Michigan Crop Report
The Michigan erop report f or October shows the area of wheat harvested in 1895 ap 1,262,307; the bushels, 16,782,637 and average yield per acre 13.6 bushels. The tqtal yield is estimated is 4,665,778 bnshels less and the average per aero 3.56 less, than the erop of 1894. The totalyield in 1894 as now compiled from supervisors, retaras was 179,234 bnshels less and the average per acre 7-10 bushels more, than estimated by this department in October of that year. The total number of bnshels of wheat reported marketed by farmers si nee the September report was published is 1,09.), 4 69, and in two months, AugustSeptember, 1,798,468. This is 677,606 bnshels less than reported marketed in the same months last year. Oats are estimated to yield 21 bnshels per acre; barley, 15.78, and corn 61 bnshels of ears. Compared with average crops potatoes are estimated to yield 82 peĆ cent, beans 78 per cent, winter apples 2r per cent, and late peaches 83 per oent. Oats are estimated to yield 7 bushels less, corn 21 buhels more and potatoes 38 per cent more, than the crops of J894 as estimated inOctober, 1894.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News