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The Regents Meet

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At their regular October meeting Wednesday the board of regents of the University conferred a uumber of diplomas left over from last June, and made a number of appointments in the medical school. The mat- ter of the appoiutmont of A. Kent Hale, M. D. , of this city, to the posirion of deruonstrator in uervous diseases was left over to the uext meeting. Appropriations to the amotmt of $475 were granted the new homeopathie school. The name for the hospital of ;he homeopathie department was, on. suggestiou of the homeopathie faculty, decided upon as the University Hospital Homeopathie. Cari C. JVIantz was made assistant to actiug professor of ?yneocology and obstetrics. Architect Scott, of Detroit, was authorized to make drawings for the woman's new gym - or the new woman's gym, which - according to his plan submitted to the board. The board decided that the cost of the new building should not exceed $50,000. Those who attended the f air will perhaps remember the huge tympanii in the manufacturera' building, representing war and peace. They were all about 30x15 feet in dimensions and Oarl Melchers, of Detroit, was the author of one of the best of the productions. Two of the tympanii, inclusive of Mr. Melchers' cauvass, have been given to the University, and tbey will be hung upon the north and south walls of the uiuiu hall.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News