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This Man Never Wears Hats

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Clinton Miller, of Bradford, Pa., a florist gardener and quite an intelligent man, says the Buffalo Express, has a strange hobby. He does not and will I not wear a hat. Not since a boy has ' Miller worn any head-covering other than a short, thick-growth of natural hair. In the summer, with the hot sun pouring down upon his uneovered head, Miller may be seen walking around the town or at ais work, with the utmost i serenity of manner, as if he never ; minded it a little bit. In the winter it is the same. The mercnry may j scend clear to the bulb in the j mometer, the winds may blow and the ; snow may fly, but Miller never minds ! it and stalks about bare-headed and j without an overcoat. The rain doesn't ' feaze him, either. Nothing bothers this man with the hobby, as far as the Í ments are concerned. Miller nttended the New York state j fair last year, and was an object of great interest. It was very hot during the days on which the fair was held, and the sweltering crowds tried to keep cool with broad-brimmed hats, parasols, umbrellaa, etc, and Miller, with his bare head, seemed to be the only )erson on the grounds who did not suffer from the heat. He gives as his reason for not wearing a hat that na;ure provided us with a head-covering, and he says that it is foolish for a person to wear a hat or any other artificial head-covering. "You say you don't see how I can sland it? Look at the North American Indian. How does he stand it, or ïow did he stand it before the entrance of civilization, which resulted in som? of them adopting hats? See the natives of far-off África and other far-off countrles, who do not wear hats. Why, you can even see the fooiïshness of wearing a big, heavy, cumbersome hat by looking at women on the streets with jonnets as big as a silver half-dime. They don't neect any hat. Another ■eason I do not wear a hat is that it produces baldness. If the people of the civilized world never wore hats there would never be such a thing as a bald head, unless brought on by disease. I wouidn't wear a hat, and should ba lad to see every other man abandoa lts use. It might be hard at first, but chey would get used to it soon, and would be pleased with the result.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News