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German Day.

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The annual celebration of GerrnanAmerioan day was held in Ypsilanti yesterday was a sucoess. The weather was most propioious. Many business and private houses wern gaily decorated for the occasion with Germán and Americ&n flags, bunting and appropriate mottoes were suspended over the streets, such as "Deutchen Sprache Dentones Sang," "Sollen hierzulande behalten ihren alten schoenen Klang. ' ' Early in the morning the streets were alive with people. The crowd became larger until 1 1 o'clock when the procession was formed on Congress street under the marshalship of Alderman Terns, niounted on a very dark bay norse. The proceesion moved on the following order, with bands playing and flags flying, out Congress street to Grove street and then to the Arbeiter park where the festiviites of the day were conducted. Maccabee band wagon coutaining goddess of liberty, city council in carriages, flre department, Otto's band, Ann Arbor Rifles, Schwaebischen Unterstuetzungs Verein, Arbeiter Verein, Germania lodge, 467, D. O. H., Phoenix Gesang Verein, Chelsea Arbeiter Verein, Saline Arbeiter Verein, Ypsilanti Arbeiter Verein. They were followed by 20 wagons of the representativo breweries and business men of the city. The Arbeiter park was gaily decorated and eatng and refreshment stands, rnerry-go-rounds, Ferris wheels, etc, were scattered over the grounds. When the prooession reached the grounds it disbanded and the time was given up to social enjoymeut and the enjoyment of refreshments. Old acquaintanceships were renewed and new ones made. Soon after one o'clock ex-Congresnian Gorman appeared on the grounds with Judge of Probate Babbitt. Friendly hand shakes greeted him from all sides, showing that although not in office he still has a hearty hold on the affections of the people. At two o'clock the bugle souuded and Marhal Terns gathered the speakers together on the raised patf orm arranged for the purpose. When all was ready and the Maccabee band played a potI pouri, Alderman Terus stepped to the front of the platform. In a few appropriate words he bid everyone welcome and thanked them for turning out to make the day a success. He then introduced Hon. Harlow B. Wells, mayor of Ypsilanti. Mayor Wells' remarks veere brief. He said speech rnaking was out of his line. What he would say that day was froin a business point. Many knew of the little disturbance in the community. Gentlemen had come and talked with him and attempted to coerce him. Whenever there was evidence to convict any man of an offence, be he a saloon keeper or business man, he would be prosecuted ; but he did not propose to satisfy the fanatics of either kind, temperance or otherwise. One reason of the success of the Germans as a class, and they had more credit in the stores than any other nationality, was that they practiced economy. If they earned two cents they saved one. In behalf of the council of the city of Ypsilanti he gave them a most cordial welcome. He assured them Ypsilanti was not so bad a own as some thought. He extended them the freedom of the city in all things except the lockup. L. J. Liesemer, editor of the Hausfreund Post, was then introduoed. He said it was not for political reasons or political purposes that the day was celebrated, but it was in memory of the Germán immigrants that landed in America October 6. 1638. The ship in which they came over was called the Concord, of 500 tons burden. There were 26 families half from Crefeld and half from Frankfort. This event seems of less importance to the oitizens than the landing of the Puritans, which is in every one's inouth. The leader of these first settlers was Pistorious, who founded Germantown. They are more numerous than any other nationality. They helped cultívate the land and built the railways. They helped organize the union and helped in the figl't to protect the union. In the city of New York there are more Germans than in the city of Hamburg. Mr. Liesemer then went on to describe the progress of the study of the Germán in the universities . and by the business men. He said the Germans were accustomed to think for himselves and loved liberty and to move freely. It was better to keep the Germán character than the narrow puritanical views. They owed it to themselves and their children to keep up the Germán language. Let the flower always bloom. Let them be in truth German-Aniericans, love liberty and the laws of the land and God. John Kirk was then introduced by Mr. Terns. Mr. Kirk evidently feil that he was talking from his pulpit and I proposed to preach a counter sermón te those recently preached from the Ypsilaut pulpits. He said it was apparent that Gernian day was the day in WashtenaM. county. It should be encouraged. The ties of friendship and hospitality were forined and renewed. There were no more willing people than the Germans to make such days a sucoess and to pass them off pleasantly, and others conld well proflt by their example. With unity of action they always made them a snccess. They should have snch picnics to cease from work and take outings. They were longed and wished for and, with their pleasant recollections, stimulated men to go on with the duties of life. A good time now and then bronght about on such "occasions vas beneficial to hospitality and the inellect was broadened and the love of iberty and freedom increased. The Germans were a liberty loving people. ïe thousht the success of the Germans svas due to their liberal views. Ypsiauti bad a few narrow minded mea in the city, but migbt God give them more liberty loving men. They had some who joycotted business men on accoxint of their liberal views. They were traitors ;o their cause and against the people. [f they had freedom let them have unrestrained freedom, not interference with, the rights the forefathers died for. The city generally obtained the poorest advertisement from narrow bigots who came to town to dig ap all the money the could. He observed that when calis wore made for investments they generally got away. The speaker praised the Germán military system as making honest, upright ciizens. lts results were that there were few Germans not a religions people. In coming to America they generally considered it their first duty to become naturalized citizeus and throw off all other allegiance. While their thonghts wandered across the sea their hearts were always for their adopted country. Mr. Kirk received considerable applause. Aldermau Terns then introduced ex Congressman James S. Gorman, of Chelsea,who received a warm welcome Mr rnrman t.hftn said : Ladies and Gentlemen : - I perhaps entertain an opinión not always in con sonance with some people in reference to the subject of oomrnemorating any particular personage or celebrating any particular event, either as a religious sect or a particular nationality of our cosmopolitan population. I believe that celebrations of this kind in coin - memoration of your ancestors' settlement in this country is proper for two particular reasons: flrst and most important, it siguifies your oontentinent, satisfaotitm and gratificaron in being citizens of this country, commonly called the New World. You cali to mind ou these occasions many pleasant things, many great advantages, many successful undertaikngs in contradistinction to the possibilities of the land you lef t ; second, and very important too, it brings yon together for social enjoynient. Yon renew oíd acquaintances, yon enjoy the meeting and the recounting of by-goue days that the du;ies of life prevent yon from enjoying more freqnently. A day given to such social eschauges and reunions filis us with new life, instills into our very being a fuller realization of the iinportance and value of this life and the duties that we owe to each other and the country in which we live. Returning to your homes tonight you again begin the labor of the inorrow with reuewed vigor and with the satisfaction and contentmet that only becomes a placid temper. I do not feel it iacunibent upon rae today to cali your attention to auy of the great reasons why you should feel proud of your nationality ; I feel that others here aronnd me can better cali attention to fchose things. It is sufflcient, I think, for me to say that your fatherland has produced a race of people distinguished in whatever part of the globe they may lócate, as the most industrious and snccessful class of people on the earth. A race determiued in war and submissive in peace. 'While your people have not the dash and brillianoy of the Frenen, they have that more valuable and important characteristic of conservativeness and certainty. The natural conservative disposition of the Germán people has placed them in an enviable position as inventors, statesmen and theologians, and as inusicians they have for centuries and do today stand at the head of nations. More of the offsprings of your fatherland 7imp.i1 nnt, hfi said. You severed your relations with your fatherland for reasons best known to vourselves. You came to this country mil have done your full part in buildug up what is today one of the greatest nations of the earth. You, and when I use the pronoun you I mean the Gerïnan people from its first settlenient to the present time, began by the establishment of New Amsterdam, which is today the metropolis of this country. Bv perseverance, industry and frugality you builded homes for yourselves and your children that you ought to, and I hope do, take pride in today. When the foundation was béng laid upon which this country has growu and pros pered, you took your full part in estab lishing the doctrine which reserves to the people the greatest possible right and privileges consistent with good gov ernment. As a body you did not np hold the Hamiltonian policy of restrict ed rights and privileges. It is an hon or to the Germán raoe today, and his tory so records it, that in the establish Continued on Page Four. GERMÁN DAY. (Continued írofn first page.( ment of this great uaticn out of the thirteen colonias, they believed that a ne-w govenrrnent of, for and by the people should rule, and when their delegates seleoted to enact laws for the wholewere derelict in their duties,they maintained the right to remove them at the next opporfcunity by the ballot. Hamilton, the Adamses, and their supporters, believed in a strong central government, self perpetuating and lirniting the voice of the people to the smallest possible extent, forcing peaceable submission. To your honor be it said that the Germán people of those days insisted upon the right of local self government, "equal rights to all and special privileges to none. ' ' When the time carne to draw the saber in'xïefense of these principies, and these' rights that yon claimed, and which, were jnst, you did your full duty, you stood firmly for the independence of the colonies, you fought bravely to the last. Once a free and independent government, you laid the musket and the sword aside and at once began to replenish your much depleted coffers. You manifested then, and have to this day, the commendable characteristic of yonr race and that is a peaceful subraission to the law and a manifestation on every occasion that you were American oitizens first and Germans second. In calling to mind these historical events, what a parody on American citizenship is nuw being played by a class of people who are secretly combining and consnlting together in the night and behind barred doors, seeking to deprive yon and me of the right and privileges and the fruits of the struggles of your fathers and mine. Men who today are attempting to proscribe your rights and my rights are worse rebels than those who fired on Fort Sumpter in 1861. The rebels of 1861 were honorable in this, that they went out boldly and bravely and offered to sacrificè their lives before the muzzle of the cannon and the clash of musketry for a principie in which they thought they were right and maintained it until they were convinced by force that they were wrong. A broad daylight contest between man and man is honorable compared with the secret combination of an insignificant and cowardly minority who strive to magnify their importance by stabbing in the back, a class of men whose ancestry rallied around Washington while their aneestry were shouting for Kiug G-eorge. I have only to say that I hope you as a people will hold good your ancestral history in first maintaining the law of the land and second in demanding that every man who is an American citizen shall have the fullest and freest rights thereof. Alderman Terns said in closing that he would make a few remarks out of the scriptnres. They had all heard the speeches made that day. They were free. He would not ask that anythmg be put on a píate, or that they be asked to pay as Bro. Fanning or Bro. Wills did. He then dismissed the people. Every one then sought their own amusement. There was dancing in the hall for the young people. The crowd became larger as the af ternoonadvanced. At four o'clock a meeting of the delegates of the Germán societies was held. Those present were Capt. J. F. Schuh, Ann Arbor Rifles; Christian Martin, Unterstuetzungs Verein; Christian Gauss, Turn Verein ; John Maye?, Germania lodge, [No. 67, D. O. H. ; William Schiller, Schwaebischen Unterstuetzungs Verein ; John Baumgardner, A. O. ü. W. ; Julius Trojanowski, United Friends; Fred Gauss, Landwehr Verein; George Schwab, Phoenix Gesanj Verein, all of Ann Arbor ; John Terns and Jacob Schmid, Arbeiter Verein, Ypsilanti; J. H. Bhnis, Arbeiter Verein, Saline; F. Jacquemain, Arbeiter Verein, Manchester; Charles Kaercher, Arbeiter Verein, Chelsea. The meeting was organized by electing John Terns chariman and Jacob Schmid secretary. After discussing the question where the next Germán day should be held it was decided with only one dissenting vote to hold the same in Ann Arbor. The motor line was taxed to its utmost capacity to carry the crowds to and from Ann Arbor. It was late when the last guest departed from the hospitable city of Ypsilanti.


Ann Arbor Argus
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