Mr. Stearns And His "josh."
Senator David B. Hill open the course of the Students' Lscture assooiation at Ann Arbor. Not a hair of iris head will be harmed unless he proelainis his belief that eivil servce is a correct political principie. Ana Arbor has an anti-nramp society, which is holding regular meetings, and forumlating a plan of work. Sinith, of the Monroe Democrat, will find it difficnlt to get into the place to stay over night, Cap. Allen will have to get a passport and Jim Ashley will have to stop at Whitmore lake, or have his habitat in Milan. Mrs. Heurietta Penny, of Ann Arbor, was on the bond of Miss Bower, for treasnrer of the schools. Her nephew objected on the ground that Petmy auuty ought not to be permitted in counection with the edncational interests of the Ann Arbor yonth. "Law suzz. " Fred Goodale, of this city, exhibitd in the art department of the fair.sorne studies in oil of animáis from nature. - Ann Arbor Times. Such oil is proving f ar better in most studies, than coal ojI or vegetable oil. It's been our custom for some years to use oil of animáis from nature. It gives a smooth, even glossy finish and we always know on which side our bread is buttered when we use it. At Ann Arbor, the home of the uuiversity, the seat of learning, the fountain head of advanced education, the home of seventeen and a fialf nrwspapers, the habitant of at least one member of the board of education, a city of ministers and the "locus" of morality, boys smoKe vile cigarettes in the halls of the churches during service and as the incensé therefrom permeates the building the worshippersare incensed beyond expression and convinced that education is a failure if marriage isn't.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News