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r1 - Sick Headache Permanently Cured "I was troubled, a long time, with jsick headache. lt was usually accompanied with severe pains in the temples and sickness at tlie stoutach. I tried a good many remedies recommended for this complaint ; but it was not until I bet an taking AYER'S Pilis that I received anything like permanent benefit. A single box of these pills did the work for me, and I am now a well man." C. H. Hutchixgs, East Auburn, Me. Por the rapid cure of Constipation, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nausea, and all disorders of Stomach, Xiiver, and Bowels, take AYERS f% Cathartic Pills Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. JUk your druggist for Ajer'i Saruparilla, AHËAD OF ALL MAGAZINES this country hos sêm.- Albany Argus. IN THE North American Review are always found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time The Nobth Amkkicax Eicview i recognized on both sidès of the Atlan tic as the foremost Review in the En glish lauguage, and no expenditure i spared in mamtaining it in its anriral led position. The Review is the mouthpiece o: the men and women who know mos about the great topics on which Amei icans require and desiretobeinformec frpin mouth to mouth. lts list of con tríbutors tonus a roll of the represen tative men and women of the age. Subjects that concern the interest o AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention Among topics recently discussed are: "Women Suffrage in Practice": "The Re naisanoe of Woman"; "Woman in Politics' "The New Aspect of the Woman Question, and "The Modern Girl," by the author of "Th Heavenly Twins" ; "The 1 nture of Marriagre' "EvilB or Early Marriages"; "The Serian Girl of the Future"; "The Financial Depenc ence of Women"; "Trades-Uuions for Wom en"; "The Lack of Good Servante": "Amer can Life and Phyr-ical Deterioratlon" ; "Gooc and Bad Mothers"; "The Tyranny of the Kit chen"; "The Amateur Nurse"; MarkTwain' Defenseof Harriet Shelly etc, etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Rkview will publish in ginning with the January number, the Personal Hlstory of the Second Empire, a historical worli of ansurdassed importance, which will throw a tlood of uew light upon the chequered career of Napoleon III , and the influences which led to the callapseof his Em pire in the srigantie utruggriê with united Germany, under Wilhelm I. and 1 is Iron ChanceJlor. It isas fascina tinir as a romance, being richlyanecdotal and fufl of int jrmation drawn from sources hitherto ínaccessible, presented in the KTaphic and vivacioue style which "The Englisliman ín París," by the :ime author, has made familiar to thousands of readers. 50 Cents a Copy; $5.00 a Year. The North American Review, 3 Kast;i4lli 8t., Híe-w York. v b. nokhis Attornet at Law. Does a general law collection and conyeyancing business. A moderate share of your patronage re8pectfully solicited. Office Ib E Hurón Street, upstairs. TRtJCK AND &TORAGE. C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 48 FourthAve., Nortb Telepboue 82. THE AIGliS AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK AND FARM, SARDEN ui EQDLD FOUR MONTHS, FOR 50c The Twice-a-Week Free Press Is the Best Possible Substituto for a Daily Paper. Published on Tuesday and Friday Mornings in time to catch Early Trains. All the Latest News up to the time oí' going to press. Complete Market Reports in each issue. All who cannot get a daily should subscribe for this ideal paper. In no other way can you get as much for so little money. Write for a Sample Copy. Bring or send your subscriptions to THE ARGUS, ANN ARBOR, MICH,


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