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He Lost The Girl

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Ho an her father were great friends. As onJy fc-ur persous figure in this. story it is unneeessary to mention names. He had a rival for her afïections, and her father could never uuderstand why she preferred the rival to him. One day when he sat on the porch chatting with her father she called him into the parlor and told him fraukly that she had promised to marry his rival. He did not plead or beg. Ho kissed her hand with a sort of reverence, and then returned to his seat on the porch and renewed the conversation with her futher, i In those few moments everything seemed to have changed for him. The snn did not shine as brightly ; the birds did not sing as they did before. Even the grass and trees seemed sear and dead. He had expected what he hud just heurd, but that did not seern to abate the shock. He was distrait and moody. Her father j saw this and asked him the cause. He ' blurted out -the whole miserable truth. ! Her father continued to polish his glasses carefully and theu said : "Wimmen folks is mighty onsartin ! oritters. " Her father said nothing more, but nothing wou ld change her mind. Gradually it carne to be generally known that he had been rejected, and that his rival was the fortuuate wooer. They, he and his rival, were alumni of the same college. He was down for a speech at the alumni dinner. A ruonth beforo he had attended her wedding. No one everheard himcomplain,though all knew how he suffered. He was looked upon as the orator of his class, and a great speech was expected. When he aróse, a sinister glitter could be seen in his eye. He began to speak slowly. He took as his text "Acquired Tastes. " He spoke as leugth. Finally he said : "I called upon a dear friend soma time ago who had just had a daughter married. He feit his loss very keenly, I tried to console him, tolling him ihat while he had Io3t a daughter he had gained a son. He said slowly to me: " 'Maybe I will come to like him after awhile - like I do my cigar, but the iïrst few puffs are making me mighty sick. ' " ït was in Keutucky. Not a word was said then. bui just Lis the sun peeped over the bilis the uext day two dark forma were seeu silhouetted against the sky. There were two flashes, a combined, subdned report - and one fel), nevei


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News