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Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men

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T. E. GLEASON. T. E,. GLEASON. 6. O. ROLLINS. G. O. ROLLINS. Before Treatment. After Treatmont. Before Treatment. After Treatment. Emlsslons, Varlcocele, Seminal Weakness, Self-Abuse, SyphiliS' Gleet, Stricture, Unnatura! Discharges, Loss of Vital Fluid In Urine, Impotency, Sexual and Mental Weakness, Kldney and Bladder Dlseases Posltively CURED OR NO PAY. 16 Years in Detroit. 200,000 Cured. Young oi' Mlddle Yon have led a gay life or indnlged in the vices of early youth. Yonfeel Aged Man. the symptoms stealing over yon. Selabuse or later excesses havo broken down yonr system. Atentally, physically and sexually yon are not the man yon ueed to be or ehonld be. Lustful practices reap rich harvest. Tliink of the futnre. Will you heed the danqer signáis? Are you nervous and weak; deapondent and gloomy; specks before eyes; back weak and kidneys irritable; palpitation of heart; dreams and Io6ses at night; sodiment in urine; weakened manhood; pimples on face; eyes sunken and cheeks hollow; poor memory; careworn expression; Varieocele; tired in morning; lifelese; distrustfnl; lack energy strength and ambition. Our New Method Treatment will poBitively cure you. It vu' make a man of you and life will open anew. We guarantee lo cure you or refund all monty jwta. No names used without written consent. $1,000 paid (or any case we take and cannot cure. 8NATCHED FRONI THE CRAVE-A Warnlng From the Living. Emissions "At 15 Ilearncdabad habit. Had losses for seven years. Tried fonr doctore Cured. and nerve tonics by the score, without benefit; I becarae a norvoos wrecK. A friend who had been cnred by Drs. Kennedy & Kersan of a similar disease, advieeu rae totrythem. I did so., and in two months was cured. This was eignt years ago. I am now marriod and have two healthy chüdren." ,. , C. W. LEWIS, Saginaw, Mich. Varlcocele "Varicocele, the resnlt of early vicp, made lito miserable. I was weak and nerCured. vone. eyes sanken, bashful in society, hair thin, drearas und loases at ambition. The "Golden Monitor" openod my eyes. The New Method Trratment ot vm. Kennedy & Kergan cured me in a few weeks." I. L. PETEHSON, louia, Micn. Syphilis "This terrible blood disease was in my system for eisht years. Had taken roer Cured. cury for two years, but the disease retnrned. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on the skin, ulcers in the mouth and on tongne, bone paine, fallina: out ot hair, wei'knofi1, ere. My brother, who had been cured of Gleet and Siricture by D-s. Kennedy & Kergan, recommended them. They cured me in a few weeks, and I thank God I consulted them. zo return of the diseaee in eix years." V. P. JU., Jackson, Mica. A Minister The Kev. W. E. Sparks, of Detroit, says: "I know of no disease so injnrions to Speaks. the mind, body and soul of young men as that of Belf Abuse. I have sent many victims of this lustfnl habit to Drs. Kennedy & Kergan for treatment. I can heartily endorse their New Method Trealmenl which cared thom when all else failed." A Doctor "I know nothing in medical science so eHicient for the cure of Syphüü and Recommends Sexual Distases as thn New Melhad Trealmrnt oL Drs. Kennedy & Kerijan. Maní it. cases which had bailled scores of pliysicians were cured in a fw,we),kB,; have seen this with my own eyes and know it to be a fact." T. E. ALL1SÜN, M. u. DoaHor Have yon been gnilty? Has your Blood boi-n diseased? Are you weak? PJ nCClUCI desjre to be a maní Are you contfimplatiug marriage? Ont New Methoi ireaiment will positively cure yon. Cures Gnaranteed or No Pay. Consultaron Frte. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinión f ree of charge. CnarKe reasonable. Books Free.- "The Golden Monitor" (illnstrated), on Diseaees of Men, anclóse postage, two cents. Sealed. WHo Names nsed without Written Consent. Private. No Mediciue Sent C. O. D. No Names on Boxes or Envelopes. Everything Confidential. Question List for Home Treatment and Cost of Treatment, Free. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, 148 Shelby Street, Detroit, MM


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