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An Important School Board Meeting

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The meeting of the board of schooltrustees on Wednesday evening was qnite nniqne in a way, all previous traditious and nmbttious beiun slaughi tered. It might, perhaps, be called a diamond meeting, from the unmber of diainondsthat sparkled in the ears and ou the flngers of the trustees. Au eutire set of uew ofttcers was eleoted. After four ballots Evart H. Scott was eleoted president, John R. Miner was elected secretaiy and Miss Emnia E. Bower treasurer. This is the flrst time iu the history of the school disrriot iba; a womau lias íilled the responsible positiou of treasurer, nearly $40,000 passing through her hands. Wheu President Beal called the board to order, Trustees Graneé, Bower, Jacobs, Maok, Miner, Scott, Beal and Baoh auswered to their nauies. .1. M, Perkins of the uorth sido presente d in behalf of the people of the fiftii ward the necessity for another ir, oue ha ving uow to dothework in three grades. There was room for another teacher and they asked that one be appoinfced. Ottierwiae justice could not be done the children. The matter was rei'erred to the committee on teachers and text books. The flnance committee reponed bilis to the aruount of $11073.02, inclndiug the printing of tickets at the last eleotion, were allowed and ordered paid. The committee on teachers recornmended that Merrill 's system of vertical penmansihp be adopted in the schools and 1 e introdneed iu the first and second year scholars this year. It was adopted. Thou came the presentation of nauies for the position of traant offleer. They were: C. Barber, Martin Clark, M. J. Martin and Arthur Sweet. Trustee Miner read the new law, whioh provides that the traant otiicer in organized cities shall be a member of the pólice forcé detailed for that jmrpose. _He said that there had been some talk of pomring anotner aay poJiceman Dy tne council to attend to this work. Aid. Mayuard, chairiuan of the pólice coniuiittee, was present and theyhad better hear froin him. Aid. Maynared said the matter had been brought to nis attention within the last few days. He thought it wonld be a good tb ing for the council to appoint another day policeman. In auswer to Trustee Mack's qnestion, he was informed the board had paid the traant offlcer last year $83. The matter was referred to a comruittee consisting of Trustees Gruner, Bower and Mack. Then carne the organization of the new board. Four bailots were taken ha president. The first three were a dead lock, W. B. Smith receiving 4 and Evart H. Sf-ott 4. On the fourth ballot it was broken and Trustee Scott received flve votes and was declared elected. The vote for secretary was seven for John R. Miner, one blank. Trustee Miner declared elected. For treasurer (Jhristian Mack received one vote.Leonard Gruner two and Miss Emuia Bower five. Trustee Bower declared elected. President Soott's address upon taking the chair was short - "Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you. " Instructor D. W. Springer presented the board with resolutious passed at a meeting of the high school teachers askng the board to i-escind is recent acion iu making elocution compulsory n the juniors and seniors. It would ut too much work on soine and prevent ;heir graduatiou. Superintendent Perry was asked for bis opinión. He said he had not been )resent at the meeting, but he was iu ympathy with the resolution. He did' uot see why elocution should be selected rom some thirty subjects and he made ompulsory. It as a geuerous offer to ive the iustruction free and be was snr)iised that it had been made compulory. Trastee Mack thought it should uot g" made compulsory, but voluutary. Trustee Beal thought there were two ides tothequestion. importnt study in the eyes of many people. He thought thewhole matter süould be refen-ed to a committee to hear both sides. It should be recollected that each teacher was crowding his work. Trustee Baeh said she kcew froin personal experience the amonnt of work the scholars had and she thought it was not necessary to make elocutiou compulsory. Trustee Miner defended the action of the board. He, too, knew from personal experience and that it should be made compulsory. He had been over 40 years of age before he conld get up on a floor before people and express himself. The reason was simply that as a boy he had dodged all such strnction. Trustee Bower said it was too serious a matter to dispose of in a hurry. Nowadays the boys and young wornen must learu to express theuiselves. The conimittee appointod to consider he question were Trustees Beal, Bach and Bower. The questiou of instruciton in drawing and music was referred to the coniruittee on teachers and text books. At this juncture several of the trustees becoine quite restive and panted to adjouru. Trustee Beal said sometbing about the matter of closing the sohool for half a day at the fair, but the ïneetinsg adjotirned for one week. Everyone was evidently relieved. The standing comuiittees for the year appoiuted by President Soott were : Finauoe - Trustees Gruuer, Smith and Mack. Teachers and Text Books - Trast Beul, Minor and Bach. Libarry - Trnstei's Mack, Bower o d Qrunbi. Buildings and Grouuds - Tru .! ibs, Be;il auil Scott.


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