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Sheriff's Sale. JY VI RITE O K A "RTTOFFIEHIFACIAS jj Issuedout of ihkI under the -(ul of the circuit Court for tli Oounty of Washtenaw and Btote of Michigan, to me directed and delivered, against the goods and chattels, lands iind tenementa of Adelfa U l'isk, i did on the ninth day of Augu-t. A. I). 1896, levy npon and take all the rijrlit, titleand interest 01 said Adelia M. Eisk in and to the followliiK described real estáte, situatod In the C'ounty of VashteiiavDd BtatBof Miohigan. to wlt: AU those certain pieces and pareéis of land ?'tut(1(l i the riUage of ('helsen, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known as the west half of all the described parce of land, viz: Commencingat thesouth line ot Middle street in tne ViUage of Chelsca ia said Oountyof Washtenaw, Michigan, at tbe northeasti oorner of certain lands deedod September 2sth, 1883. by Lovel D. Loom is to Alma Conkriffht.eaid deed being recorded in the office of the Register of Deede for said Washtenaw County in liber 111 of deeds, on Pjig-e 14, and running thence sonthwardly alona: the east line of said Conkrifrhfs land to the southeast corner thereof ; thence eastwardly, parallel wlth said Middle street, to a pomt on the south line of lot (37) thlrty-seven. vin (f our of the original plat of said Villaíte of Chelsea, five feet west of the southeast corner of said lot T37) thirty-seven; thenee north, parallel with and five feet west trom the east line of aaid 'ot (37) thirty-seven, to the south line of said Middle street; thence west along the south line of said Middle street to the place of bepinnlnjr. And also an easement in the east half of said described premises as follows: The ownershlp of one half of the well and pump on the same, and the rigtit to sro on and about said well to draw water, and the free joint use with the owuer of said east half of said premises and to said well the owner of eaeh respective half of said land to beat the expense of maintalning said well and pump forever All of whieh I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder, as the law directs at the south front door of the Court House ia the City of Ann Arbor, (tlmt being the buildIng m whiob the Circuit Court for said Washtenaw County. State of Michigan, is held!, on Monday theeighteenth day of November A. L. Io9o, at 12 o'clock noon. WM. JUnsON, Pheritr. NE1.soxK1!;;,ELDEUT'Dei)UtyShe"ffChas. R Defendant's Attornoys. Dated October lst, A. D. 18fl5. Mortgage Sale. rjEPATTLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE - conditionsof payinent ofaecrtaiu ruortgage made the 2th day of August, A D. 1887, by Joliii Pflsterer and mna Ptisterer, his wife to Cbristtan Mm-k and Krederick Sehmid. wbereby the power of sale thereln rontained h;is become operativa, whlcb mortgage was j recorded in the office of the register ofdeeds in the county of Washtennw, state ot Michi gan.onáheSlstdayofAügustaforesaidinLtber ra of Mortgages, on iuüb 228, on wfaicb mortraee. ii,,.,-,. S ciaimed to be due at the date of this notice thr sum of eiglit hundretl eightysix dollars, aud do prooeedings al law pr In eqnfty havlng been lustituted tocoüect thesaidsumof money or auy part thereof. Notice is therefore lioreby Kiven that on the 3il rtay oí December, 1895, al eleven o'clock in the forenoon of saiddav, at thesoutli front door ot the eourt house, in the city of Ann Arbor, isiaeof II chiu-an, ihe said mortgage will be i toreclosed and the land? and teneiuents in the said inorurage mentionéd :uid deseri bed will i be sold ar public auction or vendue to ihe highest bidder tosatisfy the principal and interest uupaid on the siiid raortgae and the costt and expenses oi these proceédlngs. including an attorney'fl fee of twenty-flve dollars pmvided for therein. The lands, tunemonts and premises tiy the said mo tgaife oonveyed and then andthere to be sold are descrlbed as followa, viz: All tbat certain piece or parce] ol land sitiiated in the eity of Ann Arbor. county of asluemiw. and sta'e of Miuhtgan, to-wit: Comniencin.'.Mit a poinl on the sonth side of Huron streel three roda and four u -et west of tbe Dorth-eas1 corner of land. formerly owned by one Alonzo Gretton, mui at the non h-west corner ol L. Kohde's land. thence Bouth aloiiB -said Kohde's west Une elebt rods, thenee west four rods, thenue nortb eiiiht rods to the söuth Une oí Hurón Btj t. theñce east along tbe soutfa hoe of Hurón st reet four rpdsto the place of beginning. Uelng on seofcion twenty-nli e, town, two, soutb range, -ix Dated Ann Arbor, September 4th, L806. E.H NÓBRI8. FKEDBE1CK ÖCHMÏn Atty. ior Mortgrasees. Mortgasees. Estáte of Daniel Sutherland. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k_ oí ashtenaw, 63. At a seseion of the Probate Courl lor iiieCounty ot Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Utüce in the city of Anu Arbur on Wedresdaj, the ü-"th day of September, in the year onc thuusuiiti eijjht hundred and Linety-five Preeent, J. Willard Babbitl, Judee of Probate. lp the matter of the eetate of Daniel Sutherland,deceased. Sarah J Suihorland, oxeculrix of the last will and t-stanient of said dcceasi'd, camrs into eourt and r.pri'senu that she is now prepared to reuder linal account at such executrix. Thcreupon il ís ordered that Tuesday, the 22d day ot October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asined for examinine and allowing such account, nd that the devisets ■gatees and hei at Uw of said deceased and all otlier persons interested in aaid Mtate, are requiied to i.ppear at a sem-ion of said court,! hen o be holden at tho Probate office in tliecity "f Anu suid county,and show oause.lfanr there be, uhy the mid accuunt ahmilil not be allowed. At,d it is lurther ordered, that said executrlx give notice to the pen'na Interented in said estáte of the pend-ncy of aid account, and the henriiig thereof by caiing a cupy of t hm order to te pnhlinhed iu the Asn Akbdk AurtüR.a newspiiper prinicd aiulfiirculiitmg in Raid county, iwo successiTe eeks prevuma to said dav ol hearing J WII.LAIÏD BAHBITT, truc copy. ) Judge ot Proi.ate . ' . DOTT, Probate Register. Sherlff's Sale. BYVlICitKOr A W1ÍITOPFIERI PACÍAS ipsii.'il out of u n.l under the slmI of the Circiiit 'nirt for the County of Washtenaw nd State of Michigan, to Die direoted anddellver d, ajralnst the tronds and obatteln landa and teiiemi-ntsof Willmm Jlijffts J did.on the twenty-ninth day of Janaary, a D 1886,levv upon nil tafee ai] he Pl(?bt,tJtleaDdinterestof Miei wiMain Bigfra n ml to the followuiK desi-rlbed real e tate, situaipd in the Coiinty of wshtenaw and Stte of Miohigan, to wlf Ail tliose cerraln pleces and parcela oí land sltUHted in ('ity of Ann 'rlior Countv of W.ishtenaw and tate of Michigan, knbwn a. iddescflhf ms lot? numbered four(4) twi'lve Tl"), forty-thnv Í43' and forty-four(4i) in A. Tenbrooi's Addition to the City of Ann Arhor, Countyof Washtenaw and State of Michiir-ni. ;ind lots numlxv ed thirty-one (31) thlrtj--two :eiand tlurty-rhi-opiSi). in K. 8. Smith's First Addition i thesuid City of Arin Arbor ( ountyof Wahtcnuw nnd State f Michigan, all of which I shall exposé for sale at public u tion or vciidnc to the hliihest b dder na thi' lawoin-cts. st thcsouih front door of the Court House, in the ity of At n Arbor (that beinirthe buildinir in whl h the Circuit Court for said Wuhtena County. State of Mlchirn isheldi, o Monday the eiïhteenth dar ot November, A. D. 115. at 12 o'clock noon WM .lüDS N. Sheriff WM. E. F,[,DKRT, Deputy Sheriff. Cbas. K. Whitman, Phiintlff's Attornoy Dated October Ist. A. D. 1895. Chlldren Cryfor Pitcher' Castoria.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News