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3. C. Watts went to Flint Thursday. Marshal George Bell, of Dexter, was in the city Monday. T. D. Kearney was in Detroit the first of the week. Torn McNamara, of Chelsea, was in the city over Sunday. Earl Gasser and Henry Ridley have gone to Cleveland to live. Some of the supervisors took in "Fantasma" at Toledo Wednesday night. Louis Schellenberger, of Bridgewater, ■was iu the city Monday od business. Mrs. Menzies, of Detroit, has been a .guest this week of Mrs. Fred Schmid. Miss Clara Maulbetsch, of this city, spent Sunday in Chelsea visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burchfield have gone to Galveston, Texas, for the ■winter. Geo. F. Knoll has gone to Joliet, 111. o accept a position with the Michigan Cien tr al. L. Sutten, of Colninous, was in vhe city Monday and purchased a car load -of beans. Mrs. Auna E. Warden 1 eft yesterday ior Isbpeming on a visit to her son, Dr. Cari Warden. James Dnffy, of Bay City, spent the week with bis father, Edward Duffy, and family. Mrs. Skinner, of Lockpoit, N. Y., is visiting her brother, Win. Action, on Pontiac street. T. Vilkinson, of Chelsea, who has been working in the city for some weeks, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Winegar, of Howell, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eiram Kittredge. Prosecnting Attorney Randall arrived home yesterday morning from a business trin to New York. George Miller and danghter, Mrs. E. Mast, left yesterday for Williamston to visit Mr. Miller's brother. Ëd J. Taylor, mailing clerk at the pastoffice, was at Frankfort the first of the week visiting friends. School Commissioner Wedemeyei spent Sunday in Lima visiting his fcrother, Theodore, and family. Mrs. A. B. Pomeroy, who has been a gnest of her sister, JVlrs. W. W. Wetmore, has one to Topeka, Kansas, her futnre home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jacobus, of 13 Csnntain street, were tendered a sur guñse party last Saturday night by 25 cmièes of their friends. Mayor Walker, Nelson Garlinghouse, DaaJ. Eoss, Geo. W. Bailey and Wil Lud&olz etarted Monday afternoon for ifchííjiorth woods to hunt deer. ülr. and Mrs. C. Jenter, of West Lib erty street, are entertaining Mr. anc Mrs. C. G. Jenter, of Geneva, N. Y. The conple are on their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Feídon left yesterday afternoon to viait their daughter, Mrs. C. D. Benttey, of Providence, R I. They will.reniain east several months. U.eo. Schuleí, of Tekoa, Washington, is a guest of his brother and sister in thiscity.. This is Mr. Schuler's old home and it is his flrst trip back in eight yaars. The Democrat had a pleasant cali Wednesday f rom Dr. B. B. Sudworth, of Ann Arbor, who was one of Petoskey's pioneers, and who Stil! retains considerable real estáte interests here. It has been several years siuce he has boen up, aud he was suprrised at the wouderfnl improvement of onr ful little city.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News