Lord Sackville's Pamphlet
London, Oct. 17.- Truth, Henry Labochere's paper, says: "Lord Sackville's pamphlet has created an altogether unneccssary storm in the United States. lts secret histoty may bo told in a few words. It was published on the 3d of the present month, although one or two advance copies were distribu ted among very intimate fricnds a few weeks ago. At the time it raised the storm in New York only a dozen or two copies had been presentec by Lord Sackville to old colleagues in the diplomatic service. The pamphlet only relates to actual faets connected with the now historical Sackville-Bayard incident. "Anybody at all acquainted with the diplomatic service woĆ¼ld be mighty amused to hear that even a combination of all the members of the service could affect in the slightest the position of a foreiccn ambassaior in London. Not even the best friends of Lord Sackville will deny that he was betrayed into an unfortunate indiscretion. It can not either be denied that Mr. Bayard availed hims.'lf thcreof to excite an anti-English agitation for the purpose of assisting the cindidacy of Jfr. Cleveland. It reflects great honor, therefore, on the English people that their government has boen so disniified and magnanimous as to welcome Mr. Bayard as it has."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News