Rev. Hein Resigns

The distúrbanos in tho Zion Lutheran church oulminated Tuesday night.when Rev. Mas Hei'i resigued as pastor. However the dove of peace has settled over the cburch aud everyone is satisfied, eveu the minister himself. Ou Fridayof last week flve inembers of the cburch presented a petition to the vestry askiug that a meeting be called for this week Friday. The vestrymen decided that it was better-to have the matter disposed of sooner than that aud called the meeting for Tuesday night. Rev. Hein's brother.Rev. Paul Hein, of Chicago, was present and said much to paoify the relations between pastor and his people. Rev. Hein had finished reading his resignation, to take effect the first Snnday in Easter, several members of the congregatiou wero auxious that he should give his reasons. Rev. Hein believed it would be better for the church that he should resign, and then ïtev. Paul Hein gave the congregation a little talk. Ho thought that it would conciliate all parties concerned if his brother's resignation was accepted. The brother sp tke so feelingly and with such fairness to both.parties in the coutroversy that the congregation carne to his conclusión and a resol tition embracing the acceptance of the resignation and the rescinding of a foriuer resolution, was passed. The ayes and nays were first called ar,d ouly one or two dissenting voices were heard, and when a rising vote was called for the whole congregation aróse to its feet. Rev. Hein froni Chicago also advised that the matter of the resignation of Louis Boes, the parish teacher, be allowed to rest for a little while before action was taken, and 110 action was made with regard to the school master. Christian Mack acted as chairman of the meeting. The attendauce upon the meetiug was very large, the stroet being filled with people before the doors were opened. Said a well known member of the Zion congregation the morning after . the meeting, "Now that matters havp been spttled so amicably.there is noñeed j of making public any of the charges that resnlted in the asking for our ] tor's resiguatiou. He is no fluanoier and that was all the trouble; but stories, yon know, grow big with circulation. His sermons delight us all. " Rev. Hein came here from Appleton, Wis., and is a man not rouch over thirty. He was educated at the 1 eran college at Columbus, Ohio, aud is i an eloquent man in the pulpit. 1 sides his brother in Chicago, whose ' flnenoe broufiht the affairs betweou the pastor and ohuroh to as amicable settlement as circumstances wonld permit, Rev. Hein has one other brotber, iu Detroit, also a minister in the Lutheran denomination.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Rev. Max Hein
Louis Boes
Christian Mack