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Justice Gibson is absent in Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. John Burg left Monday for a trip to New York, Long Branch, Saratoga and Boston, and will be absent about six weeks.

C.W. Wagner returned Saturday from Wequetonsing.

Dr. L.P. Hall is at Sault Ste. Marie.

E.N. Bilbie expects to spend the winter in Germany.

Mrs. C.A. Maynard and children have been visiting in Flint.

Walter S. Gabrielski, of the Detroit postoffice force, is visiting old friends in the city.

Mrs. D.M. Tyler returned Friday evening from a month at Crystal Lake.

W.K. Childs went to St. Johns Monday.

Misses Lisla Van Valkenburg and Mabel Van Kleek are visiting friends in Flint.

E.J. Taylor, mailing clerk at the postoffice, is spending a two weeks' vacation at Frankfort. 

J.T. Sullivan and daughter, Miss Mary Sullivan, assorting and registry clerk at the postoffice, left for Boston Tuesday evening.

George Donahue went to Crystal Lake Monday.

Mrs. F.A. Howlett and family returned from Cavanaugh Lake Tuesday.

Miss Carrie Buck has been visiting in Hillsdale this week.

Mrs. J.M. Stafford and children are visiting in Akron, Ohio.

Frank Condon left for Hancock Saturday.

N.A. Wood, of Lodi, will remove to Ann Arbor.

Mrs. C.A. Peters in visiting in Gettysburg, Pa.

F.H.C. Reynolds, of Bangor, Me., of the Ann Arbor street railway, company has been in the city this week.

D.F. Schairer is spending two weeks in New York.

Mrs. Amy L. Taylor, of Chicago, is visiting Mrs. N.W. Cheever.

Dr. Herbert Burke is at Base Lake.

Delbert C. Goodspeed has returned from Richmond, Indiana.

David Rinsey returned from Grand Rapids Monday.

N.J. Kyer, secretary of the Kyer Milling Co., was in Toledo Saturday on business. He received some good orders for the company's flour.

Irving Goodwin has returned from South Haven where he has been working for a few weeks.

George Muma visited his parents Sunday.

Mrs. E.B. Norris and family went to Whitmore Tuesday for a two weeks' outing.

C. Steves and J. Brown wheeled to Wayne Sunday on Tucker's tandem.

Fred Nellis and friend went to Detroit Sunday awheel.

Miss Clara McOmber, lit '94, leaves here next Wednesday for Alpena where she is engaged by the high school to teach English, German and history.

Dr. Harry Hall left for Crystal Lake Monday.

Mrs. G.A. Sweet is visiting her sister in Findlay, Ohio.

Prof. A.D. Chisholm, superintendent of the Newberry public schools, and who has assisted at the summer school during the past number of weeks, is in Bay City this week.

John R. Foster, township treasurer of McMillan township, Luce county, returned home Wednesday, after spending six weeks at the summer Normal.

Miss Maggie Cavanaugh, of Manchester, has gone to the northern part of the state.

Fred L. Keeler was in Bay City on business Monday.

Prof. Sam. Osborn, of Sharon, has been tendered the position of principal in the Bay City schools.

Otto Behr and three sons, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. Behr's mother, Mrs. Ann Behr.

Henry Perkins, of the north side, has been assisting Andrew Hughes in his restaurant for a few days during the latter's illness. Mr. Hughes is convalescent.

Miss Nellie Westphal and brother Albert, of Bridgewater, spent Monday in Ann Arbor as the guests of L. Gruner and family.

Prof. Goddard, formerly principal of the high school at East Saginaw, but now one of the instructors in mathematics in the University of Michigan, is spending a few days at Bay View. --Petoskey Reporter.

Miss Amelia McLaren is spending three weeks at Huronia Beach.

Prof. and Mrs. L.A. Rhoades are visiting at John R. Miner's.

Miss M.L. Kerr has returned from a six weeks' visit at Traverse City.

George Phillips, auditor of the Louisville & Nashville railway, who has been visiting his brother, Cashier Phillips, has returned to Louisville, Ky.

Dr. T. Klingmann of Bay City, son of the later Rev. Stephen Klingmann, of Scio, and brother of Rev. Julius Klingmann, contemplates an extended visit to Europe. Dr. Klingmann has a lucrative practice. His friends in Washtenaw county wish him a safe journey.

Mrs. Kendall Kittredge returned from Frankfort, Friday.

Dr. A. Kent Hale was called professionally to Whitmore Lake Saturday evening.

Attorney M.J. Cavanaugh leaves tomorrow on a business trip to Kansas City, Mo.

A.H. Holmes is spending a week at Coldwater with his daughter, Mrs. E.L. Briggs.

Major Wm. M. Stevens and son spent last week at Whitmore Lake.

Rev. George Wiltsie and wife, of Hicksville, Ohio, were guests this week of Ann Arbor friends. Mr. Wiltsie was formerly pastor of the Central M.E. church in Toledo.

Rev. Gabriel Campbell, professor of philosophy at Dartmouth college, has been the guest this week of his brother, Robert Campbell, of Packard street. Mr. Campbell is well known in this county, being born in Augusta township. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, which he attended after his return from the late rebellion in which he served as captain.

L.R. Ames, of the '94 engineers, has been visiting Ann Arbor this week. Since his graduation he has been working at his profession at the Soo and Washington D.C.

John E. Hilnean returned Monday from a three weeks' outing at Les Chenanx Islands where all kinds of game abounds in the thick woods from mosquito to the half breeds.

J.J. Stephenson, of Adrian, was in the city on business Tuesday.

J.H. Godd is spending a few days with Will E. Chamberlain, of Adrian.

Fred and Louis Bowers, of Montpelier, Ohio, wheeled the 90 miles between his home and Saline Monday, and are spending the week visiting Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.

Chas. Duncan became so wedded to his wheel through his Niagara Falls trip that one day off after his return was all that he could endure. Beginning again the fourteenth, he made a run through Toledo, Detroit, etc., and arrived home Tuesday.

J. Fred Thomas, of the University library force, is spending the remainder of his vacation at his home at South Bend, Ind., having been called from his duties here by his brother's illness. Ralph C. Mason is filling his place in the library.

Miss Dr. Latham, who since her graduationin '94 from the U. of M. dental school has been a member of the staff of instructors in the Northwestern dental department, is visiting her Ann Arbor friends this week.

Miss Pauline Frey, of Jackson, is the guest of Wm. J. Aprill.

Miss Gusta Adamschank is camping at Zukey Lake.

Chaz. Hutzel, of Bridgewater, began clerking Monday morning in John Goetz's grocery store.

Robert Hutzel left here Tuesday evening to enter permanent employment in Detroit.

Ed. Koch began a trip Wednesday for Detroit and Cleveland.

Miss Eliza Hill will leave in a few days for a short visit in Lansing, after which she intends to enter upon her work in the St. Joe high school as teacher of geometry and physics.

Harry Hitchcock left Monday for a trip around the lakes and visit in Buffalo.

Miss Francis Fluer, of Detroit, is visiting Miss Margaret Ryan, of No. 8 Beakes street.

Charles Conrath of Conrath Bros., the proprietors of the Conrath raspberry, has accepted the position of travelling salesman for Greening bros., nurserymen of Monroe.

Hilhouse and Hambdlin Buhl wheeled to Detroit and back Saturday. Frank Vandawarker and family left Tuesday afternoon for an outing at Zukey Lake.

Miss Ruth Dunning, of Chicago, who has been visiting for some time with W.F. Bird, is spending a few days at Stockbridge.

James Bird is visiting in Stockbridge.

Clay Hoyt, of Plymouth, is visiting his cousin, Luella A. Rogers of Scio.

C.A. Maynard returned yesterday from Lansing where his family are visiting relatives.

Miss Nellie Loomis, of Ypsilanti, is the guest of the Misses Wetmore, of West Huron street.

Miss Christine Lilly, of West Huron street, returned home this week from a pleasant visit with friends at Old Mission.

Miss Mary Kurtz, who has been visiting Saline friends, has returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. George Dengler left yesterday for several weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago.

C. Fred Gauss who has been visiting friends in Pontiac, has returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Haller left on Wednesday to visit with relatives in Rochester, N.Y.

Sid. W. Millard left yesterday for Chicago to join his wife who is visiting relatives. He expects to be absent several weeks.

Miss Bertha Muehlig entertained during the week the Misses Lizzie and Sophia Guenther, of Lansing.

Mrs. Jacob Wolpert's birthday anniversary was pleasantly celebrated Tuesday evening by her cousins calling in the evening to express their hearty congratulations. Refreshments were served and a pleasant time enjoyed.

Prof. Emanuel Schmid, of Columbus, Ohio, and daughters, who have been visiting Mr. Schmid's sister, Miss Sophie Schmid, returned home on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Brehm and Simon Dieterle and wife returned yesterday from a visit at Dayton, Ohio.

Miss Flora Koch left Thursday for a visit at Mt. Clemens.

May Hill, of Detroit, is visiting her cousins, Olive Wines.

D.B. Cheever and his mother have returned from a trip to the Soo.

Miss Olive Luick is visiting friends at Montreal.

The Misses Lizzie Diehl and Lydia Weitbrecht and Emma Kemper have been spending a few days at Put-in-Bay.

Miss Winifred L. Clark is at the Keystone club home visiting with her cousin, Miss Minnie Drake.

Rev. E.D. Kelly, of St. Thomas church, is taking a much needed vacation by a trip down to the St. Lawrence to Montreal, Canada. He is expected home tomorrow a week. During his absence Rev. Fr. Dwyer is attending to his duties. 

W.K. Childs, secretary of the Washtenaw Mutual fire insurance company, and wife left on Wednesday for Put-in-Bay to visit their daughter, Mrs. Gleason.

Edward Duffy has added a large safe to the conveniences of his office.

Mrs. H.J. Walker, of Chicago, who spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tessmer, returned home Tuesday.

Michael Staebler, Christian Spaeth, Fred Staebler and wife, Mrs. L. Reyer, Mrs. Sarah Staebler and Mrs. Tobias Laubengayer were in Charlotte Saturdat attending the funeral of Mrs. Charles Wildt.

William A. Mogk left yesterday for Chicago to visit there until October 1. He went by way of Toledo where he met George E. Frazer, of Valparaiso, Ind., and will spend a few days at the latter's home.

Mrs. Mitchel, of Brantford, Ont., has rented the Butts house, on Volland street, and expects to reside in Ann Arbor for two or three years.

Miss Marie Durheim, stenographer and bookkeeper of Bach & Butler, is spending her vacation with friends at Orange, Mass., and New York.

Mrs. Pauline Martin, of Allegan, Mich., who has been visiting the family of W.H. Butler, returned home yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. W.H. Butler.

The Last Council Meeting.
The members of the council at the meeting on Monday night seemed to be the "men afraid of their shadow." The electric light question was again reopened to the committee after an attempt to turn the contract over to the Ann Arbor Thompson-Houston electric company on a one-year contract, Alderman brown Brown moving that the Porter bid, the second lowest, and assigned to the Ann Arbor company, be accepted. Nine bids were received for $30,000 sewer bonds, the highest premium offered beginning $114. on motion of Alderman Coon the street commissioner was directed to cut down the weeds on the College Hill addition. This resolution gave rise to a number of sarcastic remarks as to appointing a guide for the street commissioner and other facetious remarks. Attention was called to a general resolution that the street commissioner have the weeds cut all over the city. Alderman Allmendinger and Taylor and President Hiscock voted against the favoring of College Hill addition. Another resolution for the benefit of the street commissioner was introduced by Alderman Koch that the street commissioner distribute the team work and not favor certain individuals. Alderman Snyder, prefacing his remarks by saying he had refused work, told of other teamsters not having a bit of work in two years, while others had steady work ever since the street commissioner was in office.