After Resignations

At the anuual meeting of Zion Lutlieran chnrcb Jast Mouday evernig, the resiguations of both Re v. Max Hein, the pastor, aud Louis Bges, the parish school teacher, were asked f or, the f ormer within a rnonth, The inoeting was a very lively one as the rocord of it will show. The first intimation of tronble was in the presontation of charges by Pastor Hein against Louis Boes, the teacher. The result was a close vote oí 58 to 62, asking for his resignation. It was evident that thero were more resignations to be considered and a certain part of the rueiubers moved for aljournment,iu order to avoid bringing up the question expected. Twice the niotion was made to adjonrn, but both motions lacked a majority vote, and the negative was so plain that Chairnian Hein declared both lust. Then the pastor declared the meeting adjourued on his own autliority, and together with nearly half of the members present, he left the church. Those remainiug decided that the pastor had no right whatever to declare the meeting adjourned, aud in order to carry on business, they eleoted Frederick Schniid, oue ot' the vestryinen, chairman. He asked for the further pleasure of the meeting, which was suou mauifested in the shape of a resolution demanding the resignation of Rev. Max Hein as pastor within oue month. This re.solution prevailed by the vote of 48 to 0, fourteeu members uot votiug, aud Chaimiau Schmid declared the resolutiou ariopted by a unaniruous vote. There were charges presented against the pastor in the animal report of the trustees of the church. These were relative to neglect of pastoral duties, aud to bis persuual conduct. Thetrouble Las beeu brewiug for some time, aud it fáá by -ome of the prominent members of the church that rhe pastor, knowiug that his head must fall, took the opportuu ty last Mouday to cause the parifih teachet's resignation to be atked tor, in order to satisfy a grudge he held against him. It is also intimated by the same authonty that Boes nuiy continue to hold bis positiou. The matter of his resignation was plaoed in the hands of the trustee :, aml as i f was not demauded within auy specified time, they may allow him to remain iudeflnitely. It is said that during the foni years he has been at the head of the school, not a word bas bffore been said agaiust him. The oliargea formulated by the Veatry in.their report aro said to be a Tjnaumious expression of their It is rjharged by those opposed to the pastor, that he packed last Mouday evening's meeting with members at the ui favorable to his side. Th -y even go so f:ir as te assert that he hart men out drnmming up the supporters of h.s canse. Thero seeuis to be a wde división in the congrei?atiou, aud while those opposad to the pastor unite in praising his ability as a preaoher, they say that his pastoral work does not suit thein, henee the desire for a ihauge. Alihough the meeting was taken up inaiuly with the strife con ;erQiug the rosiguatious, some other business was tmnsacted. Geovge Miller was reelected deacou and Michael Braun and John Wulz were choseu trastees.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Rev. Max Hein
Louis Boes