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WANTED, FOB SALE, ETC, FLAGS furnished school houses at lowest posMble ratea, Before buying write or oall on John F. C'onley, general agent for Washtenaw rounty, P. O. box 242, Dexter, Micb. 59.63 TO LOAN - Í800 on real estáte security Address W., caro of Argus. FOR SALE OR RENT- A new room house with agood barn, good wcll, two good cisterna, one andone-half lotsof land. Terms easy. Enqulre at 33 Detroit St., Aun Arbor. Ktt. ___ FOR SALE.- 3ü acres on Chubb St. in acre or tive acre iota or all together. Long I me, small payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonalU, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mich. FA HM TO RENT- Containing about 200 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fences and barns. Water in barns. Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. Diviuion 6,t., Aan Arbor, or A. F Clark Saline. Mich. PIANO TUNJNG.- A. D. Urown, the well known piano tuner with ('. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Argus office will receire his attention. WANTED- A MAN in every section at once to sell staple goods to dealers; no ped dlingxpenenceunneeessary; bestside line. 175.00 a nionth. Salary and expenses or larga commispion mudo. Address, with 2 cent stamp forsealed particulars, Clif ton Soap and Mannfacturing Company, Cincinnfcti, Oliio. HOUSE TO RENT- Suitable for roorners and boardei-s. As fine a loeation as there is in this city. Inquire at 47 S. División. FOR SALE CHEAP- A good Steam Boiler for heating about a houso. Apply toMrs. Richmond,60 E. Huron St. orj. F. Schuh, 31 S. MaiuSt. 57-UO POK SALE OREXOHANGE-A farm of 100 acres in Lima; good building and timber. Al8o 411 acres in Lodi; good buildings, weü watered. Will sell or exchange for suitable liouso and lot In city. Apply to or address Wm. Osius, Box 1551, Aun Arbor. 59-61 MWant Money? or a Home? Wan Work? or a Farm? Want to open a store in a growing town? Want _ ______ to raise live stock? Want to know how to buy improved farms in a Vni! we" 8ettled región withoutpayingcash? Particulars and publtcations sent free by F. I. WHIT ----- NEY. St. Paul, Minn. TEA CLUB ORDERS. We will present either a IOOPikce EitÖUSB Dinneu Set, or a l PmuK Enolish BbdBOOM Set, to iadies getting up a club. We gu'aranteeour Teas ond HaKing l'owrter to give mitire satisfaction. Thls is an excellent opportunlty for Iadies to obtain a buautiful Dinner Set or Bedroom Set free. We make ( lils offer to introduce ourTeas and Baking Powder to the readers of this paper. For 1 uil partlculars, write or cali on A. BEES('H, Importerof Teas, 6Ï3 Summit Sf., Toledo, O. References, all Toledo.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News