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The Young Mens Ch;i tian A sociat.on o; Air.i Arbor, in oder to pl.xe Ie. ore the pcople oí this city a num1 er of eutertainments of a popular order at a price that all eau afiord, has secttred the foUowing i.nt ■■ .lss clas; concerto and ieetures. to v, ih (iiiotlier will be added il' su fi.ieut encouragement is given, maklng. i.v cntei-iaiiiments for $1.00, or ess tlian 17 cents apiece. The eharactér of these entertniuments is sueh ihat thej will be eujoyed by the .nasses. Th" mutic will be by superior artista, but all of et iiopuhir nature, uom iníuí; meo.tly vitii Lri-Uancy o. o.ecution- You know we all love the me'ody of o'-d songs "Home Sweet Home." or "Way Down Upon the Suauee Ei ver.' ' In the lectures the best talent on the American p.aüoim lias been secured, including Ilol.eit J Burdette and J. M. Barkley. P ice of eeasoii tickets admitting to aü entertaiuments, $1.00. is the lowest figure at whlch such a eourse has ever been offeied. The Young Men's Christian Association desireá to furnish a similar i ourse eocli year, and it is sincerely hoped that our citizeus will give this onterpriso such encouragement as will enable it to accömplish that object. This eourse consista oí three concerts and two Ieetures, as follows : Laura Dainty Concert Co., Oct. 17. Tuis company consists of Laura üain1 ty, the world famous reader and lm■ personator, accompanied by the MissL es Eobertson, solo violinist and harptet, nieces of Helen 'M. Gougar, the i oted lecturer, and ladles of the '■ Uiyhest social standing, as we'.l as of eminent talent. Mr. Wllliam KMiarde, a pupil of Kandegger, of London Eng-.j is also a member of this company. A more attractive evtning has never been oifered in Ihis city than these entertainers will produce. 2. NI: a Drummond Leavitt, and the Ann Arbor Concert Co., Nov. 27th. Mi-e. Nina Drummond Leavitt, of Brooklyn, N. Y .,has no superior as a banjoist and in rendering dialect songs mo&t of which are those quaint and beautiful melodies of the southern coloree, people. She gave a recital in the Y. Ml. C. A. rooms last August, and those ivho heard her are ananimous in the opinión that they never before heard banjo music. She wiU be assLsted by the Ann Arbor Concert Co., an organization that nas had ruaiij good words said of it in its tour through surrounding cities. This company is composed of some of the best musical talent in Ann Arbor. No conrert given in this city this season wil' bo appeal to the lovers oí popula i'.ii.Mc as will this. 3 Lecture by Eotoert J. Burdette December 19th. O: this world renowned humorist i is hardly necessary to say auythiug Ho is known to everyone. He ha by his wit, humor and pathos, satis faetoriiy eutertained more people than any other living man, and his writiugs have pleased a multitude o readers. This lecture alone in all prominent cities costs more Lhan is askec! for this entire course. 4-. Lecture by Dr. J. M. Barkley Jan. 16th. Dr. Barkely is an cntertolning speaker. He wW give an eitremely interesting and instructivo talk regarding his experience in the 'i;ebe! Army, in which he served a time during the great Civil War. No oue can afford to miss hearing him. Se'ections will be rendered by a local orchestra during the half liour preceding the leeture, which commences at 8 o'clock. 5. Koyal Hand Bell Kingers, Feb. loth, '96. The finest concert In its liuo is given by this troupe, with their Caiillion 'of 131 sweetly toned bells, ranging from 11 1-2 lbs. to 3 1-4 oz. Tlik is the standard company oi the world. It is universally conceded thal in point of artistic excellence they have no rivals. They are BO far beyond all other troupes of bell rii.gers that no comparison ;an be made In Great Britain and on the continent their reputation is un'.ival'ed. They have appeared many times befoie the queen and royal family, and the nobility and aristocracy of Europe. Their dress is the court costumo of the reign of Edward XV. Thé sixth and last entertainment vill be equal to any of the above, i)roviding the residents of Ann Arbor give th'j Association sufiicient encouragenuni so that they can afford to give it When asked by the Young Men's Christian Association boys to purchaso a course ticket, will you not eheerfully comi)ly with the request, and help an association that is doing a great deal of good for the young men of Ann Arbor, the only association in fact that has this one distinct abject in view ? (


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