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Whatever rnay be tbe cause of blanchiog, the may be restored to its natural color by the use of that potent remedy, Ilall's Vegetable Siciïian liair Renewer. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. 'Yhen she was a Child, she cried f or Castoria. ■Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. All drugglsts sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Piasters. Pain has no show with Dr. Miles' Pain Pilis. BUCKLEN'S ABN1ÜA SALVE. The Best Salve in tbe world ior Cut8, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Bbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Ilauds, Chilblains.Corns.and all Skin Eruptloug aud positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. lt is guaraütéed to give perfect satisfaction. or mouey reiunded. Prtce, 25 eents per box. For sale by The Eberbach Drti; and Chemical Co., Aun Albor, and Geo. J. Ilaussler, Manchester. Overworked wonien need ZoaJfhora. Epilepsy 20 Years. Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. A few years ago, Mr. L. W. Gallaher, was an extensive, successful expert manuf acturer of lumber products. Attaeked with epilepsy, he was obliged to give up kis business. The attacks came upon him rnostinopportunely. One time íalling írom a carriage, at anotker down stairs, and of ten in the strebt. Once he feil down a shaft in the mili, his injuries nearly pruving fatal. Mr. Gallaher writes from Milwankee, Feb. 10, '95. "There are none more miserable than eplleptics. For 20 years I suffered with epileptic fits, having as high as five in one night. I tried any number of physicians, payiug to one alone, a fee of $500.00 aud have done little for years but search for something to help me, and have taken all the leading remedies, but recei ved no benefit. A year ago my son. Chas. S. Gallaher, druggist at 191 Reed St., Milwaukee, gave me Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, and I tried it with gratifying results. Have-'had but two fits since I began taking it. I am better now in every way than I have been in 20 years." Dr. Miles' Romedies are sold by druggists on a positive guarantee that the first bottle '. will benefit or prlce refunded. Book on the Ilcart. ;ind NerveSi f ree. Addrc Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore Health.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News