, a farmer ;uil unmarrled, of the Ir-t Setli G. Rowlev and George W Eddy of Middlepost, in said county, of the econd part, wlilch sai' e was re. orded in. the office of the Register oí Jeeds )l tho County of Washtenaw, In liber 7-t of nortgages, on page 409, on the I6th day of luguat, 189S, at 8 o'clock a. m. And whereas, the aiuount lialmed to be due m Bald mortgage is the sum of nine hundred ind One and twentyone hundredths ilollarg 190] SOl ot principal and Interest, and the furhersumof twenty-five dollars as au attorney !ee, agreeable to the statute in such case liad' and provided. and which is the whole latmed to be due and unpaid on said nortgage, and no suit or proceedlng haring tituted at law to recover the debí iow remainlug seoured by said oiortgage.or iny part thereof, whereby the power of sale sontained in said mortgage bas become operaIve, Now, theret'ore, notice is hereby giviMi, that lyvlrtue Ot the said power of sale, and in tursuanceof the statute in such oase made md provided, the said mortgage will be foreiosed by n sale ol' said premisos thereln deicrihed, at public auetion to the highest bidler, at west front door of theoourt house ii the city of Aim Arbor, in said county of iVaehtcHaw, (that beinL' the place of holding he circuit court for said couuty,) on the !7thday.of August, A. I). 1895, at ten o'clock n the forenoon of that day. which aid premtses are deecribed in -aid morttage as tollows, to-wlt: All the estáte, right. itlo. and Interest of the -nul Spears (It being iof subject to the lire estáte )í Hamiiih Boyoe) of In and to all that tract r paroel of land, sitúate in Township of Superior, Oounty of Washtenaw and state of diohigan, descrñjed as tollows: Comraencing it the Southwest oorner of 8eo. :l In Townihip of Superior, running thence north he west boundary line of 8ec. 31,eight chaina ind flfty links; thence north twenty-t luce derrees and t'orty minutes east forty-foui halns; tlipnce north fit'ty-sl.x and one ïourth easi twenty-three chalns and flfty Inks to the north and sonth quarter line to itahe trom wliioh a white ouk, 26 inchea in Jiameter, stands north fourteen degrees, eaat :lfty-four tlnjss and 8 white oak, 26 ïm'hes d diameter, stands north twenty-one aud me-half degree, cast twenty-three links; henoe south f orty dsgreee, east slxty chaina md sixty links to a quattor stake on the uth line of the section : thence west two derrees, south alongthe soutli line of the townhip aforesaid, thlrty-eight ehalns and tlftyilx links to the place of beginning, containng one hnndred and sixty-one acres of land, Qore or Ie68, excepting and reserving a strip if land twenty-one rods wlde along the v.hole ength of the east side of said land. Dated thls 81st daj oí May. A. D.. 1895. SETH G ROVVLEY, GEOKGE W. E1)1)V. Lehman Bkos., Mmtgaseea. Attorneys for Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAT'LT IIAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a oertain mortgage made Liy Mul vina Roooey, of theOltyof Ann Arbor, 3ounty of Wasbtenaw, and State of Miohigan md dated March 4th, A. I). 1892, and rcrorded in tbeoffloeof the Register of Deed-, for the County of Washtenaw aud State of Michigan, on fourth day of March, A. D. 1893, in Líber 7s ot Mortgages, on page ö'i, on which mortgage there clalmed to be due at the tnls notlce the sum of one hundred (Jollars, and au A 1 1 m my's fee of t enty-iive dollars provided for In said mortgage, and no suitor proceedings at law baying beeniustltuted to recover the moneys eecured liysald mortgage, or any part thereof: Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of -tili' contained In snid mortgage, and the Statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby giren that on SatunlR.v, the tourteenth day of September, A. D. li'.ö, at olne o'clook in the forenoon, I 811 at public auction, to the highest bidder, ai the Mut h front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, (tbat being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premises desorlbed in said mortgage, or so inuch thereof as may be aecessary to pay the amount duo on said mortgage, witn ven per oent. Interest, and all legal casts, together witli an attorney's fee of twenty-tlve dollars, covenantea for therein, the premises being desoribed ;in said mortgage as all that oertain piece orjparoel of land eituftted and being in the City of Ann Arbor and County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southerly Bide of the street or highway, formerly known as the Dlxboro róadand now known a Broadway, In i he lifth ward of said city of Aun Arbor, at n point In thi center of a oreek, commonly known as 'l'iavcis creek, sixty links easterly along said roador street froni the most northwesterly corner of lot numbereight in Traver's secona addition to the villa, i nowcity)ol Ann Arbor; thence easterly along said Dlxboro road (now known as liroadwayi one chain aud flftyfive links; thence south thlrty-one degrees east, one Chain and seventy-nve links; t heneo south forty degrees and ten minutes west, twenty-tbröe Links to itie center ot' said creek; thence northwesterly tlong the center of Baid oreek to the place of beginning, contalnlng thlrteèn bundr dtbs of an acre of land, more or less. bei:)'-' a part of the land eonveyed by Lewis Bhoades to Malonla Hooney. December twentieth A. 1). 1890. This morigage is lntended to convey thirtytwo ' '■ ' in widtli on Hroadway, from the southw esterly side of the above described proper ty. THE HURÓN VALLEY BUILDING AND BAVINGS A88OCIAT1ON, .Moi;; Uy Thomas D. Keahney, Attorney. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 21, 1895. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, 8s. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Coart for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 6th day of Aunst, A. D. 189. six monthsfrom that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims ngaiust theestate of Klavius J.Comstock, late of aaid county, deceased, and that all creditors cf saül '1. ceasedare lequiredto present theirclaimsto said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examina! ion and allowance, on or before the t!th day of Febniarj next, and that uoh cluims will be hearl beforë said Court on the lith ctay of NoTomher. and on the 6th day of Feliruaryneit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of'each of said days. Dated Am Arbor. Auí. O, A. D. 1S9-5. J.WIL'LAKD BAJiBITT, Tudee of' Probate. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News