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THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine (Theonly Art PoriodiCHl awarded a Meduïat the World's Kan-.) Invalualde to nU whn wwh tn make thetr living bv art ar tti muite their homfü beautiful FfiP tflf we wi" sen(i to an.V oue 4 a I UI iwnimtimiingibispu'ülin. [Ia tion a specimen copy, with upeib IuLj color plates (forcopying or f ra mini?) and 8 suppleiuentary pasea of deeigns (regular price 35w. Or 1OR 5c we will send also "Paintinsr for Bejiinners" (90 pages) HONTAGI'E K4RKX, 3 Uitiou Square, N.Y. "Look al tin Map?" i il Via y ï a " Via II O -i L Pennsylvania SHORT LINES. M03t direct from Michigan to the East, Soutl aast and South. For details address F. M. Bushonu FraveliBg Passenger Agent, Detroit, Michigan. RmEA1 ü, I RADE MÁRks -W COPYRIGHTS. CA1V I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to M U NN fe CO., who have had nearly fifty yearfl experience in the patent business. Communica tlons strictly confldential. A Hamlbook of Information concerning Pntents and how to ol tain them sent f ree. Also a catalogue oí mechanica) and sctentlflo books sent free. Patents taken tbrouRh ïlurn & Co. receive special notloeinthe clenliflc Americnn, ana thus are brousrht widely before the public wivliont coat to the Inventor. This solendid paper, Issued weekly, ick'antly tllustrated, has by rar the largest circulation of any scientiflc work in tna world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Kdition, monthly, 12.60 a year. Single copies, '2!) cents. Kvery number contains beautiíul platea, in colors, and photngraphs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show tne latest desipns and secure contracta. Address MUNN & CO„ New Yokk, 361 BroadwAT. LAÑO PLáSTER! LIME AND CEMEXT. DMIRTILE. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office- 36 E. Hurón Street. Yards- 50 West Hurón Street. p K. WTLLIAMS, Áttornev at Laf and Pension Claim AttornsTi MILÁN, MICH. Conveyancinsr and Collections. tl EWIS' 98 % LYE L wwrmD and FzsrraiD (PATBKTED) Tb6 tronare, and pareat T.y# marta. Unlike otbor Lye. lt belnf a lne powder and packed in M wlth remoTable lid, tlie oontrait; are always ready for usn. W1D malte the bet pcrfinjiwl llard Soqt Ín 20 minutes without bollingv It la ttoe bet for cleansing "Ml; pipes, dlslnfet-tliin stuks eloaot . wasWng bottles, jialnts, treee, eto. PBlf HA. BALT M'F'O 00Gen, Agta., Polla., Fa. Pensions! If you want a Vension, or '-"í1111"'""" nuestionanswcred in Pension or Patent cases write J. I-. STAKKWEATIIEK, Attorney, Romeo, Mich, „nnt Mr. Starkweaiher securefl over ten per cene. Oí all original Pensions allowed in M'"''?! for the month of August, 18aO; 60,i allowed. Detroit Free Press.


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