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Campbell Named.

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Spbin&FIKLD, Aug. 28.- The ticket noiuinated by the Democratie state convention isas follows: Governor, James E. Campbell, Butler county; lieutenant governor, John B. Peaslee, Hamllton oounty; auditor, James W. Knott, Rlohland oounty; treasurer, William Soholer, Gallis oounty; supreme judgo, Willian T. Mooney, Auglaize oounty attorney general, Georga A. Fairbanks, Franklln county; member of board of public frorks, Harry B. Keefer, Tascarawas county; olerk of the supreme court, J. W. Cruikshank, Mi ami oounty. Theoonvention made all lts nominatlons without opposition. It was in session from 10:30 till 8:40, and the nominations wore completed In a half hour af ter ex-GoTernor Campbell had been draf tod for the Standard bearer. The ballots were all on the mlnority report on oredentials and resolutionü, and the time was mostly oonsumed in the con tests bet ween the gold and the silver men. Gold Men the Beat Figuren. The gold men, headed by Brice, had clalmed that there would be less than 800 and probably not many more than 800 of the 808 delegates vote for free silver. The silver men clainied that they would hava nolese than 300, and probably 350 delegatei for free silver. It deyeloped that there were 870 free silver delegates. It was a flghting mlnority, but it did not oarry the flght further than on the platform. The nomlnee for member of the board of public works is said to be the only free sllver man on the state ticket, although the silver Unes were not drawn on the oandidates. There was oonsiderable enthusiam over the nomination of Campbell. He defeated ex-Governor Foraker in 1889, and was defeated for re-election as governor in 1891 by William MoKlnley, Jr., the present incurnbent. Make It a National Fight. The nomination of Campbell means an aggresaive campaign ia Ohio, where McKinley is now recognized as a candidato for president and Foraker for senator, the fate of both depending largely upon the pending contest between Campbell and Bushnell for governor. It is generally anderstood that Governor Campbell was induced to make the race by promises of support for the presidential nomination in the event of hls suscess next November, in which contingoncy he would again confront hls old opponent - McKinley, ghould the latter be nominated. And In co-operatlon with Brice for a Doniocratio legislatura Campbell is again confront. ing his old opponent - Foraker. Although Brice is also known to have presidential aspira tions it is the generally aocepted theory that Brice and Campbell have reached an understanding to contest everything in Ohio with McKinley and Foraker, who have everything at stake on the election of General Bushnell. Shelves the Sllver Qticstlon In Ohio, It is thought that the contest between these old leaders in Ohio will overshadow the ourrency question and other issues. There is so Httle difference between the Bepublican and Democratie platforms on silver that the currenoy question is now generally believed to be disposod of in Ohio, but the tariff will be kept prominent, as the parties differ widely on that issue. Governor Campbell cal led on his friends last night before leaving, and with Senator Brice and others arranged for beginning at once an aggressive oampaign, in which they expect the co-operatlon of leading Deraocrats throughout the country. Routine of the Con Tent ion. The convention was called to order by Chairman Brice, who presided in both temporary and permanent organizatlona, and received an ovation when he took the chair. He made a speech that was devoted principally to claiming that the Democracy was on the eve of vlotory again and counseling harmony. Heeulogized Cleveland as the greatest statesmnn and party leader of his time, and was frequently applauded. Whon it oame to organizing all tho Brioe delegates were seated except those from Cayahoga county. Representativo Hurd read the resolutiona, which on the iinances reaffirm the national platform of 1892, and the minority of the commlttee had a free silver report, which was rejected by a vote of 635 to 870. The majority report was then adopted with a hurrah. Campbell Had to Hun. There can be no mistake about the ourrency plank, for Brice and his lieutenants have given it out that tha 1898 plank means the gold standard, and is so interpreted by 'the national administration. When it came to nominations Campbell took the floor and decllned ín advance what he knew was awuiting him, but a motion to suspend the rules and nomínate him by acclamatlon prevalled, and he was nominated almost unanimously. He made brief speech, thanking his friends for the honor and aceepting the same as sotnething that could not be declined. The rest of the ticket went through easüy, and the convention had adjourned sine die before 3 p. m.


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