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I WONDERFÜL ESCAPE, lielated by a Keeper of the Michigan State Prison at Jackson. (From the Jackson Citizen') 51r A E. Wiag resides at 612 N. JackRon Street, Jackson, Mich. He is a keeper in the Michigan State Prison, a man of sterw integrity, and whose word is beyond dispute. He tells the following story of a wonderful escape, and the incidente conuected with the dangerous position in which he was placed. He says, some months ago my attention was attracted by a swelling of my groins, which began to 'ncrease in size to such an extent that I was alarmed. It spread down my legs to my feet, and I was bloated f rom my waist down, so badly that I could not pull my nants, over my legs, and I had to open my shoes fuiiy two inches before I could get them on. Even my face became puffed Up ; ind my whole system seemed affected. I ould hardly drag myself upstairs to unlock my men. I consulted a physician, oe of the best in the city. He said the swelling was caused by an irritation of the kidneys, and I commenced treatment with him. But I seemed to be getting worse. I was strongly urged by a friend to try Doan's Kidney Pilis, and I flnally conseated. After the flrst week I commenced to see a change, and feit much botter. This was encouraging, and I continued their use. I took fl ve boxes in all, with the happy result that I was completely cured. I have neverheard of any medicine which had such a pronounced and radical effect, and yet not affect the system generally and ieave it in such a good condition. I feel better now than I ever did. After the effect was once established the swelling gmdually disappeared until itwas entirely gone. I regard Doan's Kidney Pilis as a most wonderful agent in the curing of any form of kidney disorder. For sale by all dealers - price, 50 cents per box. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Biiffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the U. S. üeineniber the name, Doan's, and take no other. REDUCING GROCERIES. t has been said that "the milis of the goris grind slow but they grind exeeedingly fineA Now we have done better for althousb our Groceries are "exceedingly fine" we have reduced them in our priee-grindinpr uiill, in less than no time. Wc wou't say that we have reduced our eatire stojk, but we have put down the price upon articles too numerou3 to be enumerated. STASPLER & CO., Phone 141 ■ 41 S. Main St I CQ o % m %% o pj 11 g ft Ë ï 9 ' e 5ï!lili Ö Q 11 P. 3 I 9 sí r i 3 n s I ! WJÜLt HBEZ, NO.4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sígn, Onamehal and Fresco Paihter, gilding, oaloimining, glazing and paper hang Ing. All work is done in the best style and warranted to jrive eatisfaction. W. S. MOORE, LIKemoved from 5T S. Main to 27 S. Main St.) T 'VTt 1VT WW "W try Wl Workdonoin all SUtiVZ X 19 JL ■ forms of modern dentistry. Crown and Iiridce work a specialty Satisfnction Giniranteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 27 South Main Stamt. ANN ARBOS,1CH, jCaveats, and Trade-Marks obtainedand all PatJent business conducted for Moderate Fees. 5 Our Office is Opposite U.S. patent Office f and we can secure patencia lcss time than those jremote from Washington. # _ Send model, draw ing or photo., wïth descripJtion. We adviset if paLcniable or not, frce of charge. Our fee not due till patent Ís securcd. A Pamphlet, u How to Obtain Patcnts," with jcost of same in the U. S. and foreign countrics ssent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.) jOpkPjtent OrncE, Washington. D. CJ


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