Lead To Ann Arbor
Miss Emma E. Bower preseuted her boud as treasurer of the school board at the adjourued meeting of the board Tuesday evening. The document was decidedly unique, iu that the sureties were all wouieu aud were as follows: Olivia B. Hall, Mrs. J. F. Niohola, Mrs. C. C. Warner, Luoy D. S. Parker, Ella R. Stafford, Elizabetb S. Pardon, Lizzy Voy Milieu, Katheriue T. Cramer, Francés J. Miner and Henrietta C. Penny. The boud was accepted. Siuce Miss Bovrer's bond was presented to the board, sorue donbt as to legality of the document has beeu ralsed, it beiog alleged thai a married woman caunot legally affix her name to a bond and be held responsible. TLe opiuiou of the board in the matter is rather ansettled. Ex-President Beal said this ruorning hat he saw uo reasou why a wouiau, holding property iu her own name, conld not be held responsible. Still, he thonght it a matter for the lawyers to decide. The elocutiou questiou came up at the meeting for euerons discussion. The committee reported that the teaching of elocution be uot made compuls ay ou uou-resideut studeuts. President Scott objected to increased requirenients ou anybody aud Trustee Grnner thonght the salary paid. $450, roo large for the amonnt of work done. John R. Miner moved that elocutiou be strickeu ont altügether from the curriculum and the teacher exoused from duty. The matter ended by layicg the committee report on the cable. The librarían reported the circulation of books for last year to have been i :!. - 835. Ou motion of Trustee Miuer it was voted to close the city schools mxt Wednesday, that being school day ar the fair. Mrs. Dr Garwopd read the resolutious of the W. C. T. IT., relaiive' to liqnor being sold at the county fair, bnt the board thonght the .subject out of its proviuce aud it was uot taken up.
Ann Arbor Argus
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