"old Parr's" Tombstone
When "Oíd Parr," the "British Methuselah," died in London in November, 1635, at the age of 153 years and was buried in Westminster abbey a slab was set up over his grave. Oue of the very last services the late Dean Stanley did was to have the inscription, which had become almost obliterated with age, recut. The followiDg is a copy of the inscription thereon: "Tho: Parr nf ye County of Salop. Borne in A. D 1483. He lived in ye reigns of Teu Princes, riz K. Edw. 4, K. Edw. 5, K. Rich. 8, K. Hen. 7, K. Hen. 8, K. Edw. 6, Q. Ma., Q. Eliz., K. Ja., K. Charles. Aged 152 yeares, and was Bnried Here Novemb. 15, 1685."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News