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Local Brevities.

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Out city schools reopen September 9. A little daughter was born to John W. Eisele Friday morning. The Baptist Sunday school hold a picnic at Geddes this afternoon. Rev. John Schweinfurth will preach in the Bethlehem church next Sundays William Illi is building a brick barn in the rear of his store on Washington street. City Treasurer Manly has collected $44, 757. 64 taxes during the month ending August 15. School Commissioner Wedemeyer and examiners Cavanatigh and Pond are burning midnight oil preparing examination papers. J. Rauschenberger, of Grand Rapids, son of Thomas Rauschenberger, of the second ward, is the happy father of a promising daughter. The weather predicitons for the following day and the weather map of the United States, showing the temperature in all parts of the United States,' are posted each afternoon at about four o'clock on the bulletin board in the post office. The ladies' societies of the Bethlehem church will do the catering at the county fair. A fine layout of those choice dishes for which Germán housewives arè famed may bè expected. The funds will be used for the building fund of the new church. - ■ i., - ■ .... -i... i - i, t " Services in the Unitarian church will open September 8-. During the month of September the pulpit will be filled by Rev. T. B. Forbush, of Chicago. The balance of the year Rev. J. C. Kimball, formerly of New Haven, Conn., will act as Dastor. Laura, the oldest daughter of J. F. Avery, of Saline, died at her home Sunday morning, after a three days' illness. Spinal difficulty is thought to be the cause. Mr. Avery has lately purchased a residence on Church street and intends to move to-Ann Arbor. Charles Steinbach, of Chelsea, spent Sunday with his son Henry in Ann Arbor. Mr. Steinbach says that Chelsea is booming. Houses are so scarce that families have to doublé up. In a few weeks Frank P. Glazier will start a foundry employing ftfty hands. The business outlook for Chelsea is very promising. Few people knew how near Ann Arbor was to having a big fire on Monday. A locomotive of the Ann Arbor road set fire to the grass near the oil tanks at Felch street. It was only by hard work that Drayman Godfrey, with eight men, succeeded in putting out the fire. If it had reached the tanks there might have been a great explosión. Rev. W. P. Helle, of upper Sandusky, an old soldier, and well known among the Germans in Ann Arbor and vicinity, preaoned Sunday morning in his church to the Lutheran League of the northern district of the Ohio synod. Mr. Helle before studying for the ministry was an employé of the Keek (now Michigan) furnitnre factory. Mrs. Helle was a member of the late Jacob Jedele's family in Scio for some years. The Wolverine Cycle club have decided to hold its annual road race on the afternoon of September 18. An officer of the L. A. W. will have charge of the handicaps. A large attendance from outside of town is expected. The course of the race will be on the Saline and Lodi gravel road five miles out and back. The Wolverine Cycle club is composed of young men who make a success of whatever they undertake. All bicycle riders not yet members will find it to their benefit to join the organization. The funeral services of Catharine Elizabeth, wife of Mathias Schaible, of Sharon, were held in the Bethlehem church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Schaible was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schleh, of Lodi. She was born April 14, 1867, and married November 29, 1894, and died last Friday. She was much respected for good, womanly qualities. Her death is peculiarly sad, as she leaves a little son eight days old. A large circle of friends sympathize with the bereaved father and parent and motherless babe. St. Thomas school will reopen Sepember 9. Prof. J. H. Drake will remove to 35 3ast Monroe street. The three months old baby of Emil lahr died Monday morning. The K. O. T. M. 's will give an exursion to Detroit on labor day, September 2. Walter Toop will shortly open a grocery and confectionery store on State street. The Ann Arbor Organ Co. are expending about $10,000 on the addition to their factory. Fred Smith paid $4. 20 costs in Justice Pond's court Saturday.for being drunk on the preceding Monday. O. M. Martin has purchased twenty two foot front on Fifth avenue, just north of Robison's livery. Jacob Gutekunst. the American house porter, cut his hand with an ice pick Sunday evening. "William Spencer and John Orr were given flve days each in jail Friday by Justice Pond for vagrancy Sheriff Judson took young Rogers, who believes himself a steam engine, to the Pontiac asylum Saturday. Andrew Neff, of Scio, who was arrested for ill treating his horse, paid $8 fine and costs in Justice Pond 's court Friday. The wheel stolen from Gilbert Perrine at Island Lake during the military encampment has been recovered at Owosso. David Rinsey has purchased the store occupied by Mrs. J. 'M. Morton, milliner, of Mrs. E. Roehm, of Chicago, for $4,350. Herbert O. Wiloox, of the literary department, was married in Fenton on Wednesday of last week to Miss Anna Hyatt. The Eberbach Hardware company have the contract for furnishing the iron triinrning for the new Bethlehem church. It is estimated that the attendance at the Methodist conference here in September from out of the city will exceed six hundred. The lawn social given at the residenc of Mrs. Perry last Thursday evening netted 21 for the ladies' auxiliary of the Y. M. CA. Frank Smith and Thomas Clemens were given five days each in rjail by Justice Pond Moiday for entering a Michigan Central freight car. A new passenger train each way is promised on the Ann Arbor road as soon as the improvemenis now being made on the road bed are completed. Thomas Snpple, an umbella vender, is serving ten days in jail for getting drunk in Ypsilanti. He is not the only man who getá drunk in Ypsilanti - but then he is an umbrella vender. Theodore Apfel fell from the roof of A. J. Mummery's house on Observatory street, Friday, a distance of fifteen feet. The shingles he was carrying followed him and in warding them off he sprained his wrist. Is it really a fact that Ypsilanti is to have an opera house. We have been told this so often since the cyclone which destroyed the very pretty house that Ypsilanti had, that we can hardly believe it. And yet building plans for an opera house have actually been adopted. City Attorney Kline and Deputy County Treasurer Lehman were discussing the recent ball game between the city and county officials and in response to some bantering concerning the promised dinner by the city attorney, Mr. Lehman suggesed that no place where the dinner should be served had been named and that at any time the city players were ready dinner would be served at the Hotel de Judson. Walter Rogers, the insane young man that believed himself a locomotive, taken in custody near Milan, was taken to the Eastern asylum at Pontiac Friday. He sidetraoked himself long enough to in form the officer that he knew where he was and that ho would escape from the asylum the same as he had done from Durham, Hl. This was the first time that he gave any information from where he had come. The doctor in chargé o the asylum imrnediately communicateJ with the authorities at Dnrham, with a view to his return to that asylum. Jacob Ganzhorn, one of the commissioners to destroy peach yellows, wishes to have the public understand all the circnrustances abotit his recent arres for violating the city ordinances agains making bonfires af ter 12 o'clock noon Mr. Ganzhorn says he knew nothing about the ordinance. He had a lot o peach trees to burn tip, the state law providing that they must be destroyed within five days after condemnation It does not provide any time of the day however, and therefore he thinks the ordinance conflicts with the state law. The work of grading Geddes avenue was commenced morning by the steam roller -'picking" up the street. A number of neighbors are assisting the work with their teams. Thi will materially help out the appropriation of $150 made by the council. Now is the time for the aldermen of the second ward to enlist the farmers along the road west of West Liberty street and get a small appropriation and improve that street at the city line. It is one of the main arteries leading into the city and its improvement woald benen every business man in the city as wel as the farmers. John Cook, the wheat buyer of Urana, says that considerable of the new orop has been offered to him. So far ie has found the berry to be generally of inferior quality. Dorothea, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Tred Keek, of Lodi, and Mr. Christian Braun, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Braun, of the same township, were married Tuesday at the residence of the bride's parenta. Alderman Snyder thinks, as he said at the last council meeting, that a gnide should be appóinted for the street commissioner to lead him around and show ïim where the weeds are growing that ie may have them out. Rumor bas it that there will be a grand surprise social tendered Rev. Father Goldrick, of Northfield, on his return from the east. If such will be the case no doubt the best intelliotual and musical talent available will be had. The Ann Arbor Organ Co. commenced on Wednesday to demolish its frame buildings prepatory to building a five story brick. The contract calis for thia to be flnished by November 1. Until this time much of the material will be stored in the rush. Miss Mary Miller, of Ann Arbor, was married Tuesday evening to Mr. William L. Astrich, of Detroit, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Horton, at Ann and División streeta, Rev. Max Hein officiating. They left on Wednesday for Detroit, their future home. Rev. Geoge "Vernor, who with his family have been living on División street, in this city, has accepted a cali to the rectorate of St. Peter's chuich in Hillsdale. Rev. M. Vernor officiated in St. Andrew's church for several Sundays and made many friends here who beartily congratúlate the Hilisdale ohurch on the good judgment shown in selecting their pastor. Samuel W. Burchfield and Miss Lilian Hobson were married Wednesday morning at eght o'clock at the residence of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.William G. Burchfield, on Miller avenue, Eev. T. W. Young officiating. The happy couple left on a short wedding trip to St. Joseph, Mich. Their friends wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life. Col. H. S. Dean, Prosecuting Attorney Randall, of Aun Arbor, and Capt. H. J. Woodnian, of Ypsilanti, left Wednesday for Lapeer to attend the reunión of their oíd régimen, the Twenty-second Michigan Infantry. They took with them the old regimental colors whioh were restored to the regiment by special act of congress. The boys have not seen: their flag for 32 years. They had a good time. It is no wonder that they all wanted to be present. Mail Carrier James O'Kane and Mrs. Blanche Jolly, of this city, were married in Ypsilanti Wednesday evening by Rev. Fi, Kennedy. Dr. Joseph Poster and Miss Cecelia Brennan stood up with the happy couple, who are now enjoying a wedding trip. The postoffice forcé are smoking Mr. 'OKane's cigars, and as he is popular with all the carriers, as well as with those to whom he has delivered mail so may years, he has many well wishes for a happy married life. When the Germán American day was celebrated in Ann Arbor some years ago a handsome surplus was made. Trustees were appointed from the various Germán societies participating in the event to manage this fund with a view of making it a nucleus for the building of a hall. As the project of a unión hall seems to be impracticable several societies are agitating the división of the funds. The rock upon which there seems to be some difference of opinión is should the money be divided equally among the societiLS or per capita of the membership of thfe various societies on the day when the trust was assumed. Major Harrison Soule, treasurer of the University of Michigan, returned home on Friday from nis suminer cottage at Toppinabee. He says the climate up there is like that in Ann Arbor except that every four or five days a nice rain feil. The farmers about Toppinabee are doing well. Their orchards are young but loaded down with fruit. The major is very modest and utterly refuses to teil big fish stories ; he even goes so f ar as to say that he only caught sruall fish. Mrs. Soule and daughter will not return home until later in the season. "The ünity club is making arrangements for a finer course of lectures and entertainments than they have ever beforehad. Rev. James K. Applebee, of Boston, the celebrated Shakespearian scholar, will give a course of three lectures on Shakespeare. Ris lecture upon John Wesley, which will also be in the course, has been prouounced by those who have heard it one of the most eloquent lectures ever given in the country. Edward Waldron Emerson, of Concord, Mass., will deliver two illustrated lectures upon art. Rev. Mr. Slicer and the Hon. John Snyder, of St. Louis, are in the course. Further there will be several musical and dramatic attractions making in all twenty-four lectures and entertainments. Tickets admitting to the whole course will be sold for $1 ; single tickets to several of the entertainmets and leotures will be twentyflve cents. Officer Armbruster shot a dog in the Sfth ward last evening that was foaming at the mouth. J. N. Huntsberger, '86 law, of Toledo, has been offered a resident professorship in the law department of the ü. of M. Evart Scott has rented his house on Church street, throngh the Bach & Butler agency, to Dr. George Cottemale, of Lansing, whu intends to move here. The entertainment held at Whitmore Lake Tuesday evening f or the benefit of the M. E. church of that place was a greater success than any that has preceded it. The "deestrict skule" was condncted by Prof. Rane who is at present visiting his parents at Whitmore. The teacher and scholars, by their old fashioned costnmes and attempted old fashioned actions, portrayed the scènes that might have been witnessed in the log school honses of gone by days. Mrs. Trueblood gave two recitations, the Sisterly Scheme and Mammy's Little Boy. Both are humorons selections and the quaintness of'the latter's negro dialect and humor lost none of its merit and effect at the hands of Mrs. Trueblood. Fourteen dollars were oleared]at the entertainment. Frank Howard returned from Devil's Lake North Dakota, yesterday. He reports that John Maher, his nephew, who was recently shot by a worthless fellow who owed him money, is recovering from his wounds. Mr. Howard cannot say too mnch about the big crops. Wheat is running from 20 to 50 bushels an acre and oats as high as 140 bushels. Wheat was selling for 51 cents a bushei, all hard No. 1 spring being raised. Potatoes were so plenty that they were only bringing 10 cent a bushel. There is no fruit in that country, but all other crops are simply immense. Many farmers have as fine buildings as the farmers of Washtenaw county. He says Michael H. Brennan, formerly of Ann Arbor, is prospering and his family are well. Mr. Howard, who is a very conservativo man, is quite enthusiastic about the future prospects of North Dakota.