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Mr?. Farrell spent a day this week in Tcctnnseh visiting fireuds. The Missess Sehiable, who have beeu visiting friend-! and relatives the past sis weeks, returued to tbeir home iu Hamiltou, Indiana, Weduesday n orning. Mrs. Norris, of Ann Arbor, came to Mannbester ast Snturrhiy to atrend the funeral of her unole, John Cowan. Miss Libbie Bodine was in Tecumseh last Friday. Miss Spafard, of Illinois, is the gnest of her consins, Misses Lizzie and Mirian Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. JST. Schmid and son spent Sunday at S:ind Liake. Mrs. J. Schiablo and niece, Miss Rosa Stockingor visited frineds iu Scio a fow days. John Engle, of Ypsilanti, drove to Manchester last Snuday to visit his parents. His father drove back with him to make arrangements to move his family to that placeMiss Julia Kirchhofer closed a successful torm of school in the Short district last Friday. After a week's vacatiou she will resume. Mr. Amsdeu lias moved his jewelry store into the store tiext the postoffice. N. Sahinid is having a new glass front put in the store occnpied by Walter O. Mr. Orttenburger has moved his grocery department iuto the hardware store. Knorp & Mayer will move their laeat market into the store vacated by Air. Orttenburger. The members of the Baptist ehuruh and frieuds gave a donation for' the benefit of their pastor, Rev. J E. Platt, Wednesday, October 30, at the parsonage. The remains of Mrs. Daniel Emblar wore brought here from Clinton bist Thnrsday noon for burial. Mrs. Embler was formerly a resident of thia place. Last Friday inoruiug af: an early hour onr mnch respected citizen, John W. Cowan, died. Jle had been failing in heaïth the last year, but was coufiued to the house for only a few days and death was uuexpected. He was born in the state of New York in 1822. At the i",ge of 15 he carne to Michigan, attended school at Ypsilanti and.Kalamazoo and graduated at the State Normal. In 1849 Mr. Cowan bonght the Stockwell place in Manchester, consisting of a store and a clwelling house. A few years later a lird burned him out. jnoc Qiscouragea, no weuc to iarraing, then in rapid succession carriage making, ïneat marketing, running a livery stablo, muking bricks, auctioneering, building aud contracting. By all tbese he assisted to rebuild Manchester after the great fire of 1853. In 1851 he married Miss Doroas M. Thompson. He was liberal not only in public enterprises but also tcward the churches. Last Sunday afternoon the funeral services were held at his residence on Ann Arbor street, Rev. Yokom officiating.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News