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Prof. Jonas appeared in concert ia Chicago Tuesday night. The Freshruan spread will ocoour the evening of Nov. lst iu the gym nasium. The University eleven Saturday defeated Adelbert of Cleveland by a score of 64 to 0. F. L. Ingraham, of Azalia, Mouroe county, has been eleoted president of the senior law class. Norhwestern will aot play here torn orrow, as contemplated, and Lake Forest has taken its place. C. G. Palmer, '96, broke his collar bone in the football game last Friday and will piay no raore football this year. The grand stand at the athletic grounds was destroyed by fire Monday. Loss, $900 ; no insurauce. The building was owued by the University. E. Van Valken burgh was called to Ann Arbor last week by the illness of his danghter Edith, who is a stndent at the University. - Hillsdale Democrat. The committees in charge of the freshman spread, to occur Nov. Ist.are: general chairman, JVIiss Winifred Beman ; receptiou, Miss E. J. Hill ; invitation, Miss Margaret Thain. A fiine piaster bust of the late Wm. P. Wells will be placed in the law library. It is a gift of Mrs. Ellen Prentice Russell.the only sister of Prof. Wells. It is the work of a Philadelpiha sculptor. Harry Coleman, who was managing eidtor of the U. of M. Daily a part of last year, is junior editor and pnblisher of the Oakland County Post, ex-Supt. of Instruction Fitch's old paper. Mr. Coleman is making suoh a paper as Pontiac never saw before. The college boys were seeing all kinds of joy in auticipation the first of the week, expecting a $0 or $10 rate to Boston and return, to see the gamewith Harvard. No such rate will be officially announced, however, as the facnlty desire to have a few students left in the college that week. The freshmen have elected claas offlcers as follows : President, Allen Campbell, Detroit; vice president, Miss Lillian Keating, Ann Arbor; secietary, Miss Nellie Rice, Grand Rapids ; treasurer, Russell Sinimons, Aurora, Hls. ; orator, Cliff ord G. Roe, Chicago ; baseball manager, Harry Potter, Saginaw; football manager, Robt. Norrington, Bay City ; toastmaster, M. Snow, Detroit. The University orchestra has been re-organized for the year.with John J. McClellan as leader and Fied T. McOmber as manager. At a meeting for rehearsal this week the new oryanization played at sight better than many of the predecessors had been able to do af ter weeks of practice. The first engagement is for the freshman spread to take place at Granger's a week frota tonight. Wrinkle siailed again ou Thursday, witb pages fllled with verse and good cvitifr The iniddle page was a good.illustratiou of the way Preshmao is supported to feel -. wben the initiation peiiod approaches, and was the work of Chas. Parsons, a fresbman hirnself. Senator Hill came iu for a few witticisms, which he uo doubt could staud after his long exporieuce of being cartooned in the professional comic papers. Regent Chas. H. Hackley has agaiu given his home, Muskegon, an exhibition of his ruunificence. He provided f30,000 for the ereotion oí' a normal training school for boys and girls and will give $5,000 a yoar to defray the ruuning expenses. He also promises to eudow it with $100,000 at 'his death, the iiicome from which is to be used in providiug instruction forevpr. Muskegou is already indebted to Mr Hackley for previons gifts amounting to 300,000.


Ann Arbor Argus
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