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for Infants and Children. TH1RTY years' obaervation of Caatoria ■rith the patronage o.f millions of persons, permit n to speak of it -nrithoat gneasing. It is nnqnestionahly the best rcmedy for Infants and Children the world ha ever known, It ia hannleaa. Children like it. It ( gives them health. It will gave their live. In it Mothera have aomething which ia absolntely aafe and practioally perfect aa a child's medicine. Castoria destroya "Worm. Caatoria allays Feverishneaa. Castoria prevent vomiting Sonr CnriL Castoria cnres Diarrhma and Wind Colio. Caatoria relieves Toething Tronble. Castoria cnrea Constipntion and Flatnlency. Castoria nentralizea the effect of carbonie acid ga or poiaonons air. Caatoria does not oontain morphine, opinm.or other narcotio property. Cagtorla aaimilatea the food, regnlate the stomach and hotrels, giving haalthy and natural sleep. Castoria is pnt np in ona-size hottle only. It is not aold in tnlk. Don't alloxr any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promlte that it ia "jpst as good" and "will nrnrer cvery parpóse." See that yon g-et C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-simila yTm SV) iaonevery lgnatnre of (ljfcAC wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ■■■■■■"■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


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