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Typhoid fever at Pinckney . Manchester has a coal famine. The Rawsonville post ofiice is to be liscontinued, and mail directed there -will be sent to Belleville after November 15. This action is neoessary becanse no one will serve as postrnater. An effort is being made by some of the patTons to find some one who will do the -work for the magnificent sala'y of, say, $40 per year. If they succeed the offloe will be continued. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Kev. Mr. Walton has resigned St. Xinke's pastorate at Ypsilanti to go south to spend the winter. George P.Glazier.cashier uf the Chelsea Savings bank, was out driving with his wife last Saturday night when his team of horses ran away. The two were thrown out and, while no bones were fcroken, they were very badly bruised and hnrt. People no longer oall Wm. Bogardus, of Milán, plain "Bill" Bogardus. Henceforth he is "General," and not "Captain" Bogardus either. The heirs of the semi-Dutch Anneke-Jans-Bogardus property in New York City are entitled to $300,000,000. Bogardus bas enough of the AnnekeJans blood coursing in his veins to make his slice fl,500,000. A Missouri farmer fignred it out one xainy day that he had walked 300 miles in cultivating one acre of corn. He thereupon sold his farm and moved to town where he walked 600 miles to find a job. - Saline Observer. A young man named Hnpmhrey was arrested here Saturday by Marshal Bell and held for the officers at Masón. He is charged with eloj ing with another XDan's bicyole, which, itis claimed,was subsequently sold to Walter VauFleet. - Dexter Leader. What was the use of ""loping" when he could ride? B. H. Coon, of the U. of M. , was in town last Satnrday for the purpose of organizing a University association here. The object of the association is the study of history and kindred topics, ïnstruction being had from the most eminent writers of today. The associ ation follows a systernatic course of study and it could not fail to be of great benefit to those desiring intellectual improveinent. The assooiations are being established all through the state, one of the most recent in this vicinity being at Chelsea where they have a flourishing club. - Dester .Leader. Wayne's village had a regulation city council junket to Saline one day last week. Wayne had a big fire re■cently and the council went to Saline to inspect that village 's fire department w'ith a view to having one just like it. Dr. and Airs. ft. B. Honey, of Dexfcer, have just settled in one of the Snest new houses built in Dexter in a uumber of seasons. The village has two new residenoes being bnilt on the old Dr. Gray property, which for years was aa nneightly sight - or site - on an otherwise pretty Street. The staiDed glass Windows have besn put in the new Methodist church at Manchester. The church will be opend November 17. "The pen the Lake Shore calis a ■waiting room," is the way in whioh the Manchester Enterprise speaks of its depot. Thieves one night last wsek smashed in the ticket office, but there was no money in the mone drawer. B. C. Boyce has a heavy house full last Saturday. Mr. George Peters, of Scio, weight 202, his wife 193, eider ■daughter 250, younger daughter 194, aon-in-law 200. Total 1039 pounds. - Stockbridge Sun. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. has filed a plat of the change of the roadbed in Hamburg, and is expected to begin proceedings in probate court to condemn the property of John Bergin and Henry K. Beach for a new right of ■way across their lands - Livingston Herald. The ninth grade have edited a paper called the "Cheese Press." Did yon ever hear such a musical name? - School Notes in Chelsea Standard, liever! Jnless it was "eider press, " or "wine press, " or "Free Press," or "' ' eone to press. ' ' Our frieud, Geo. Poncher, of Madison, has the thanku of ye editora for a jug of prime eider, and it came jast in the niok of time, too, as the ono Orin Winelow left with ds a short time ago was all ?one, the jug baving sprung a leak. - Adrián Press. Bet a dollar the jug sprung a leak only 9hen the oditor's mouth was in close proximity to the spring. The Maucbesfcer Euterpriso bas been repairing its office. Livingston county's jail has the largest nuniber of iumates for eeveral inouths - seven. James Allen, tbree miles north of Chelsea, lost bis house by fire one day last week. N. I. Carpenter distributed bis milk in a hurry at Ypsilanti the other day. His horse ran away and there were several "milky ways" in Mr. Cleary's town. Now there is another claimant to the houor of having ferreted out the true faots in the case of Cuyler J. Barton, the Unadilla fire bug. This time it is Willie E. Barton, who, in a communcation to the Livingston Herald, claims if it had not been for his detective work that the fire bug would yet be free and terrorizing the people as of yore. The Rev. Bastian Smitt spoke at Ypsilanti Sunday on "The Shortness of Love. " Must have been a case of Smitts, Smitt, Smitten. The Dundee Reporter calis chicken thieves poultry "raisers. " The paper milis at Ypsilanti are making fiber chamois, not "shammy" fibre - used extensively for the filling oí bloomers and large sleeves. S. Bdward Rogers, onco foreman in the Ypsilanti Commercial office, bas been sentenced to a jail term at Niles for theft. He evidently never outgrew the blot on the escutcheon of his early manhood. No village in the county but what feit the earthquake. The proper thing to cali it is a "seismic disturbance, " so the astute editor of the Tecumseh Herald says. Milan'8 newest baby has been named Pingree. He is a big potato over there. Ha, ha, and, ho, ho! This is the way Mephisto is getting in his work over in Milan according to the Leader : "Theie must be another poker joint in operation.Jthe members there of making nse of village property to gain admitfcance to their den. Last Sunday one of our oitizens who aforetimes has been noted for his poker propensities was observed scaling the village fire ladder to a window in the second story of a certain building. If due permission to use the village fire ladder for this purpose has not been sought and obtained at the hands of the proper officials, it had better be done at once so that misunderstandings may be avoided The South Lyon Exoelsior says that Marshal Dewey was out Hallowe'en night with "his goggles ou and dark lantern. " If there is any one thing becoming to a man in dress it is to have his dark lantern on. There is probably nothing in this wórld that adds so umch to a man 's general appearance as a newly fashioued dark lantern with vest and bat to match. But authorites, however, claim that the dark lantern will never supersede the bloomer in woman's dress, bnt now that the baggy trouser bas gone out of date, let us all haü the advent of the dark lantern. Chelsea has a mystery. A man giving his name as McLawson called at the il. E. churoh Tuesday afternoon of ast weok and asked the privilege of getting warm. Notwithstanding the astor's hope of future recognition h.9 had a warm place right in the parlor and after the man had thawed out he olaimed to hail from Conatantine and said he had been to Jackson to draw some tnoney. Jackson is such a bad plaoe that McLawson proceeded at onoe to lose all consciousness and claim ed he never came to until he found himself near Chelsea Tuesday afternoon. He ïad no money then and was so generaly done up he had no recollection whether he had drawn the money at acksou or not. Kind citizens shipped tie fellow back to Constantino. It seems enough credit was not given Marshal Peterson for the elever way in which he trapped the Webster brothers, who did the dynamiting in Hamburg eoently, so the Argus takes np the cry nd insinnates that Livingston county fiioials lacK "sand" etc. But without donbt Livingston county officials can hold their own as to courage with any of their neighbors, and if they hesitated in taking any action in the Huil matter they undoubtedly had the beet of reasons for so doing - Pinokney Dispatcb. Yes, no doubt of it. Their reasons were so good that they kept them right to themselves, locked 'em np nights so that they might not get away, and kept a chain on them during the day time that no Livingston connty man might know what they were. The fact remain3 that but for Washtenaw's officer Livingston oounty would still be paying horse hire for their sheriff and his deputies to "work 'on the case." The Grass Lake News is sponsor for the following : On Sunday last Lew Ball slipped a cog. Supposing the day was Satudray he hitched up, pot a pumpkin in the bnggy for an aquainfcance, olapped in a hammer, hand saw and a lot of nails, then leaped in himself and whisked off to this village. He came with the intention of repairing one of his buildings, but while arranging to get in his impious work, D. W. Olark and other saints asked him if he wasn't ashamed of himself to work on the Sabbath and scandalize the whole township. It took just 38 minutes to convince Lew that it was Sunday, but finally he got his brain back ot its base and drove home with penitential brine in his opties. He found Mrs. Ball churning and domestic business booming, as he stepped over the threshold and called a halt, and in sepulchral tones informed bis household that they were violatiug the Sabbath of their fathers. Incredulity greeted this announcement, but the neighbors were called in and the fact clinched. Then Lew took down his wellworn bible and instructed those abouthim on the sacred injunctiou, "Remember the Sabbath rtay and keep it holy. ' '


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News