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GOT THEBACKACHE? If You Have, Here's the Way to Rid Yourself of the AYeariness and Pain Attending It. Some people suffer with headaches, ; mauv people are wom out and weary all j the "time, many more people have lame back and backache. Few people I stand the real cause of their aches, and fe'wcr yet know how easily they can flnd I a cure. Justa word of explanation before j we prove that what we say is truc. The back is the key-note of the kidneys. It aches; that's a sign that the kidneys are uot working properly ; it is lame ; another sign, the kidneys are out of order. The kidueys, you know, are the filters of the blood, but filters sometimes get clogged up. This means in their case that the blood courses through the entire system impregnated with poisonous uric acid, bringing on many a disorder whieh, if neglected, ineans disease perhaps incurable. And now about the cure : - Don't take our word for it; read what others say : Mr. David C. Oaks is proprietor of the well known hardware and paint shop at 220 East Main Street, Kalamazoo. Mr. Oaks hassuffered a great deal f rom kidney ailments; he described his condition and cure as follows: "Ihad a bad, lame back, which I suppose was caused by my kidneys ; was confined to my bed during bad attacks. I might say, from time to time, I have been in that condition for years. The urinary organista was affected, urine beiug scanty, highly colored, and difficult in passage. I was in a bad shape when I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pilis, about which I had heard. I have used now two boxes of them, and the pills have removed all the pain and trouble. There was a marked improvement right from the first, and it has continued right along. Doan's Kidney Pills are the right thing in the right place." For sale by all dealers - price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y , solé agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other, REDUCING GROCERIES. t bas been siid that "the milis of the gods grind slovv but they grind exeeedingly fine.' Now we have do ie better for althougb our Grooeries are "exeeedinly fine" we have reduced them in our price-grindi njr miil, ia less than no time. We won' t nay that we have reduced our entire sto k, but we have put down the priee udoii artieles too numerous to be enumerated. STAEPLER L CO., Phone 141. 41 S Main St I W Ü o ft.Il; - -1 fi W ií n I 5 S i! fi ? S f II t j W tí s d a s ló ÍS fil 1 Ö Q S 3 5, g ií á i ; 5 11 1 1 M S - H L g uj a S o I I i NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sign, 0iumkiul and Fresco Paihter, gilding, calcimining, glazing and paper nane Ing. All work is done in the best style and warranted to teive aatisf aotlon. W. MOORE, CKRemoved frorn 57 S. Main to 27 S. Main St.) TITT'WP'TCET1 Work done in all JL JLaEV X ■ forms of modern dentiBtry. Crown and Bridge work a specialty Satisfaction GuaTanteed. (U. of M. Gradúate.) 27 South Xiin Street, M ARB0R,_m SCaveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-j Jent business conducted for MODERATE Fees. 5OUR OFFICE ISOPPOSITE U. S. PTEN1 "O FFI ICE 5and we cansecure patent in less time than UJOK iremote from Washington. , . 5 Send model, drawing or pnoto., with descnp5t!on. We advise, iL patentable or not, tree oi( Scharge. Our fee not due till patent is securc-o. , 5 A Pamphlet " How to Obtain Patents, wftn fcoft of same in the U. S. and countncs, Jsent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. ï Opp. Patent OFFI?LvJyA?l?Tvíwv


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