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Last Saturday night abont six o'clock Whit Kane's barn was destroyed by flre, Mr. Kane making the discovery. He had jnst inoved his chair froui the supper tale when he saw the light. He rushed ont followed by his wife and daughter, Mrs. Sanderson. The flarnes were in the peak of tho barn, and rushing down the roof. Mr. Kane weut in after his horses and sncceeded in getting ont a three year colt but could not resoue his team, as he was beaten back by the flames. Tho horses feil, suffooated by the hot air and smoke. Mr. Kane would have perished in.side had it not been for his daughter holding the door open for him. Meanwhile Mrs. Kane liberated two cows from tüe stanchions, got a cow and calf out of a pen. Nothing was saved from the barn except one horse andj'the three year old colt. Small insurance. Report says corn is only ten cents a bushel near Cari ton. ■ The most shocking thing in Augusta Ta that the earthquake shock did not shock but very few people. La:lics' Ad society at Wn Cli io's last Weclnesday was ;u enjoyabl i affair. The Home Missiomry Booiety of Sic iy C-oek mot ou Wediies lay at the ho ue (i Jesse Hewens. TheLadies' Aid Society of Willis will meet next Wednesday, Nov. 13, at th ■ home of Mrs. Cfca Pinney. Mrs. Edwin Bntts has ivtmaied freun h )r thiee months' snjourn at Oil City, Pdnn. Sho reporta rain every week and several tunes twioe a week. Buell Hawker, df Willis.has sold bis store and na -at market toEarnest Bordiue, cif Dundee. Rev. Butchinson, from A nu Arbor, wJl sive au entertainment at the Congregational church in Angas. a, Nov. 11. L;it Friday afternoon was a very patriotic one t the Islaud schooJ hoas in Augusta. It was also the last day of sohool. The teacher. Miss Haight, from near Milau, had endeavored to please the listeuiiiK ear of all present. Patriotio pieces wee rehearsed and songs sung. School Comraissioner Wedemeyer was also present and gave the chiidren praise and good advice. We all listened to his remarks, feeliug muoh pleased. Chas. Greenman seenred a very nice flag staff for tbat most floriona oí all, to as, the U. S. flag. Mr. Wedemeyer "helped, with many others, to hurrah as the dear old flag uufurled to the breeze, its stars and stripes. - red for courage, white, pnrity, bine, sincerity.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News