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S FöR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. S THE cures CÁNCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. 3 BLOOD 0 mise. a. i rs EËFACEBE.EACHI ffc MME. A. RUPPETT v fiays: "lappreclatet jjk tliat tbere are iu..i:y thonïyS Bandsofli i eá Kg fetatosthatwonld lifa i trj 6a! my World-Iíeuuvm i BÏ Bleach: t'ut hnve boe.n T kept tron cluine so en aoj- countof prïco,wbi !i i 2.fJ0 fá per b(itt]eor;ibuttkiBtaksn jUgs tOKether, es.OÜ. ín urtier 9 that allof theso inaybaYO an opportunity, I will give &' to every cnüor, absolutely free, a Süinpie boílto, an.i - =i: of cily.or in nny parte! ilio World, Iwillscnd itsafcly packedin plaiawrajiper llcbargesprepaid, for 25 cents, si iveror stamp." In every case of fVeeUlen, pimples, moth, sallownesSiblackheítdscneczenioiüneKs.roiiíih- ness, or any dlscoloration or dispase of tbeskin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expresslon) FACH Bi-kach removes abpolutely. It does not cover np, as coaniotics do, but i a cure. Address MADA1ÍEA. Kün13I8T,(Dípt.O.) MO.6 EastUthSt., NEW YORK CITY. JP B. N0RR1S ATTORNET AT LAW. Does a general law collection and conveyanoln(r business. A moderate abare of your patronagre respeetfully solicited. Office Ui E Hurón Street, upstairs. TRtJOK AND 8T0RAGE. C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth;Ave., Nortb Telephone 82. Y), A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of the EYE, EAB, NOSE and THROAT Office, cor. of Main and Washington Streets. Beeldence, H S. State Street. Residenee telephone, No. 138. Office telephone No. 134. Hours: 1O a. m. to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. r, Oh!rhcter' Eht1I1i Diamond Brani. :'JYROYAl PiLLS _x" v Original osuï Jïnly Genuine. A ."-'TV SflFE. aliVK.'-s r;üablc. ladiES asiï ? f. il Lj.1 'ï Ijrucit for OUehesterê Efigliih ïia B „ Awul in Red and CoW metal .c i-v - rVyíí)hnv'-s ■ -' Tltl Ww ribbon. Tttkc VH' tS Í5 feJno olhcr Re f mr dangerw nihstüv. V I" - fí&ftonsand imitattons. Ai íru criáis, or_send4?. I w jy in ?tanps for pattioalars, i -(mioniaU tml ö "Ifellei for Ladleis" lii "cr, hy return _ LT Mail. 1O.O00 T. sümoüials. iVnma 'aper. ƒ Chi.)ie'terCheiuicaltu.,Ji.uUn S(imtti, Meld Ut all Looal Dr ui;its. i'iüUutu. Fa. fl) BEWARE OF COrSTKUFEITS. B The imlj' safe and always rpliahle Belïoi ■f for r,aJfnp. Accept nn worthlefb and danMM gemus Imitations. Savp. meney and guard m tialfh by takinR nothing luit tlie rrly enuWB ine and orisrlnal Wiloox ri-mpMinrt Tansy m Pilis, in metal boxen hearing sliield traile BV marV. price $2.00. all dmcrxi'ts. P'nd 4 cis. - for Wonian's Safe Guard wrnrrty malled. vnrox sif"ïki' ro., 328 Snuft j:íkU1 Street, fliila., Ps. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTiAN MSGK, Agent for the followiug Firat Clase CouipaDicp repreaonting over twenty-eight Mïlliou Dollart A.sseU, ïsauep policies at the loweat ratee vEtna of Hartford $9,192,644. ( Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,01 Germaniaof N. Y 2,7Ü0,729.(M German-American of N.Y. 4,065,96S.('( JLondon Assuranee.Lond'n l,416,788.Ct MicbiRan F. & W., Detroit 287,608.0. W. Y. Underwriters. N. Y. 2,596,679.0 Natíoual, Hartford l,774,60j.0 Phenix, N . Y 3,759,036.00 -♦♦- 4WSpfclal itteDtion gtveu to the insnranee o áweUlngs, schools, churclie ind pnbüc building B term of thrert aDd fle ft-ara líLlaM k luWiïil lililí 6R0CEBÏ ANt FLOÜR A0 FEEO STORE, We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Betail Trade. Wc shMl also keep a supply of SS ORIVE' GOLD DUST FLOUR. 3. HL Swift Sc Oo.'B Best White Wheat Flour, Rye Flonr, Buckwheat Flour, Oom daal, jed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock ol ÖEOOEJIES AND PEOVISIONE constantly on hand, which will be sold on as rêa. onable terms as at any othcr house in the city. tyCash paid tor Butter, Egs, and Country Produce enerally. BfGoods Delivered to any part oí the city with out etr-i charee. Rinsey & Seabolt. EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulate a sluggish system into fiealthy action. MANN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. ZE White Tokay The Best for all Purposes, MANN BROS., Druggists, 3O S. Kaïn 8t. - .'ANN ARBOR


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