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Mushroom Cultivation

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In last Sunday's Times there appeared an articie on the cultivation of mushrooms. It was thought that the subject had been fully treated, but the writer failed to mention the length of time mushrooms will bear after the spawn has matured. A correspondent, having asked for information on the matter, is informed that mushrooms do not come up all at once, nor do they grow forever. If the spawn is good and planted early In September, from four to five, and sometimes six, weeks will expire beĆ­ore th first erop of mushrooms makes it appearanoe. The first erop will grow for two or three weeks, then the mushrooms will thin out, and a slight dressing of fresh loam, about half an inch in depth, should be spread over the bed. When this coating has been beaten down with a spade, the soil should be gently moistened with tepid water, and in a day or two a second erop of mushrooms (often better than the first) can be gathered. The second erop of mushrooms may last for three or four weeks, and about the latter part of December the spawn will be found to have exhausted itself, and fresh manure, fresh spawn, and fresh loam must be procured for the formation of new beds if another erop of mushrooms is desired. To grow mushrooms successfully great care must be taken to obtaln fresh spawn, which can be bought in all the horticultural stores. But if the cultivator wishes to make his own spawn, he can do so by following these directions: Take portions of iiorse dropping, cow dung, and fresh loam, and mix the whole thoroughly together, as you would make mortar. Then form the matter into cakes about the size of a large brick. Place these bricks on edge under cover until they become half dry, then insert into each brick a plece of spawn half an inch or so square, and let the bricks remain until they are quite dry. Then spread about eight inches of horse dung over the floor of the shed, on which bulld the bricks in a pile, keeping the side in which the spawn has been put uppermost. Then cover the pile of bricks over with suffleient stable manure, so as to give a gentle heat, not exceeding 100 degrees, through the whole. In two or three weeks the spawn will have spread itself through the whole maas of each brick, and will be ready to plant at any time during the winter.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News