Could Not Vfeiken Such Testiüioi is This. (From thejtalanazoo Telegraph.y The followiug Btrtêment is on of m. ■ interest to man y i citizen of Kalamnzo'.. and a man as weUknówn as Mr. Wal luce should carry mon than ordinary weiglit with our readers Here it is as takeu down by our repfesentative : " My name is John A. Wallace. I am a member of tJe flrm of J. A. Wallace & Co., doing busiaess as tinners, etc., at 106 Eleanor Street Kalamazoo, in which city I also reside. Kr the past nine or ten months I have been luving attacks of kidney complaint, the pain in my back over my hips was very sefere at times; my urinary system was also in a bad state of derangement, sonwtimes the urine was scanty and then again the amount would be excessive, and a difflculty of passage always existed. I heard of Doan's Kidney Pilis at a time wJien I feit that I was going to be sick, but their use warded off an attack, and I am now feeling very much better; the urinary organism ha3 regained a normal condition, and the terrific pain in my back is much reduced in severity, while it is now fast going away altogether. I am continuing the use of Doan's Kidney Pilis, with positive feeling that they will effect on me a permanent and speedy cure. I have unbounded confldence in Doan's Kidney Pilis as a remedy for all kidney ailments; have good reason to be, as they have done so much for me. " Can you ask any more than this? Doan's Kidney Pilis are relieving more backs of the burdens they have been forced to bear through the kidneys than all other means devised, and, better still, they are doing this right here in Michigan. Ask any one who bas ever taken them and see what they will say. Doan's Kidney Pilis for sale by all dealer's, price, 50 cents. Mailed by FosterMilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solé agenta for the U. 8. Remember the name, Doan's, and takü no other.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News