Local Brevities
West Hurón, First and S. Ashley streets are being covered with gravely sand. Hugh Jenkens, a masón who left for Jackson some time ago, has become almost totally blind. Miss May O'Hearn obtained a general average of 97 per cent. for first grade at the teachers' examination. The funeral services of the two year old daughter of William Goetz, were held today. The little one died of convultions. The clerk of Ann Arbor town will be at the court house Saturday, August 31, to receive and give orders for wood chuck scalps. The Ann Arbor Water Co. has such an abundand supply of water that the engineer is required to shut off the flow of the wells at times. Louis Rhode has purchased the old David Allmendinger homestead and will move it to West Washington street, between his two hoases. The effects of Pawnee Bill's wild west show is noticable all over the city. Every small boy is practicing lassoing imaginary cattle generally fire hydrants. John King, the deputy game warden at Whitmore laks, says the. largest pickerel ever caught in the lake, to his knowledge, weighed 22 pounds 4 ounces. A reading society of nineteen young people,whitíh has been meeting once a week during the sumrner, will, in Gipsy garb, have their picture taken tomorrow. Miss Emilie Newberger, of Chelsea, and Miss Blanche Benbow, of Ann Arbor, were successful in securing first grade cirtificates at the recent school examination. Af ter September 1, F. E. Mills, secretary of the Washtenaw county fair, can be found at the Argus office daily until September 24, the date on which the fair opens. Miss Blanche Benbow, who successfully passed for a first grade certifícate at the recent teachers' examination, has been invited to teach at South Lyon. She is a very successful teacher. The members of St. Patrick's church, Northfield, met on Sunday and elected officess for the grand surprise social to be given next week in honor of theif esteemed pastor, Rev. Fr. Goldrick, on his return f rom the east. The exact date will be given in due time. Frank Vosburg, of 7 Volland st., while working at Mr. Kingsley's new house on the corner of Ann and Thirteenth sts.. stepped backwards into a cistern six foot deep and broke his left leg near the hip. His age, 58 years, makes his injury more serious. Dr. Darling attended him. Miss Emelie Newberger, of Chelsea, returned home happy Saturday because she passed for a first grade state certifícate at the recent examination for teachers. She obtained a general average of 95 per cent. on fifteen subjects. She will be a valuable acquisition to the teaching force at Chelsea. Susie Youngfer and May Downer, of Detroit, and Pauline Genter, alias Youngfer, of Ann Arbor, claim that Mrs. Henry Oltmeir made a death bed confession that her husband was the cause of the cave-in of the main sewer, January 1, by loosening the screws. Mr. Oltmeir denies the story and claims that his wife was out of her mind at times. This is denied by her physician, Dr. C. Georg. The case has been worked up by Marshal Peterson. A little daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Herdman this week. The gross receiptsof the Ypsilanti Arbeiter verein on Germán day were $960. William Aprill, of Scio, will replace the old plank walkaround the Keek block with a handsome stone walk. The marriage of Benjamin Sutherland and Miss Rebecca Tubbs, of Delhi, is announced to take place September 4. M. Wolfe, of the 5 and 10 cent store, broke his shoulder Monday evening in a friendly scuffle with George Frohn, in front of the American house. Hon. William M. White, of Utica, N. Y., the owner of the unsold lots in the White addition, is greatly pleased with the lateral sewer tapping his land. From two to three car loads of ice are daily shipped from Whitmore lake south. About 6000 tons are still on hand. The price for the ice is not as good as last year. Supt. Berry, of the Electric street railway, is now rejoicing in two new open cars received on Wednesday. They will be used as trailers during the fall months and fixed up with motors for next year. Prof. B. M. Thompson was appointed a member of the committee on deeds and conveyances at the recent meeting of the American Bar association in Detroit. Judge E. D. Kinne was a member of the committee on insolvency. Lewitt J., son of Mrs. Lydia A. Polhemus, died Sunday, August 25, of pneumonia. The funeral was held at the family residence, Tuesday, conducted by Rev. C. M. Cobern. He was a grandson of J. A. Polhemus. A mission festival will be held in Emanuels Lutheran church in Ypsilanti Sunday. Rev. Jeager, of Dundee, will preach in the morning and Rev. Mr. Keading and Rev. Mr. Bergemer will preach in the evening, the latter in English. William E. Boyden, of Webster, acted as one of the judges, of the s&orthorn, Hereford, Galloway, fat cattle and sheep, at the Tri State fair at Toledo. F. E. Mills, of Pittsfield, was a judge on the Holstein, Jerseys, Aryshire and grade dairy cows. ■ ■ 1 The Bethels church in Freedom will hold a mission festival Sunday, September S. wThe ministers expéeted to be present are Rev. S. Voegtling, Delphos, Ind.; Rev. G. Eisen, Chelsea; Rev. W. Wildt, Francisco; Rey. J. B. Meister, Freedom and Rev.' R. Schreiber, Saline. The change in the school law is of general interest. Hereafter only those who actually pay taxes and whose names appear on the tax rolls, or who are parents or guardians of children of school age, can vote at school elections. The old story of being liable for taxes, but not paying, won't go. The trustees of the Germán day fund held a special meeting last evening and decided to postpone the annual meeting from Sept. 10 Sept. 20. The Germán societies in Ann Arbor are requested to appoint a committee of three each to meet at that time, to decide upon Jarrangements for the celebration of the next annual Germán American day. The community were greatly shocked on Sunday, on learning that Clara E., wife of Eugene Mutschell, had died after only two days illness of peritonitis. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. C. M. Cobern officiating. Mrs. Mutschell was very much respected and had a large circle of friends. She was a daughter of Charles Spoor and a sister of Mrs. W. W. Nichols. The Wolverine Cycle club wil; hang up a fine lot of prices for the ten-mile road race to be given September 18. They consist of the following: Time prize, National racer, $ 125; position prizes,Victor bicycle, set Palmer tires, set Vim tires, set Morgan & Wright tires, silver oatmeal set, pair of pants to order chamber set, decorated lamp, pair bicycle shoes, patent razor strop traveling bag, box cigars, pearlhandled revolver, lantern, sweater, framed picture. Tuesday evening the young peo pie of the Baptist church held wha they called a baby social. Each at tendant brought a picture of him self when he was a baby. These pictures were then guessed upon the person identifying the largest num ber received a bread and milk se for a prize. In the mean time five cents worth of bread and milk was sold to each person. There were 38 pictures on exhibition and Miss Susie Dorrance won the prize by correctly guessing 22. J. C. Wilson, of the Sixth ward, says he has sweet peas over ten feet ïigh, and they are still growing. James L. Babcock, who is spendng the summer in Waukeshaw,Wis., ïas become an expert bicycle rider. A barn has been built by Andrew R.. Peterson on the property that he sold recently to Mail Carrier Baxter. A large number of entries are ex)ected to be made in the road race o be given by the Wolverine Cycle club September 18. The new club house of G. Frank Allmendinger, Gottlieb Schneider, ?red S. Schleicher and Frank Sutherland, at Island lake, has been finshed. Alex. Schloupe on Monday nar,rowly escaped breaking his arm by jeing caught between a two ton slab of paving stone and an iron crow)ar. The iron was bent. Mrs. Jessie Parsons, of Webster, las become insane, and was taken o the eastern asylum in Pontiac, Wednesday. The case is a very sad one, as she has a large family. üwners of farms wishing to sell will find that the "Want Column" of the Argus is more far reaching han any other medium. Only 25 cents for three weeks' insertions. The Kemp sisters, supported by Mlle. Rosaha's grand exhibition races, will be one of the attractions at the county fair. The Kemp sisers are the youngest child riders iefore the Ameeican public. The quartet that furnished the excellent music at the farmers' picnic was composed of E. N. Ball, enor leader, W. M. Vreeland, bass, vlrs. Edward Sheridan, alto, Miss "ulia Pall, soprano, Mrs. Henry Mead, pianist. Fred Nixon died Sunday morning of a cancerous tumor, aged 34 years. funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Max Hein officiatng. He leaves a wife and three children. He formerly lived in Dexter, on a farm. The 4oth annual session of the Detroit conference will be held in Ann Arbor, Sept. 10 to 16. Over 600 visitore are expected to be present in the city. One of the most mportant question to be discussed will probably be the woman's suffrage question. Dan Mulholland, of Dixboro, was n Ann Arbor Tuesday evening with a big jag. He tried to stop an elecric car on Main street by driving across the track. The horses and wagon were only slightly injured. Mr. Mulholland was landed in the ail. Secretary F. E. Mills, of the Washtenaw Fair association,believes in keeping "in the middle of the road, free silver, bounty of heaven etc." While driving to town he found two great big silver dollars lying in the middle of the gravel road. A very spirited meeting of :he common council was held Monday evening. The electric street railway was granted an extensión of its franchise on State street to the Michigan Central depot, and on Kingsley street between N. Main and N. State streets. The electric light bids made some hot talk. The whole matter was re-referred to ttïe electric lighting committee.