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Sinful Habits In Youth

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KaK:DRS.K&K:DRS KftK=DRSKAK D R S K & 1 D R S K & K 1 IK & I & N K ft ü R S K a K D R s K & K I i R S K & K D R S K & K D R S LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN TUT DtCHITof ignorance and f olly in youth, overexertion of mind and body indnc I il L II LO U L I edby lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the Uves and rutan happiness of tbousands of promisirig yonng men. 8ome fade and wither at an early age at the bloesom of manhood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, frmtless anc melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony bat find no solace or comfort there. lh victims are found in all stations of life:- The farm, the ofhce, the workshop, the pulpit the trades and the professionB. , . RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. Wii. A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER. MRS. CHAS. FEKRY, CHA3. FERRY 3BF0BB tbkatmekt aftib TBEATMKNT Divorced but nnited again NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.-E - Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says:-"I have sufferec QVPHII IS untold agonies for my "gay Ufe.' I was indiscreet whei eOirniLig yonng and ignorant. As lïOne of the Boys" i contráete FMIQQIflNS Syphilis and other Private diseasea. I had nlcers in thi tlTüOvaivyio mouth and throat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples oí QTRIPTIIRF face, finger nails oame off, emissions, became thm ant O I niVl Ullt. despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercury fil IRFn Potash, etc. They helped me but conld not care me vrlK-t- Finally a f riend indnced me to try DrB.Kennedy & Kergan 'heir New Method Treatment cured me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wondertui Yon feel youreelf gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to cure in a singu Case" ACURES OUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Capt. Chas. Ferry says:- "Iowe my Ufe to Drs. K. & K. ,innTrilNV At 14 I learned a bad habit. At 21 1 had all the symptoms VIP UI tINlY of Seminal Weakness and Spermatorrhcea, Emissions ...mntnri rwere drainine and weakening my vitality. I married at VAKIUUUtLt 24 under advice of my family doctor, but ït was a rtiinninMC Bad In eighteen months we were divorced. I tlVl loöl UfVo then consulted Drs. K. & K., who restored me to manhood A,lnrn by their New Method Treatment. Ifeltanewlife thrill through UUntU my nerves. We were united again and are happy. This was __ ;, - six years ago. Drs. K. & K. are scientific specialists and I heartily recommend them. E We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debüity, Seminat Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abusi Kidney and Bladder Viseases. 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK DtAnrD I Areyoua victim? Have y ou lost hope? Areyou contemplatine marKtnUtn ! ringeï Has your Blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Oui New Method Treatment will care von. What it has done for others it will do for yon. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you, write forten honest opinión i re of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE- "The Golden Monitor" (illastrated) , on Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. -NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE N o medicine sent C. O. D. Nonameson boxes or envéleme s. Everythingconfldentlal. Questlon list and cost of Treatment, FREE. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN,NDoklT4Ro!rELMB.cST i l&aK=PRS - KftK=PR5 KerKsRIRSKg'iS


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