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Judge Long's Pension Case

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Washington, Oct. 17.- In bis niotion for an advancement of the Judge Long pension case on the docket of the United States supremo court the attorney general indicates briefly the position his office will take in the latter. He say; "There are, as we have soen, very strong reasons for holding that where a title has passed or the rights of innocent third persons have supervenod, or there has been a very great lapso of time without question, the decisions of the head of the executive department should be considered as bayond the power of his successors to disturb. The reasons are quite strong also vchy, as to the transactious wholly ended, where credit been given or money paid over, there should be no recognizcd right of review, save for fraud or manifest illegality. "But whero the matter is one that involves future recurring payments of money there seems uo good reason why succeeding incumbents of the office, charged with a present responsibility, should be eoncluded by the decisión of their prodecessora. . They should not lightly overrule their predecessors; but when satisüod and convincod that error lias been committed, and that there is no lega] warrant tor the payment demanded, it would seem to bo their duty, as well as their right, to rectify the error. ïhe recognitioii of the power in such cases involves no destruction of vested riglits, no iinpairment of the obligations of contráete, and no abridgement of the cquities of third persons."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News