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agEndtricmph, Baffletl Many Times but Success (Jomes at Last. i Prom the Grand Rápida Press.') Tho foliowing incident would bc hard to believe if it had not occurml right here hi Grand Rápida, and invostigatiou by onr renresentative lias placed it beyoud tlio .ach of doubt. These are the facts iu detail : Mr. J. H. White of No. 25 Haifley Place, has been an instructor in penmimship in different business colleges for tlm past fourteen yeara. He says : " Last Oetober I was suddeuly taken ill. I consulted a physician, who said the pain wan from ' srravel ' stoues ; gradually grew I worae ; the pain was in my back and side. My back s weiled up in a great r:1ge, and I tinally grew so bad that I was taken to bed, as helpless as a child. I passed bloód, and wheu the pain was at its worst I was'like one crazy. The doctor injected morphine to give me relief, but further than that he said he was powerless, and nothing would do me any good but a surgical operation. I believe my flesh was fiterally cooked in the attempts to relieve my agony, everything was used, mustard piasters, turpentine, hot cloths and all such things. I was in this condition, given up by the doctor, and almost out of my mind with suffering. I commenced taking Doan's Kidney Pilis, and really I feit easier in 20 minutes. After about two hours I had a passage of urine, and passed blood and some ' gravel ' stones which greatly relieved me. I rapidly improved. I took in all six boxes, and I feel to-day entirely well. Mine bas been a wonderful case. I feel that I cannot say anything strong cnough for Doan's Kidney Pilis. My great wish is that they may become well known. They will prove a boon to mankind. For sale by all dealers, price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for theU. S. Remembertlienamc, Doan's, andtake no other. REDUCING GROCERIES. t has been said that "the milis of the gods grind slow uut. tlicy grind exoeedingly fine. Now we have done hetter ior althousl) our GrooorieR are "eiceediastly fine" we have reduced them in our price-triMinliinr mili, in lesa thannotitue. Wewon'teay thát we have peduced our entire ato -k, bui we have put down the prioe upon artlcles too aumeroua to be eiiumerated. STAEPLER & CO., Phone 141. 41 Main St M 91 i S 1 g g li tf ra L 11 p „ ri r3 'S a A L H f-H o r gg 1 1-8 ! i Is I S p II 3 i I ra 2 9 's 2 i 3 Si a I I I ! I I NO. ♦ W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sig, Ohamemal asd Fresco Painter, gilding, ealcimining, glazmg and paper bang ing. All vfOTk ie done in the best style and warranted to gve eatiBfaetion. W. S. MOORE, D(Removed from 57 S. Maiu to 27 S. Main St.) THKrifiTCI1 Work done in all i#JJÍaXíL JL 1.9 JL ■ forms of modern dentlstry. Crown and Bridge work a specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 27 South M Street, Al tiSOft, UI iCaveats, and Trade-Marks obtaincd and all Pat-J Jent business conducted for moderate Fees. Soub Office is Opposite U. S. Ptent ' Office? iaiul we can secure patentin less Urne tnan tüosci fremote irom Washington. . . . J 5 Send model, draving or plioto., with desenp-j Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, Lree olS charge. Our fee not due till patent is securcd. S A Pamph LET "HowtoObtain Patenis, withj 5coc oL "ame in the U. S. and ioreign countnes? Jscnt iree. Addrcss, ' C.A.SNOW&CO 5 Opp. Patent Office. Washington, D-CJ


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