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Co-ed's New Gym

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President Angelí on Wednesday made his annnal report to the board of regenta in Ootober session. The new woman feeling was given a cold ohill, for it was showu that there had been a falling off last year f 4.6 from the attundance three yearstigo and it was only a half per cent. greater than the year bef ore. The president believed that for some time to come the prcportion of men and women is likely to be 33 per cent. in the literary department and 21 per cent. in the whole University. President Angelí expressed himself as well pleased with the resnlt of makiiig the engineering department separate from the literary department. He funud that heretofore many stadents did not kuow that there was a school of technology at Michigan and the advertising given by a distinct name was already being feit. In the Jiterary department the most important changes which have been made were in the asking for more longed work in high schools in a suiau uumber of soiences in place of brief etudy of a large number ; and secondly, in askiug preparation in some foreign language, eithar Latin, Germán or Fi'euch, or in auy two of the three, for admission to the B. L. course. The report showed the existence of the following fellowsihps: The Clara Harrisoii Stranahan fuud, to be known as the Seth Harrison fuud, providing $000 a year for students who are descendaiití of Seth Harrison ; Messrs. Parke, Davis&Co., a $500 fellowship in cheuristry aud Frederiek Stearns one of $300 in the school of pbaimacy. Two of rhe fourfellowshipsawarded by ttie American Arohaeologioal Institnte, ;.■ 'Mi re4donce and atady at the American schooi at A'thens, aro held by Herbert DeCou and W alter Dennison, of Michigan. Dr. Vaughan during last year tested 381 sample of drinking water in which there were typhoid germs. He had reported to the president that the health officers, village aud city authorities througkout the state had assisted uim materally in furnish'ing water in which typhoid germs were snspected to exist. The department had examined 3 00 samples of food in which poison was snspected and had been efficiënt in ferreting out a uumber of mysrerious cases of death by so doing. The homeopathie difference was well gone over. Mr. Angelí said that the regents had deemed it impracticable to transfer the college to Detroit at once. The opinions of prominent attorueys had been taken as to whether the act directing the removal to Detroit was p issed iu such form as to become a law. The reanlt w;is uot given, but the presideut said that judicial determination of the question might be asked. The report closed with an appeal for more room. The uew Lewis collection and the Rogers of statuary made the erection of a new art building iiuperative. The structure should cost between f 100, 000 and $200,000. The following were the hnmediate needs of the University : Enlargernent of the law building, of the chemioal, physioal and bacteriological laboratories; of the library building and hospital wards; the establishment of an eleotrio light plant aud the erectiou of the art gallery.


Ann Arbor Argus
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