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Homers And Carrier Pigeons

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The homer and the carrier are both brilliant fliers, but the hoiner is the speed ier bird and better fitted for long distances. The homer has the widesc spread wiugs of alJ pigeons, aud eau sail for au e norm ons distance through midair. It i also considerably lighter thán the carrier aud is possessed of more phenomenal powers of enduraiice, having been kuown to fly 800 miles without aiightiug. Ou a clearday, -with a good sky and favorable wind, 400 miles is an admirable record, aithough 500 miles a day is the goal of every pigeon flier's ambition. A bird that eau perform this remarkable feat is worth at least $100, and may be valued at, $500 if it is capable of a better record. The bird's gameuess, stamiua aud speed reach their highest point of excellence at 3 and 4 years of age, which is the natural prime of life for a flier. After they have passed their prime they deteriórate in a scarcely noticeable degreo and at 10 or 12 years of age are still


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News