Irs Mcnzie, of Niágara Falls, is the guest of her dragfater, Mrs. Etta Pyle. Dr. Chapiu visited Ann Arhor TnesThe Milan schools are in a very flourishing condition. Mr?. H. Sil) and Miss Alma Sill were the guests of Mrs. Moxson, near Azalia, Saturday. Mr T. T. Laoey has returned to her home in Toledo, Ohio, 'af ter a pleasaut visit with her friends in Milan. The Chatauqua circle met at Mrs. G. B. Williams' resinence Saturday afternoon. Mrs. L. Clark maáe a business trip to Toledo Tnei-day. . Editor A. B. Siuith visited AnnJ Arbor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dexter, of Williamston, have removed into Mrs. Otto Bennett's house on County street. Mr. and Mra. Gus Oole have returned frotn their bridal trip and are at home to their friends on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence have moved bask into their farm. Miss Cecil Gauntlett, in the grammar departmeüt of the school, captured the most names and won the prize for the lecture course tickets. Bev. J. P. Hutchinson, of Ann Arbor, delivered a fine address on Freedom at the Presbyterian church'Sunday morning evening. Mrs. Mell Barnes and son, of Tecumseh, visited Milan friends the last of the week. The ladies of the M. E. church will hold their tea social at the residence of Mrs. O. F. Youngs Wednesday afternnnn. Mr. and Mrs.H. Hack have purchased Mrs. Friend's farm and will move onto it the last of this month. Mrs. J. L. Marble is entertaiining her brother, Edward King of Findley, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Ronse, of Saline, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ronse over Sunday. Mrs. Charles Sill is visiting friends in Dexter, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Rev. ,T. Ward Stone has returned f rom his Kalamazoo trip. Mrs Carriok and dangbter visited her parents in Dundee Saturday. The Presbyterian sewing circle will meet at Mrs. Ward's Tuesday afternoon. The L. O. T. M. will give an oyster ' snpper and a fine program Friday. Everone can be fed and entertained for fifteen cents. Mrs. M. Vincent entertained guests from Toledo last week.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News