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The Monroe circuit court opened on Tuesday, Judge E. D. Kinne presiding Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Lutz, of Byron, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wahr, reninied home Monday. Slr Lutz formerly clerked for the J. T. Jacobs Co. Mrs. Harry Osborne, of Port Huron, is visiting Mrs. Daniel Pierce and Mrs. Hemy T. Schulz. Miss Grace Haven is the guest of friends in Napoleon, Ohio. Miss Francis Taylor, of the University School of Music, spent a portion of the week with old friends at Michigan Center. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Gates, of the northside, returned home form their eastern trip Tuesday. They called on many old friends in New York state. John Graff, of Chicago, formerly of Ann Arbor, who has been visiting old friends.returned home the beginning of the week. Schmid, of Jackson spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmid. Mrs. Martha W. Culver of Marquette, has rented her residence to Mrs. Carrie Hamilton, of Salem. Mrs. Culver will spend the coming year with her children, Mrs. Barr, of Long Island, and Dr. Sidney Culver, of Mason. William Frank, of Detroit, formerly landlord of the Germania, dow American house, and Mrs. Frank, the guests of ex-alderman John Heinzman and family, returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lew H. Clement returned home from their Boston trip Monday. Miss Caroline Britten, who has been spending her vacation in Ann Arbor, has returned to Jackson to resume her school duties. Miss Fannie Louise Gwinner, in charge of the piano instruction of the department of music ot Grinnell, Iowa, who has been spending the summer with her parents, left Sunday night to resume her work. During her stay in Ann Arbor she prepared a number of lectures on musical subjects. Miss Edith Huddy has been appointed to the position of bookkeeper at the hospital. She will assume her duties next Monday. Mrs. Henry S. Horn and daughter and Mrs. VV. L. Bolt, of Detroit, the guests of John Muehlig and family, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. McAllaster and daughter left on Saturday for Webster, where Mrs. McAllaster and daughter will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scadder. for three weeks. Mr. McAllaster returned home on Monday. Miss Emma Dieterle, daughter of Wiliam J. Dieterle, was pleasantly surprised last week by a number of her little friends. They had a royal good time. Jerome Parker, of Lima, was in Ann Arbor, Saturday on business. He says there will be a few apples in Lima. The potato crop will be excellent. George W. Millen, of Detroit, was ia the city over Sunday. George H. Snow, state edtior of the Detroit Evening News, was in the city over Sunday. Mrs. Fletcher returned to her home at Cenetrville, Mich., Monday, from a week's visit with her brother, H. W. Hayes. Mrs. and Miss Staling, of Detroit, returned home the first of the week from a visit with friends here. Mrs. C. Stine and daughter Louise have returned from their summer outing. Miss Dixie Mulvaney is in Mashall spending her vacation. Mrs. E. KilbOi'rn, of Lapeer, has moved into No. 46 East University avenue. She will make Ann Arbor her home. Mrs. Alice Sill has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Treat, in Diarnondale. Mrs. James Sechler and daughter, Alberta, of Somerset, have removed to Ann Arbor, their future home. Before leaving they were given a farewell reception at the home of William Mours. Dr. D. P. McLachlan, of Mooreville, was in the city Saturday on business. He reported the roads in excellent condition and not dusty. He says his neighborhood is so healthy that a doctor has nothing to do. Dr. Christian Kapp, of Manchester, was in Ann Arbor Monday, visiting friends. Miss Emma Schmid, of South Fourth avenue, entftrtained her Sunday school delightfully Thursday afternoon. Ernest Perry returned to Bay City Monday. Mrs. J. McLean, of Houghton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. William Condon. Mrs. C. Loving haa returned from a year in Virginia. Mrs. Mark W. Harrington, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Davine, left Monday to join her husband in the state of Washington. Louis C. Weinmann was in Grand Rapids this week attending the state fair. Mrs. A. M. Doty is home from a visit with relatives at Emory. Albert C. Schumacher, ruember of the state board of pharmacy, and Mrs. Sclmmacher have returned from their week's stay at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Schuruacher says 18 candidates were examined by the board. The weather was perfect and their trip was delightful. Mr. Schmnaher, who is a hay fever sufferer, had relief at the Soo, but as soon as he reached Detroit he comraeuced to sneeze. Ed Wolfe, n auager of the Star clothin )iso. ia home from New York Í n been selecting fabrics for his t.ili ai, i winter trarle. and Mrs. George Water celebrated the releventli marriage anniversary l"ucs'iay evening. A few friend assisted in in ikiiig the time pass deligbtfuliy. C. C. Warner left Wednesday for Grand Rapids anri Urania. Mrs. Julius Oesterlin, of Grand Rapids, who has been visimng her husband's parents, returned home on Monday. She was accompanied by her mother-in-law, Mis. Eugene Oesterlin. Attorney Thomas ü. Kearney was in Ypsilanti on legal business yesterday. Mrs. R. C. Greenwood left yesterday for a ten days' visit to t. Mrs. Albert Minn, of West Liberty street, entertained a number of friends at a delightful toa party yesterday. The Misses Douglas. Clements. Rev. and Mrs. H. Tatlock, Rev. R H. Beach, Mrs. and Miss Condon and Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Brown and family picniced in the Geddes wood Tuesday. Mrs. C. H. Bastón was in Dexter Monday to attend her mother's funeral. A. H. Hopkins, assistant in the general library, and sister left Tuesday for Cullruan, Ala. Miss Hopkkin will make an extended stay in hopes that the climate may benefit her health. Mr. Hopkins will leave for Chicago after his return. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whedon are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs. T. C. Phillips, of Milwakuee. Mrs. T. N. Tagge is in Dexter, the guest of C. W. Miller and family. Miss Veva Dufty, with Mrs. Dr. T. J. Sullivan, of Chicago, attended the funeral of a relative in Brooklyn.N. Y., this week. Mrs. W. B. Phillips is entertaining her mother, Mrs. L. W. Babcock, of Carthage, N. Y. Richard Taylor, of Durand, was in Arm Arbor Tuesday calling on old friends. He was fonnerly in the grocery business on East Washington street, in the place now occupied by Illie's bakery. Miss Anna Grosse, of Chicago, the guest of Mrs. John Neuruauu, returned hoino Tuesday. A. Neuberger, of Chelsea, called on Ann Arbor friends Saturday. Miss Mary Durheim returned Saturday from a seven weeks' trip in the east. The Misses Louise Exinger and Emma Noli spent Sunday with friends in Lima. Mr. and Mrs. John Burg returned home from their eastern trip Tuesday. Mrs. Christian Spaeth is quite seriously ill. Mis. G. A. Van Eps and son, of Chicago, the guests of Aid. George L. Moore and wife, returned home 1 day. Fred Wedemeyer, of Chelsea, formerly supervisor of Lima, is confined to the house from illness.