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Sheriff's Sale. Bv viktue of a weit op fjeki facías issuedout of nnd under i scal of the Circuit Court for the Countyof Washtenaw and state ol Michigan, to me dim-ted and dehvered, agalnst the goode and chatlels. lnds and tenementsof A del la .M Fisk, I did on tlie ninth day ol August, . l. 1896 levy tiponaml take all the lulit, title and interest of said Adelia M. Bisk in and to the following described rea] estáte, Bituated in ('ounty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to wit: All thoe eert ain pieoes and pareéis of land sltuated In tlio viUage of Ohelsea, rounty of washtenaw nnd State of Michigan, known as the west half of mi the tollowing described parcel of land, z: Commencing al tliesnuth line of Middle street in t"e Villaje of Chelsea, in said Countyóf Washtenaw, Michigan, at tno northcasti corner of oertain lands deeded September 2sth, lf-83. by Lovel D. Loomis to Alma Conkright, said deed belng récorded in the office of i hc Register of liceds for said Washtenaw County in liber 111 of deeds, on page 1T4, and running ttaence Bouthwardly alone the east line of Baid ConKi irlifs land to the eouMicast corner thcreof; thencc eastwardly, parallel with said Middle Street, to a point on the sou tli line of lot (37 1 thirty-seven. in blnck (4) fourof the original plat of said Village of ObelstiH, live reet weet of the som hcast corner of Baid lot f37) thirty-seven í hei oe north, parallel with and five feet west f rom the cast line of said ot (37) thirty-seven, to the south line of said Middle street: thenee west along the south line of 6ai(l Middle 6treet to the place of bezinning And alo an easement in the east lmlf of said descrlbed premlses as follóos: The ownership of one half of the wel 1 and pump on the same, and the rlght toiroon and about said veil todraw water, and the I' ree joint use with the owner of Baid east nalf of said premises and to eaid wf 11. the owner of each respective half f said land to beat the expense of malntalning said weiland pump forever All of which I shaJI exposé for sa Ie at public auction or vendue to the htirhest bidder, as the Uw directs, al the south frontdoorof the Court Hou-e ia the City of Aivn Arbor. (iliat belng the buildIng in whiob the CirouitCourt for said Washtenaw County. State of Michigan, is held!, on, Monday the ninth day of December, A. D., 1895, at 12 o'clock noon. WM. JDDSON, Sheriff. Nelson E. Fref:í, ('has. B. Whitman, Defendant's Attorneys. Dated October Ist, A. D. 1895. Mortgage Sale. rwEFATJI,T HAVING HEEN MADE IN THE ' conditions of payuient of a certain mort?age made the 2!ith day of August, A D. 18H7, by John Pnstcrer and Anna Pflsterer, bis wife, to Chrlstlan Mack and Prederlck Schmid, whereby the power of sale therein contalued has become operatlve, wfalch mortgage was reoorded m the office of ihe reglsb rol deeds, In the oouhty of Washtenaw, state ol Mlohitan.on the 31stdayof August aforesald in Líber 72of Mortgages, on page 228, on which mort[:;■■ i here i claimed to be lue at the date of thip notioe the sum of eight huhdred and eighty six dollars, and no prooeedlngs at law or in equity having been inttituted to collect thesaia8nmof money or any part tbereof. Notioe is therefore hereby given that on the 3't tiïi of Deoenrlier, If96, at eleven o'clock in theforenoon of aaiddai .atthesoutb frontdoor of ili' court house, In the city of Ann Arbor, giateoT Mehiu-aii. the Baid mortgage wlll be foreclosed and the lands and tenementsin the said mortgage mentioned and described wil) be sold at public auction or venriu to the highest bidder to satisfy the principal mid interest unpaid on the said mortira e and the oostH and expei sesof these prooeedings, inOluding an attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars provided for therein. The lands, tenementa and prernises by the said mo tgaife conveyed and theu and there to he sold nip dcserilM d as follows, viz: All that certain pice oi parcel of land sittlated in ihe city of Ann Ailmr. county of Washtenaw, and st;rc of Michigan, to-wlt Commencinsat a point on the south side of Huron street. lince roda and tour feet west of the north-east corner of land. formerly owned by one Alonzo Gretton, and af ihe non h-wost corner ot L. Kohde's land. thenee Boutb alonfr sald Kohde's weel line eight rode, thenee west four roda, thenne north ewht rods to the south line of Huron streel tln-nce east along the south line of Huron street four rods to the place of beginnihg. Helng on seotion twenty-nme, lown two, south ranee, sü east. Dated Ann Arbor. September 4th, 1896. E.B NOKRIS, FHEDER10K SCHMI", Attj . for Mortgageea. ortgagees Estáte of Jacob Hoffstetter. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol H i8htenaw, sa At tision of the ito ate Conrl for tlie County oí Wiixhti-oaw. hoIJcn at the Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Monilay the 21st day "of, in the vear une thousaud t'ight liundreil and ninety Bve. Pieaent, J. Willard I)abbitt,.TMdge of probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Jacob HoQ'stctter, deceaafd. On readinu anci filine the petition, duly veriflftdf offiiiRtm Adolph Hiffstettc . praylng íhat a etrtain inttrnniput ncw on file in tliis court, pmporu ingto be the last will and ttslitmeiit ol said 1eceased may be admitted to and thnt u'hninistration of saiii estáte may be grantcd to Daid Itinsey the oxecutor in said will named, or to tsOtiie other auliahle pjrson. Thcrt "ipou it is ordered, that Monday, the :8th day ot Novf mber next.Ht ten o'cloek in the fonnnon beassitf ned lor the hearing of said uet ition, a nd i hat tho devibües. leñatees and heirs at law of said deeeased and all other )crons intereeted in eald estate, are required to nppenr at a Bession of saicl court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and showc;iuse, il any there be why theprayer of the petilioner should uot be Érranted. And It is further ordeied that Baid petltiouer give notice to tbe persona interetwl in said eule, ol the pendenoy ol aaid pttition and the hearÍDg causing a oopy of thia order to be published in the Ann Akbok Aiou,a newspaper orinted and circulatedlnsaid county three succèssive weeks previous to said day of heariug. J. WILLAHD BABB1TT, (Atruecopyj Judgeof Probate; Wm. G Doty Probate Iteeister. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WEIT OF FIERI PACÍAS issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit 'ourt for the Countyóf Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to me directed and dellvend, against the goods and ehattels, lands and tenements of William Biggs 1 did. on the twentv ninth day of January, A.D 1895, levy upon Rnd take all the right, title and interest of said wüiiam nigtfs n and to the following deBortbed real ectate, situated in the County of Washtenaw and Stte of Mlohlgan, to wit: Ad those certain pieces and parcela of land situated in the City of Ann rnor, County of Wiishienaw and tato of Michigan, known and describe., as lots numberedfourdj.twelve (12). furty-three (43) and forty-four (4i), in A. Tenbrook's Addition to the City of Ann Arbor, Countyóf' Washtenaw and State of Michi(THn, and lots numbeied thirty-one (81). thirty-two :!2 and thtrty-three(8S), in K. S. Smith's First Addition t" the said City of Ann Arbor, County of Wasbtenaw and State f Michigan, all of which I shall expose for sale at püblio KU'-tion or vendue to the hlsihest bidder, aa the law directs, at the south front door of the Court House, in the ' ity of Am Arbor, (that beingthe building in which the Circuit Court for said Wahtenav County. State of Miehiiran, is held), on Monday the ninth day of December, A, D. 1895. at VZ o'clock noon. WM JUDS N, Sheriff. Cbas. K. Whitman, Plaintlff's Attorney. Dated October Ist, A. D. 1895 ChildrenCryfor Htcher s Castoria.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News